by Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:11:01 pm
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:everryone send me your skype
by Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:11:29 pm
by Coby » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:11:33 pm
Mia Galeotalanza wrote:everryone send me your skype
by Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:12:17 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:Fuck the haters, Cochran. You were THE star of the season and if it were up to me, you would be the winner. You controlled pre-swap Limici by being on both sides of alliances and no one noticing until the dreaded immunity challenge called you out to everyone. On top of that you ahd the cross tribal alliances with Vytas and Katie and were really running the show. The swap happened and you met up with Vytas and again you were calling shots on who left on new Bracari. It was incredible. You were out-Vytasing Vytas. The merge happened and you kind of lost it a bit in paranoia. Your confidence went down and even still you and Vytas both managed to make the final 4 together. That is fucking incredible when you two were such an obvious pair. I really felt like the season is best viewed through your eyes and since you went to Tribal Council the most, along with Vytas and Marissa, it's what we had to focus on. Your duking it out with Marissa at final 6 was nothing short of epic. You might have been paranoid, you might have made some terrible moves, but at the end of the day you were making moves and you shaped the entire game. That is nothing to be ashamed of and you should learn from this and gain some confidence because you had all the pieces. Star of Portugal <333333
Mia wrote:You were a lot like Vytas, super involved in everything, not afraid to make moves, but you just didn't inspire the confidence people needed to have in you. You were pretty epic, but you made a lot of huge blunders (failing to vote in the Peter elimination, even though you WANTED to vote Vytas, and then causing the tie, that was pretty damn epic but just super embarrassing on your part!). However, I won't deny that you left a huge mark on this season. Nobody can take that away from you- you were a great character and helped craft a great story, and that, above anything else, is something I can really appreciate!
Ashley wrote:Do you even know how much of a presence you were here? People can badmouth you all they want but when it comes down to, you were involved in the vast majority of the moves in this game in some way or another, both significant and secondary. This game would not be the same without you in it - not nearly the same. You were so great pre-merge, at least to begin with and all of the hosts were talking about how great it was to see you coming into this with a passion to prove yourself. Any of them *cough Frank* try and deny that and they are 100% full. of. shit.
Sophie wrote:You were great pre-merge, and you represented Namibia well in this entire game :) Being the last Namib standing and also making it to the final 2 are no small feats at all. You had a very good strategic mind, so I thought, but then once you hit the merge you got.....weird. I don't really know what happened, but you just sort of faded in to loser-ville and ended up hitching your wagon to a HORRIBLE thing to hitch to. Seeing you in the first half of a game was stunning, but you need to work on your end game strategy because you are sitting next to someone who played one of the cleanest games ever that made SENSE. I liked it when you played dirty but also played to win, and it seems like you messed up on the latter part of that sentence towards the end of your game :(
Frank wrote:You're still a beginner, you haven't gotten the hang of this game just yet, which is why I won't be TOO harsh on you. were awful, I'm sorry. In the drama department and general activity you were at the top, but that's not necessarily a good thing, because you were there for all the wrong reasons. You were a mess from start to finish. Pre-merge you were all talk, you had like 10 plans a day in your confessional and your PMs showed none of them, you were non-committal as fuck and it culminated in that disgusting "I voted in the wrong thread" incident.Good thing you chickened out though because it was the wrong decision. Why were you so obsessed with Vytas that you thought he is god all game? Seriously? You wanted to blindside him about 36 times. It was just bad gameplay all around man...and it caught up to you since everyone basically realized you were a rat and just gave everyone fake non-committal PMs and that's no way to win as you saw last night. Just weak, I do hope you go back, read everything, realize what mess you were, and learn from it, cause you're likely coming back since Jeff has a boner for people that bring the drama. I want to see a calm and collected Cochran in all-stars, this was South Pacific Cochran, that can be Caramoan for you. Make it happen.
Teresa wrote:You were a fun mess. Sucks to be a runner-up, huh? Tell me about it. idk what else to say about you. You were a nutcase.
