Oh MY LORD if I ever get stuck in a game with Vytas again I'm voting his ass out first. He has to be the stupidest player I've ever seen in my life. He wants to vote out Ibe instead of Shawn. So what your telling me is this..."Oh hay Marissa I'd like you to vote out the one person that you trust and then take me to the finals." Bro....were you dropped on your head as a child or did your mama just slap you with a bunch of rocks. You know I'm just going to go to Semhar and go to Shawn and say hey let's vote out Vytas the next round you fucking tard. Your giving me the easy argument of "Cochran/Vytas are the only pair left in the game. That's a huge threat, they aren't going to take you to the end." But that's fine give me that argument. I will look foreward to laughing at your stupid ass when you get voted off. I can't with his logic. The Rachel move was just the tip of the iceburg for me and his whole mental breakdown on the pre-merge camp was amazing. Atleast I threw someone under the bus and did something when I was upset instead of "revealing" you had the idol and telling everyone to fuck off. I can't stand this kid. AT ALL! I will vote for whoever is up against him because he's a fucking tool who has the IQ of landfill.
Oh btw I sent him this.
Marissa wrote:I still don't see why we have to get rid of ibe now and not a round later. Your just going to let Shawn slid right to the finals and potentially win this game. I think it's a dumb move because now you are giving people the opprotunity to use Shawn and potentially screw yourself over. He will win the game if he's in the final. I will put money on it. What's stopping Semhar/Cochran/Shawn from getting together and voting us out. Shawn is up for anything. Cochran's a cunning player. Keeping Ibe gives you/Semhar/Cochran a common target to split up me from Ibe Final 5.
Where I pretty much documented from a game stand point it would be easier to stick it to me at Final 5...you know doing all the hard processing for him. You know only to get this.
Vytas wrote:that's a long message lol
....Boy this guys a winner. The social game of a fucking porcupine.
Mind you I gave Semhar this earlier today.
Marissa wrote:I know right. But now we have this new clue and shit. Which is too many letters for a girl to figure it out. I don't even know where to begin with that shit boo. I'm not made for these kinds of things.
Originally I was thinking Shawn because the fact there is a goat present makes me nervous because temptation is WAAAY too high for anyone to get greedy and take him to the end. Although i wouldn't be suprised if he ends up getting votes from those on the jury he's friends with. BUT I do feel like Cochran/Vytas/Ibe have written him off as unusable for so long that he's going to see the desperation through them. When We've established a little more of a connection with him. I know he was telling me about the Rachel vote 12 hours before it happened that you and him were on board and they were trying to get Coby.
Ibe i know is someone your going to want me to eliminate because I know there might be some fear I'll take him over you , and if thats the move you want I can do...but I just don't think it's wise for the time being because he's going to work with us and he's not a number in Cochran/Vytas's pocket. Gurl you are my #1 so I just want to make sure you know that when the time comes and I have to choose I will Choose you 100%.
Cochran/Vytas I feel are the most out threats right now. They are so tight that in this stage when only 6 people are left they are the most dangerous combination in this game. I think both of them are going to be major end game threats to win this game and I don't think either of them will stay true to you. Plus I'll be honest we know Cochran is the king of double dealing, so my trust in him is very low. It's all a trade off on which one is going to be more dangerous.
Vytas is more under the radar where i feel like Cochran has a big spotlight. But I feel like Cochran has a better control over situations and is a little more intuitive to tribe dynamics and might sus us out. Vytas is more likely to win challenges. But Cochran is more likely to have more connections that we don't know about which could potentially fuck us both over. People don't like Vytas either. I hear it all the time.
So if Vytas was my actual #1 and i sent him something like this, he probably would get board after the first two sentences get confused....and probabbly just vote himself off because he doesn't have the mental capability to read JUST a paragraph. This kid honestly pisses me off. Why did I work with him for so long? If he outlasts me I swear to god I'm going to be pissed.