Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:36:42 pm

There is only one Sophie goddess out there, and I'm back and ready to spill all of the beans on the cast of this very exciting season. I think that nobody here really shines to me as a "first boot" or anything like that, but at the same time it's going to be very hard to predict a winner since there are so many vets in this group to ORGs.


It's going to be hot and it's going to be a season filled with blindsides and players being robbed (like I was in Namibia). Let the games and "good times" roll!
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:54:27 pm

Alright I'll do the prediction on pre-merge, early merge, late merge, and Final 3 as well.

Pre-Merge[b]-Ralph, Semhar, Caryn, Peter, Ibe, Hayden, Shawn, John

Early-Jurors-Cochran, Becky, Brad, Rachel, Coby

Late-Jurors-Katie, Ryan, Peter

Final 3-Vytas, Marissa, Laura B
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:38:46 pm



Loving this guy just like everyone else seemed to last season as well. He's fresh, he's smart, and he's very perceptive (at times, too much so). He's got his head on straight and IS playing to win. I'm looking forward to seeing what he has, because I definitely think he could easily slip in to the jury and even farther!
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:01:00 pm

Sophie P Clarke wrote:


Loving this guy just like everyone else seemed to last season as well. He's fresh, he's smart, and he's very perceptive (at times, too much so). He's got his head on straight and IS playing to win. I'm looking forward to seeing what he has, because I definitely think he could easily slip in to the jury and even farther!

I'm seeing a much stronger player in Cochran than we did last season. He's got game, that's for sure. He's more confident.

I think we even said last season that we had hoped he would gain some confidence as he went along, unfortunately he got cut short. I think probably playing in a game or two inbetween this season and the last did him great justice and I think he will shine. I almost want to say he was training for this and now I'm hoping he's the player we all know he could be. He just needed some confidence :)
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:15:54 pm



Semhar is back and she is more of a diva then ever icon_wub Within three minutes of being on the board she already hurls her first jab at me for POSSIBLY voting her out last season, and coincidentally within three minutes all eyes are on her to deliver. She will I think go far in this game as long as she keeps her activity up! If she doesn't she could end up going too soon before her time, and I definitely don't want that to happen. Socially she could be a threat if she expanded and opened up to a few more people, and strategically I think if she hides in the shadows a bit she'll be a grand force in here. Her allying with the other current trending man would be hot as hell!
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:32:44 am

Bracari Tribe:-After reading some of their PMs that I missed last night this morning, I feel as if this tribe is going to struggle and lose two members before the Final 18 swap. I just don't see a victory happening in their future anytime soon. There are definitely some social threats emerging in the game, but also a good amount of players that have "pre-merge" written completely on their forehead. The losers on that tribe in my opinion are Brad, Hayden, and John so far. Brad is just very bland in messages, and I don't think many people are taking to him THAT well. Obviously people are accepting any form of alliance with him, but the same thing is happening with Hayden and John as well. John I think is slightly above those people for sure, but as Vytas mentioned he just isn't that interesting of a guy and surprisingly is playing exactly like Dr. John himself.

Limici Tribe:-This tribe <3 I may be biased for this tribe simply because of the fact that I am monitoring them much more closely, but I honestly believe all of these people coming back have something interesting about them and have a GOOD chance of going far. You have these social threats over there such as Becky and Ibrehem who knows exactly how to communicate with players, and then you also have people coming back after many seasons and many YEARS such as Ryan S and Coby. And then there are the Namibian vets that are coming back in to the mix of things who you KNOW are going to be back for blood, and the one I am impressed with most is actually Semhar as I mentioned before. She's already playing better than she did in Namibia, and I think if she just stays active and stays on top of these people she will have a huge chance of going far.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:00:21 pm



Caryn is trending because well....she came in here like a wrecking ball and will remain a wrecking ball I presume, but I think she may be one of the most intelligent players in that tribe besides Becky. She has this schtick that she is clearly using and doing so obviously, but yet it's WORKING is the shocking part. She's extremely capable of laying low, but she won't and I think that is actually good for her. She isn't someone who CAN lay low or be subtle, and so at this point I feel like whatever strategy she is using is working. And her amazing Pms have laready made it in to the "juicy PMs" thread like three different times, so there's that too. She'll make it to jury. TRUST.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:21:39 pm

Sophie I think you might be a little off on that assessment. Caryn is amazeballs, but you are at least a little bit off. Caryn is Caryn. That's about all you can assess on her. icon_laughing
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:22:02 pm