Steph wrote:Cochran! :D I really love your passion for these games. Before this you'd not had good success and I told you to keep trying and look what happened! Second place is amaze and you should be really proud. Of course you have your flaws and I think you're all too aware of the mistakes you made in this game. I never understood your distrust or w/e with Vytas cause he was undyingly loyal to you, not to mention going up against him was your best chance to win. Gah I still remembering orchestrating your blindside at the merge last season and feeling so guilty cause you were so sweet and innocent. You kind of were a rat in this and a polarising figure amongst the hosting team but I'm firmly Team Cochran all the way. :D
Brenda wrote:Ugggggggggh, I'm so sorry for that absolute mauling you got last night. All offense to the Jury, but that was the most one-sided view of a game I've seen in a long while. Don't get me wrong, I would still have given the edge to Ibe for game played, but your game was worth a smaller losing margin than that and a bit of respect for actually making moves and controlling as much of things as you could the way you thought was for the best. 6-3 or 5-4 would have been a much fairer result but it's hard to keep your chin up and explain yourself to a Jury that has long made it's mind up and is just trying to one-up each other. You own so much more credit than Ibe for the shape of both pre- and post-merge, but you backstab that many people that easily, it's gonna come back to haunt you. Maybe for next time try not to have an F2 with every single player and then you won't have to break all bar one. And yes, a little dick-sucking at FTC doesn't hurt![]()
But, enough of that. You in the game - as Probst said back in that round - were a beautiful mess. A carcrash in slow motion that was hard to look away fromAnd that is just pre-merge. I see everyone talking about the misvote but no-one has forgotten PMing the rest of the tribe and all the bots John's PM about booting Vytas
But no-one was more committed to this game than you, turns out 110% is possible. You put in donkey hours PMing as many people as you can and making sure you had the full picture of the dynamic from as many people as possible. You kinda didn't know what to do with that information once you had it but that will come with a little more experience so dw about it. Just make sure you do learn from this. Because getting to the end is not always enough. It usually feels worse to lose as a finalist than to be a late Juror because at least you can claim threat status. This was only your fourth(?) game. Took me like 10 to actually get to an FTC.
And no matter what the Jury say taking out Vytas at that point was not as bad a move as they say. Vytas to Jury is a vote for you first and foremost (and coulda been a better wingman lesbehonest) If it was an F3 Shawn and Ibe would split votes and you wouldn't have to share Vytas' credit. How were you to know no-one would give either of you credit?And if it was an F2 you were guaranteeing yourself an FTC spot where Ibe or Shawn would both cut the other. Had you gone with Vytas it woulda been 50/50 depending who won final immunity. Since you suck at challenges, that was imo good strategical set-up considering your insider view of Vytas as a power player. It's just a pity you couldn't explain/the Jury wouldn't listen to it :/
Live and learn, chin up and onto the next game.
by Teresa » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:12:44 pm
by Marissa » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:14:11 pm
by Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:14:33 pm
by Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:17 pm
Brenda Lowe wrote:I for one am excited to see who Ibrehem is.
by Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:26 pm
Caryn wrote:My Skype name is:
by Caryn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:30 pm
by Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:32 pm
Rachel wrote:Brenda Lowe wrote:I for one am excited to see who Ibrehem is.
I already know
by Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:36 pm
by Katie » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:15:44 pm
by Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:16:06 pm
Marissa wrote:Thanks for the love Hosts. I appreciate that you had a good time with me. I feel everything you are saying Brenda. It's funny as you see my ghettoness as a Schick but it's more just an extension of who I am. Maybe a little more overdrawn then usual but that's just who I am. And ya I took more credit then I should have on the decisions. I was a little delusional on that aspect lol.
