Episode 03

3rd Voted Out | 3-2-1 Vote | 18th Place

Episode 03

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:15:28 pm

Welcome to Bracari!

Tell me what you think of being swapped! How has your position changed, having been moved in with this new group? Were there any surprises with the school-yard pick tonight?

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Ashley Underwood
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Kim P » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:21:26 pm

Thanks, Ashley! I'm actually pretty happy to be here! I ended up on a tribe with my biggest ally Cochran, whose friend just happens to be Vytas who I clicked with right away! Crazy Peter is also here and makes an easy first-boot. My position is definitely not as solid as on Limici, but I don't think anyone's is. Everyone on Limici just got shuffled with the newbies on tribes of six! Tribes of six kinda suck, only because they are so small. I'm really looking forward to working with Vytas and Cochran, and maybe John? It's like my own little harem!
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Kim P
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:32:01 pm

Kim's Kiddies?

Kim P's Playthings?


Why is Peter you choice for first boot?
Do you think you will be able to overcome this apparent ~Bracari Curse~ and avoid joining the ranks of the other all-loss tribes?
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Ashley Underwood
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Kim P » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:38:07 pm

Peter is barely ever here, and when he is, he is a paranoid mess. Sorry bout it. And I personally consider this an entire new tribe. This is NuBracari. Yes we did lose again, but I am pretty sure we can win in the future. We were in the lead and would've won if it wasn't for John's double post.
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Kim P
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Kim P » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:44:24 pm

Posting this so I can remember it.
Safety is practical and down to earth
A development of considerable worth
Inspired by a mover and shaker of historical measure
Take a stroll and discover this hidden treasure
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Kim P
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:45:16 pm

Clue us in Kim, what is happening with this vote?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Kim P » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:53:12 pm

I think it's Peter, but now I'm not so sure. I think Vytas is telling people that I have the idol, which lol I don't, and Marissa told me people are wary of me. I guess we'll find out soon.
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Kim P
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