Episode 12

Portuguese Runner-Up | 1-8 Vote

Episode 12

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:50:14 pm

Congratulations on making it to the Final 7! You are one step closer to being crowned Sole Survivor of Stranded in Portugal!

What are your thoughts on how tribal went down?

Who is your target for the next boot?

How do you plan on getting to the endgame from here?
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:23:04 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:Congratulations on making it to the Final 7! You are one step closer to being crowned Soul Survivor of Stranded in Portugal!

What are your thoughts on how tribal went down?

Who is your target for the next boot?

How do you plan on getting to the endgame from here?

icon_lol icon_lol Yeah uh I can't win now. Coby and Caryn already Wont vote for me, and after that i dont have marissa, ibe, OR Rachel. Also, dont think that Becky will vote for me either. Just gonna go down in a blaze of glory, make the f3 me shawn and vytas so a guy deifnitely wins this season?

Marissa is the next boot target. She exploded and i think I have the majority of the tribe on my side so. Plus vytas is scared she'll attack the both of us so. But I did get to smooth thing over with Marissa. I dont think her jury vote is lost on me just yet icon_shifty

I'm gonna start calling the shots with Vytas. Marissa mentioned that I'm running things in the game. I mean, I'm definitely not, But the jury doesnt necessarily know that icon_laughing Make it all the way till the end with vytas and shawn, and then Try and take all the credit. If it doesnt work, well atleast I did something icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:26:34 pm

Who would you have the best chance against? There is always a way. Besides, there is so much game left.

Don't make me tag that other thread as too ambitious too. icon_uhoh

What makes you think you don't have those three? Just cos you voted one of them out? Did you do that alone?? You couldn't very well win if they stayed in.
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:39:21 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Who would you have the best chance against? There is always a way. Besides, there is so much game left.

Don't make me tag that other thread as too ambitious too. icon_uhoh

What makes you think you don't have those three? Just cos you voted one of them out? Did you do that alone?? You couldn't very well win if they stayed in.

I typed the first paragraph right after tribal, and finished it after a few PM's. The plan, again is to go to the end with vytas and Shawn, hopefully everyone will think I've been running the show and respect that.

Also, I smoothed things over with Marissa, and Ibe seems to be pretty chill himself. Idk if I neccisarily have there votes, but I dont not have them icon_biggrin I dont have rachels vote cuz we never talked though.

I'm definitely not giving up icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:32:00 pm

I see in your PMs you have some thoughts on booting Marissa with Vytas plus a few more. And then other thoughts of booting Coby with Marissa plus a few more. Does that cover the options for this round so far?

Which way are you actually leaning there? (It is so hard to tell from PMs what is truth and what is not)

Talk me through the pros and cons of each of those two plus any other boots you're considering for this round.
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:56:11 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:I see in your PMs you have some thoughts on booting Marissa with Vytas plus a few more. And then other thoughts of booting Coby with Marissa plus a few more. Does that cover the options for this round so far?

Which way are you actually leaning there? (It is so hard to tell from PMs what is truth and what is not)

Talk me through the pros and cons of each of those two plus any other boots you're considering for this round.

Was just about to post about that icon_biggrin I dont know where the votes gonna go. Honestly, I think Coby can be dealt with at a later time, Once marissa gets momentum again she will be a problem. And yeah, I think any other target will not be told to me if there is one.

Besides Coby targeting Vytas, but I dont think people will jump on to that really.

I'm leaning towards booting Marissa. Best case scenario, Coby wins immunity and i tell marissa "sorry theres no way we can get the votes on anyone else" and she goes home not mad at me, anymore than she already is.

If we boot Coby, sure there goes a threat but as far as I know he wants to work with me so icon_laughing It wont be too advantageous to me. After this vote he will be targeted by me and vytas until he goes home, and It looks like as long as we have sem on our side he will get the boot.

If we boot marissa, she wont be able to target us anymore, and she is a threat no madder how hard she tries to deny it. The only con is that she will be sad, and that Coby will be around for another round, but thats not a big deal to be honest.

However, if people want to boot Coby, I will go with the flow, it's whatever really. I'm gonna take this next round to lay back because the target on my back is big, even though I want to remain in control in peoples eyes if I can.

Also, I'm really happy me and Marissa had the huge fucking Fall out yesterday at Tribal. It got everything out in the open which means I openly have a reason to not trust her. Also, We got to smooth over (for the most part) the idea of me backstabbing her, so she wont get to sit on it with all of those people on Ponderosa who, besides ralph, arent my biggest fans icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:24:11 pm

So maybe making a bunch of final two deals with everyone wasn't my best idea icon_lol

Vytas and I have been on the same page for pretty much everything besides the Ralph vote, and I've been called out pretty much twice as many times as he has. I think it's because some people think he's less personable, which makes a blindside hurt a lot less from him then it does from me. He may be getting blood on his hands, but Marissa, Becky, and Kim (not tha kim madders jury wise) all have been more offended by me lying to there faces than Vytas.

Doesn't really affect much, just an observation.
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:51:44 pm

Updates for a drunk host pls! So still Marissa then? (barring immuity)
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:59:46 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Updates for a drunk host pls! So still Marissa then? (barring immuity)

Not anymore, More people want Coby to go, and like I said I'm not gonna push much this week. If Coby wins then Marissa goes home. Which is fine with me.

Atleast I think icon_biggrin This is the last vote Im really worried about. Ibe said he wanted to work with me, I think I have sem no problem, and people are scared of Vytas still so.

Honestly, the only way this vote could NOT go my way is if Coby thought we were voting for him. Which could totally be the Case if Marissa is playing us, we'll see how it goes icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:17:47 pm

Told Vytas about Coby asking if I would be cool with blindsiding him. icon_laughing

Hopefully it'll drive Vytas a little nuts?? Make him play his Idol?? Not that i'm trying to vote him out anymore, but I mean i have a whole weekend to change my mind if I do make it past this vote icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:48:54 pm

Gave up this challenge at Q4 icon_biggrin No need to piss anyone off besides Coby.

Hopefully Vytas will take it
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Re: Episode 12

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:34:01 pm

Marissa Works too icon_biggrin

Good fucking riddance Coby icon_mml
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