Mia Galeotalanza wrote:Sophie I think you might be a little off on that assessment. Caryn is amazeballs, but you are at least a little bit off. Caryn is Caryn. That's about all you can assess on her. icon_laughing

No Caryn will make it to jury. She's trending, duh. She has to now. It's basically written in stone that she is going to do well in this season. But if she doesn't, than it isn't a big deal since she isn't my winner pick! icon_wub
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:21:14 pm

Alright so I'm just going to talk about the two best and two worst initial players so far of the game on each tribe. There are a lot of people here that are really starting to develop already, and it's crazy to see the arcs that could possibly form from this season solely based on these first three days. Tomorrow is the challenge, and we'll find out what team is going to end up going to tribal council and if I am right about any of these rankings. But I believe after reading the PMs that someone from the ~worst~ section will be going home on Monday. I'm loving this cast though already and think based on EVERYONE being active so quickly, things are bound to be good. Predictability will definitely happen I'm sure, but good stories and good relationships and risks are what makes Stranded what it is more so than just blindsides.


Rachel-Good-Alright, so I think that Rachel has COMPLETELY turned herself around after the first day fiasco where she tried way too hard to pull a schtick on people and be impressed with her. I'm reading through PMs and confessionals of everyone, and I feel as if she's going to be in a very good place to get to the Final 18 and beyond. She's not abrasive or static, and isn't someone that people would write off right away as someone they can not work with. Her style of gameplay hasn't been shown that much due to a lack of confessional update, but it'd be interesting to see what she brings to the table strategically if the time presents itself. Okay well she may be a little abbrasive and polarizing, but I think it's overshadowed by other players like Vytas who are doing the same thing but more heavy. She'll be fine for a while if she just stays active and doesn't start overplaying, and I think she could be a clear contender to make the merge.

Katie - Good-"Ignorant Katie" is no longer! I feel like she's finally started to impress me, and clearly "finally" isn't a good term since we've only been spectating her for around three solid days. Her being Vytas' number one right now is something that's going to help her more than she could ever know, since Vytas is definitely in the best place over at that tribe and her being close with him in turn makes HER the best on the tribe. If the alliance of them ever crumbles, Vytas would go down before Katie ever would since he is much more douchey and polarizing of a player. I'm going to go ahead and say that Katie is going to make the merge and is going to do splendid in this game, and will even say that she's a lock to get there as of right now. As long as she doesn't get too weird, I think we may be looking at a possible Final 2 right here. She's got the skills to get there, she just needs to make sure she doesn't slip back in to being a goat like she almost was.

Brad - Bad-To put things in to perspective on the amount of communication players are doing outside of PMs, Brad has 3 posts within three days of being in this game. I don't feel he really had it in him to do well here in the first place, but seeing him now just makes me feel upset that he was cast. i don't mean that in a rude way, but I see him as someone that is just going to be the inevitable first boot or pre-merge boot of the game. I did manage to read his one confessional post of the game (boy tedious that was) and I get the feeling that he is sort of naive in how he thinks he can play this game. He wants to be number 2 in an alliance yet still be calling the shot. Isn't that what EVERYONE wants to do really? In my opinion he's nothing more than fodder right now. I'd be pleased to see him prove me wrong, but I don't think it's happening at all right now.

Laura - Bad- icon_cry I don't know, you started out with such a grand pre-game assesment by all the hosts. You were glowing in our eyes and after coming in from a previous win, I thought you would kill it here. But something seems to be off with you, and I don't think that you can truly win this even if it has been three days. You've made too many remarks that nobody is taking nicely too at all, and you've also been making far too many comments about Caleb not being here. I don't know if you know this, but he did die and that isn't something that people want jokes about even if they never met him! You seem to be doing ~alright~ socially, but I put those tildes next to it since it hasn't helped you to get in peoples' good graces since you appear to be at the bottom of most rankings. This is a quote from Ciera that I feel describes you as a player in this pretty well
8. Laura: I hate people who play up their characters beyond a point and you've reached that point.
I don't want you to bitch at me after this game for hating on you, because I do think you can change your viewpoint from other people around completely but it will take a LOT of work.


Ibrehem - Good-Whenever someone starts off by saying that they are confident they can win, I get a good feeling about them. Many times players will undersell their ability to win so that if they do go out they end up looking less pathetic (I think everyone including myself has done this) but Ibe being cautiously confident is a good thing in my eyes. He's a player that doesn't need constant attention or a constant spotlight on him, and I think that's going to end up giving him an advantage in the game. If he uses his relationship with Becky correctly like he is doing right now, he will end up getting to the merge easily and could end up already swinging a majority. He's already in a six person alliance that as of right now is in tact, and that should carry him through the first boots. I've put Ibe on here because although he isn't the greatest strategist as of right now, that actually may end up helping him become one of the biggest UTR threats to win of the game.