by Vytas » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:16:08 pm
Kim P wrote:Kim P wrote:Vytas
The worst part about your hunt for the idol I never had, was that I actually WANTED to work with you
by Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:16:11 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:Admittedly, I was not a huge fan of yours and it wasn't even your fault. I think all of the circle-jerking the jury did against Cochran and towards you really soured my opinion of you. I think you had a lot of friendships coming into this and you played those advantages very well to get where you were. It was just annoying seeing you walk all over Caryn and then just say "lol, i'll talk to you after the game" and then see her STILL give you her vote. That was gross. She was so fucking loyal to you, a lot of people were, and you just tossed them aside. While that is compelling to watch, it didn't have a real payoff and you weren't very forward or open about it so we didn't get a sense of your personality here. It was also annoying listening to people call Cochran out for things that you were doing as well. Like not ever committing to an alliance or throwing a name out there whenever someone asked you. You avoided that shit like the plague and were WAY worse about it than Cochran. That being said, I do think you played an excellent game and were a worthy winner. I'm happy that you returned and did so well here because i know you love Stranded. Congratulations on a game well played.
Mia wrote:I'm writing this assuming you're winning this shit. If you don't, I'm embarrassed but I'm still going to write something nice regardless! First of all, while the Namibian hosts were constantly bragging about how well the Namibians were doing in this, I just sat quietly back and smiled as you and Caryn, the Costa Ricans, representing a ~far superior~ season, kept owning and doing well. Early on, you connected with the right people and put yourself in a winning position that was never really threatened until you went into that tiebreaker. Poody will say that you were boring and unexciting, but that's because he looks for different things in players. I try to appreciate ~all~ qualities, and much like Steph goddess last season, you just worked the right combination of threat level perception management, social game, and challenge prowess. You played well and you deserve this win, and I'm so proud of you for it! Also it was good to see that you aren't just slow when you host games, but that you're also slow in making ~crucial game decisions~ like who to send home in a tiebreaker or the F3 tribal council lol. <3
Ashley wrote:~and nothing for Ibe bye~
Sophie wrote:YOU DESERVE THIS! Seriously, you played an excellent game Ibe and I am so happy that you won. There are a lot of debates about this Final 2 going on between the hosts, but for me there is no contest. Your game was clean and precise, and you only backstabbed people to get you further and not just for the sake of backstabbing people. I loved all of the close bonds you formed that not only helped you get further, but that you also liked as well. You 100% deserve this win, and I think you played a phenomenal game from start to finish. I'll talk to you more after, but congratulations so much and kudos to you for breaking the female domination streak!
Frank wrote:Good job. You eliminated the right people at the right time and just had a clinical, clean game. You did well in challenges, which earns a lot of respect with me, and you never lost your mind or were undecided, which again, earns a hell of a lot of respect with me. Not a very exciting winner, but a deserving one, since you managed to get to the end with the correct person.
Teresa wrote:Gj. I am happy a black person won Stranded because Poody now will rig for it to never happen again so Marissa and Semhar stand no chance next time <3
Steph wrote:Yay Ibe! Congrats on this well earned win. I think it's your first? Breaking the female winning streak is fab too. Eleven in a row. :O I didn't know whether I wanted that to continue or if I wanted to be the last female winner before it ended, but it is what it is. You weren't the most exciting player and were kind of UTR but that's kinda like me last season so there ain't nothing wrong with that. :D Welcome to the Winners Club! <3
Brenda wrote:Don't get me wrong Ibe, despite all my comments in the other write-ups you did play a decent game. Not an amazing one, but good enough that I would have voted for you over Cochran at the end. I just don't like how much credit you are getting when there was to me some gaping holes in your game. There is a confessional where you outlined Rachel & Marissa as a dangerous pair and you as a separate entity and I was just sitting here wondering if you were trolling me or not. Every single other player in the game was at that point wondering how to break up Ibe's trioNow add to that me not having a relationship with you or Cochran like the Jurors did and it becomes very easy to see why you won in a landslide here. Have you been immune for a full half of the merge rounds or something like that?? You caught a lot of lucky breaks along the way though, but hey, that's a part of the game. Good on you for capitalising on any break that came your way whether it be the partnerships or the idols or the shuffle or the removal or the errors of opponents.
And really, what do I know, you just won! And your first time too? Congrats!