Episode 02

Episode 02

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:55:03 pm

Congratulations on surviving your first Tribal Council!

How has this first loss affected Bracari?

Where do you feel you stand in your tribe at this point?

What are the current developments like with your partner and friend on Limici?

After losing the first Immunity Challenge, what do you have to do the next time around to reverse the result?
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:37:32 pm

Thank you. Soo freaking thankful that their were people here less then I. I had a busy weekend and checked in as much as I could. Tommorow is going to be a super busy day but as long as I survive I should be really good to go in this game. Although I gotta say I am sad to see Ciera go. I tried to fight for her but there was no way I could do it. She honestly had the most personality and I loved talking to her. Gurl was suppose to be my ride or die for this game. :'(

How has this first loss affected Bracari?
I think it's put everyone on edge and made everyone really want to put in that EXTRA at the Challenge. I hope that's the case. Originally I wasn't going to show for todays challenge and LIIIIIVE my life. But I figure after loosing sooo handidly the first one and the fact that Ciera got targetted over Brad despite being more social then him for not appearing at the challenge. It's best I don't do that. Unfortunately this girl has a LIFE so I don't know how often I'll be here for challenges. Gotta put that work in socially as we get further into the game so I don't have to worry about it.

Where do you feel you stand in your tribe at this point?
I feel pretty comfortable. I'm not in a great position but I think I will atleast last the week even if we hit every tribal council. Right now Shawn is interested in creating a sub alliance with Laura, Vytas and John which I'd actually perfer to my actual alliance. Hayden and Katie don't really communicate with me and when thy do it's very short and pathetic so I'm totally fodder for them. And I feel like Hayden and Rachel are in power positions in this game. Rachel is a fun girl but she doesn't really keep that communication open either. But I will say she puts alot more effort in me then fucking Hayden and Katie. Hayden is better then Katie though. Katie I don't hear from at all. I'll send her another pm tonight...but she still hasn't responded to the one I sent yesterday morning. I do think Rachel is pretty genuine in wanting to work with me since her friend is Ibrehem and he has been talking to me being very committed of the two partnerships working together.

Now as for everyone else. I feel like Vytas and Shawn are my most trusted allys at this point, while Laura is my favorite person on this tribe. Laura isn't boring as shit so I appreciate that ten fold. Vytas and Shawn I got a constant stream of communication with and I feel they are pretty genuine for the most part. They are defiantly two people I think I can work with in this game.

What are the current developments like with your partner and friend on Limici?

I just hear it's a complete mess with soo many cross alliances. I hear it's two big groups of 5 but then soo many sub alliances that no one really has an idea of whats going on. Ryan told me his #1 is Ralph and Coby is his second. Doesn't really help me on this side of things though I'm afraid. I just hope I can rely on Ryan in the future.

After losing the first Immunity Challenge, what do you have to do the next time around to reverse the result?

Show up. Plain and simple. Booo I had rehearshal so I wasn't going to make it but I think me showing up will make a big difference. Why? Because I am the life of the party icon_cool
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:45:45 pm

Talking about how you feel about your whole tribe is hawt <3 thanks Marissa :)

Do you want to give me a basic breakdown of the alliances you are in? Incl real and /fake/, obviously =] This is just because I am lazy and don't wanna read the PMs.

So there's a possible/preferred one of you, Vytas, Shawn and John that I now know about... ?
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 01, 2014 6:35:06 pm

Well basically

Shawn/Me - which is my most serious ally since Ciera left. Ciera was a robbed queen. :'(
Vytas/Me - i like Vytas alot more now today. I feel more connected to him then I have the last couple days. He's probabbly my 2nd most important ally
Laura/Me - She's my Foxxy Mama! I fucking love her. We aren't full fledge alliance like the other two but I love her and I want her to stay as long as possible.
Rachel/Me/Ibriehem/Kim P - This ones fake. They really want a pairs alliance but that only really helps Ib and Rachel. Fuck that noize bitches. But as long as they think I'm with them it's ok.
Rachel/Me/Hayden/Katie/Vytas/Shawn - This one's half fake half real as I have no real relationship with Hayden or Katie and I don't trust them. I feel like me and Shawn are clear add ons for number and not really in this alliance. So I'm only in it to protect myself for the time being.
Me/Vytas/John/Shawn - This one is a new one. And now I'm trying to get Laura involved on this one. This is the realest big alliance for me and if Laura is on here then it's my closest allies all together. Much prefer this than that totally shitty six.
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