Cochran - Good-Right now I think that Cochran is going to end up being a finalist. That's a bold statement clearly, but right now he's playing a flawless game in my opinion that can't backfire any time soon unless something wonky comes in to play. He's got his connections with Semhar and Ralph very much in tact. Sem may not like Ralph and Ralph could want Sem gone, but neither of those conflict with this guy. He's going to end up being someone that rides this game but doesn't float in it either. He's playing similar to how he did in Namibia right now, but he definitely is setting himself up with more connections that will help him from getting targeted so quickly like he did last season. The thing that is going to end up getting Cochran out is going to be his casualness about the game. I don't mean that he isn't excited, since clearly he is, but I do mean that I think him being an "easy boot" could be a possibility even in the merge stage of the game! He's doing great right now though, and my eyes are definitely on him to go far.

SkinRy - Bad - This guy feels like an early boot to me, and it's upsetting since I don't want him to be! I always had a crush on him when he was on Pearl Islands, and he's being so cute with his whole "wanting redemption" thing here that I can't help but root for him! Unfortunately, he isn't great with communication at all and people are noticing already. There are a very big group of possible "all-stars" on this tribe, and I don't think he's realizing that he could be out just as quick and that playing with former vets doesn't give him any lee way in the slightest. Him ranking Ralph as number one proves that him AND his allies are outside of a main alliance that is already being formed, and I just don't see how he can make it very far unless his teams do god-like in challenges.

Peter - Bad - I don't like Peter that much unfortunately right now icon_cry I couldn't stand him on Marquesas and it's not that I hate him here, it's just that I don't feel the desire to ROOT for him at all in here nor do I want him to get far compared to some of my other favorite players. Peter is not liked by Becky or Caryn, and I think in the end that may be his downfall if he goes out before the merge. I like how he is coming back with a lot of drive and a lot of ambition to do well in this game, but I don't feel like it's going to help him unfortunately. On day 1 in his confessional he laid out a solid plan for how he wants to run this game, but I don't feel like it will pan out for him.
Peter is horrible, as I've said
and I think his ranking may end up being horrible in this game as well. What he needs to do is start socializing and right his wrongs that he made on day one (when he got offended at the comments of him in his previous season). He has a chance to get to Final 18 for sure, but awareness and socialization needs to get in to his noggin' a bit more.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:48:17 am

Alright so after Bracari won nothing but a date at tribal council, I get the feeling that Brad or Ciera are definitely going to go home. Obviously that's the right call to make though, since those two are the biggest dud-muffins out of all the dud-muffins on that tribe (which there happens to be quite a bit of). The one thing I'm noticing on Bracari is how "drunk" Vytas is sort of just a stupid schtick used by him to make himself look much more relaxed and make him seem like he doesn't care about anyone or anything. It's honestly slightly embarrassing for him, but I guess we'll just have to see if he'll eventually snap out of it so that he doesn't look so pathetic using it all the time. That being said, he is working that tribe clearly and has many people tucked under his wing such as Katie and Rachel.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:09:27 pm

Becky wrote:

Hey Sophie! Obviously, winning is super amazing and I L O V E being on the team that just wins everything, even though tonight was definitely a close call and thankfully I am good with calculations and had the know-how to submit a minute earlier. Actually, I only submitted early because I knew my clock was off from the board one so I thought I was a minute behind, but it worked out anyway. Obviously, there are drawbacks to winning constantly. One, it makes your team look like a threat so in the event of a swap or merge, people may be more inclined to gun for you because they consider you super threatening. The other drawback is that you start getting more antsy with wanting to vote people off and some decisions you might have made earlier you might now second-guess. So winning definitely has it's cons, but at the same time, nothing is more safe than immunity so I'm glad to have it. This tribe is very ambiguous to me in terms of dynamics so it's just better we win. Of course I was talking to people about voting earlier, and Ralph/Shawn told me they'd be down to vote for Ryan, whereas Ryan and Coby were sort of pushing Shawn. But then Ralph told me Coby told him he was down to vote Ryan? So I mean, I don't know what would have happened.

