Jury Speech

17th Voted Out | 1-0 Vote | 3rd Place | 9th Juror

Jury Speech

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:12:11 pm

I'm pretty sure everyone's going to leave a bitter speech, but I probably won't. Mainly because it's really hard for me to stay bitter under most circumstances. Besides, there needs to be some light in this game.

On a personal level, both of you guys are even in terms of relations during our time at the merge due to the fact you were on separate tribes from me and hard to get some deep relations such as Ralph, Becky,Coby, and even Caryn. But let's get to my personal thoughts on you two.

Cochran: At our first few conversations, you didn't seem bad at first especially since I've been hearing from Caryn during the swapped format that you and Vytas stirred a lot of shit going on on your tribe. There has been plenty of times when I felt I couldn't trust you even though you were being honest to me especially as my allies ended up leaving one by one. Heck, you even told me that Marissa was gunning for me when you could have easily not done that. It could be that everyone pretty much underestimated me for most of the game and I'm assuming you were on that wagon too. Overall, you were very complicated in terms of relation, I couldn't trust you, but at the same time you were mostly honest to me. Also your choice at the F4 Tribal Council was questionable since Vytas was prety much hated by everyone and yet you actually had the balls to screw him over. And no I didn't have time to read yours or Ibe's PM to understand the situation, but still thinking back right now, I would have still voted for Ibe over Vytas and the FIC showed why.

Ibreham: Again, same with Cochran, but you were more chilled out than him and at some points we joked a lot through our PMs. But we had a falling out as we didn't talk to each other a lot and for some reason we ended up being on opposite sides on the majority of the votes. You vote for one person, I vote for a completely different person. Despite those drawbacks, you were enjoyable to talk to in this game. Plus our little rivalry in challenges was pretty fun.

My question is pretty simple. You basically backstabbed the majority of the Jurors here and I'm sure many of them are pissed off at you. But I know you guys aren't heartless, but which vote did you think was the most heart-breaking to you personally when you slipped in that dreadful vote to eliminate them?
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