Image Image Image

I had a great talk with Katie post-tribal and she thought she would have went home and she was even throwing Shawn under the bus a little saying that Shawn has allies on the former Bracari and he can't wait to go back to them whereas she doesn't have those allies so she's less threatening. And that's interesting and definitely something to think about. Last time I talked to Laura, she told me she really loved Katie although she did not form an official alliance with her and she said she was growing closer to Shawn, so I don't have the picture perfect idea of where those two lie in terms of Bracari as a whole and who was more liked. Both are awesome social players IMO. The one thing Shawn has going against him is that he has Ralph here and those two are partners and therefore it's two votes, which is threatening. So again, if the votes are there to take out Shawn, it might be worth doing even if I like him a lot. If he wants to be friends, we can always do that post-game. But I'm here to win.

Image Image Image

Here is my updated list:

Becky & Ciera
Caryn & Vytas
Coby & Hayden
Ralph & Shawn
Cochran & Katie
Semhar & Brad
Ryan & John
Peter & Laura
Kim & Rachel
Ibrehem & Marissa

Becky & Laura
Ibe & Rachel
Kim P & Ciera
Semhar & Hayden ?
Peter & Brad ?

Hayden and Semhar apparently voted together tonight against Rachel, so I'm going to assume they are "friends," although that's not 100% confirmed and it could have been just funky dynamics at play. I'll need to further investigate. It would help if I could take to Ibrehem too because I know we'd be able to figure this out. He is the only person I trust 100% in this game and it sucks I don't have access to him right now, only through Laura.

Becky just became my favorite again! I love the fact that she is starting to realize the partnerships and friendships that are taking place. Her and Ibrehem might be my favorite alliance that I have ever seen this seasons since they both are so genuinely perceptive and also a good dose of "normal" for the bunch of crazies that are around here.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:15:34 pm

Time to rank everyone! The people in the pink column are my ultimate faves obviously, and the greens are the people that I like a lot. Orange are the people that I am not crazy about YEt but have potential, and purple are the people I simply don't like thus far.



Skinny Ryan

Laura B
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:19:42 pm


1. Becky
2. Katie
3. Ibrehem
4. Rachel

5. Semhar
6. Ralph
7. Caryn
8. Cochran

9. Vytas
10. Coby
11. Marissa
12. Skinny Ryan

13. Laura B
14. Peter
15. Shawn
16. John
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:27:41 pm

Limici's Uggo Score: 7.6

Bracari's Uggo Score: 11.6

Tapoli's Uggo Score: 6.6

Tapoli is the best tribe. The evidence proves it.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:35:21 pm

Ralph thinking he has a connection to Marissa even though he's never even been on the same tribe as her <3
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Tue Jul 08, 2014 5:12:09 pm

Why are you the way that you are?

This is directed at Laura just so we're perfectly clear. I don't know what is going on but I'm so upset with you and just mad at how you are playing. I know you just won a game in Crashcourse and it's a big deal, but I thought coming in to this you would have a lot more drive than you are showing. You aren't doing anything at all, and I feel like right now you are just trying to float to the final three and miraculously get enough votes to win? I don't know what the hell is going on in your head, but I just want you to come back to life and sort of get back to being the ~Cassandra~ that we know and want to root for. You have so much more energy and life in you in games than you do right now, and right now I'm disgusted that you are still around here over some of the other legends that were booted early like Kim and Hayden.

So I ask you for this game right now one more time:
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:18:57 am

What remains?

Decided to update this with the remaining partners and friends left in the game. First column are the players themselves, second column is their friend, third column is their partner.

Ralph - John - Shawn
Katie - Coby - Cochran
Becky - Laura - Peter
Shawn - Caryn - Ralph
Coby - Katie - Hayden
Cochran - Vytas - Katie
Vytas - Cochran - Caryn
Marissa - SkRyan - Ibrehem
John - Ralph - SkRyan
Semhar - Hayden - Brad
Caryn - Shawn - Vytas
Rachel - Ibrehem - Kim P
Laura - Becky - Peter
Ibrehem - Rachel - Marissa
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:36:42 am

Semhar... so alone.
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Re: Sophierce's Hot Bitch-Ass Blog

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:55:18 pm

Near Mid-Season Ranking

Decided to do a quick ranking of just the people left in the game based on four different sections. This ranking is based on who I WANT to win the game, and not at all based on who I think has the greatest chance of winning the game because the ranking would obvi be much different than it is right now.

1. Katie
2. Becky
3. Semhar
4. Ibrehem
5. Marissa
6. Rachel
7. Vytas
8. Ralph
9. Coby
10. Caryn
11. Cochran
12. Shawn
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