Episode 14

Portuguese Runner-Up | 1-8 Vote

Episode 14

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:39:48 pm

A very fortunate turn of events Mr. Cochran. Who voted with you, and who voted against? Did you expect votes tonight?

With Marissa out, who are the biggest threats still in to win this?

Map out the boots from here to the end. Who is gonna target who to leave you with the F3 you most want, and what exactly is that?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:04:23 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:A very fortunate turn of events Mr. Cochran. Who voted with you, and who voted against? Did you expect votes tonight?

With Marissa out, who are the biggest threats still in to win this?

Map out the boots from here to the end. Who is gonna target who to leave you with the F3 you most want, and what exactly is that?

Ibe and Vytas voted with me, and Sem and Shawn voted against me. I dont hold it against them at all, but it shows me now that the two of them are together, or were together through Marissa. I Kinda expected votes tonight. Ibe told me what was happening in that sense, but sem and shawn both told me that they we're with me so I wouldn't have been really surprised either way. I'm so fucking happy it was vytas that found the idol. I 100% garuntee that Ibe would've flopped off of marissa as soon as rocks were mentioned. I'm one lucky son of a bitch.

The biggest threat left is Semhar. She hasn't hurt anyone really, AND she tried to make a move against me, and the jury predominately hates me so icon_lol Other than That I think Vytas and Ibe are the two biggest threats.

In a perfct world, Semhar goes next Tribal. And then Shawn goes the tribal after. If shawn wins immunity, I try and turn the vote onto Vytas I think.. or Ibe. Im gonna talk about that more in the FTC thread.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:06:38 pm

So the threats are;
Semhar > Ibe/Vytas > Shawn

yet the boot order is
Semhar > Shawn >Ibe/Vytas

How come Shawn is out of whack there? You happy to go to the end with the two guys even if it might cost you more than Shawn plus one? Or is that a logistical thing where getting rid of Shawn is just gonna be easier to pull off?
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:14:26 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:So the threats are;
Semhar > Ibe/Vytas > Shawn

yet the boot order is
Semhar > Shawn >Ibe/Vytas

How come Shawn is out of whack there? You happy to go to the end with the two guys even if it might cost you more than Shawn plus one? Or is that a logistical thing where getting rid of Shawn is just gonna be easier to pull off?

The thing with shawn is I feel like he can take some of the votes that I would be guaranteeing myself if I went to the end with Vytas and Ibe (I.E Ralph, Semhar, and himself ofcourse) Thats three right there that I feel wont vote for Ibe at all, and probably wont vote for vytas. and after that I need ONE more vote to have half the jury, and if the other 4 arent set on either vytas or ibe then I win. A shawn boot actually probably wont be that easy to pull off... seeing as vytas wants to take him to the end for the same reason i'm taking Ibe. But I mean if I tell shawn the vote is on Vytas, and tell vytas the vote is on Ibe, than maybe me and ibe can just vote shawn off??

Not really sure about that yet.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:20:28 am

Vytas wrote:ok so i told sem i`ll vote you out.
i`ll work my ass out to get ibe and maybe shawn with us and vote out sem.
if you talk to them try to not target sem (unless they tell you something about it). if they see you scrambling it's gonna look like desperate housewives. i think i can convince them. if not, then go all-in against sem before tribal and during it. if we push for it too early it will backfire.

... OK. So he told Sem he would vote me out, and he wants me to sit back and do nothing so he can "get the vote on Sem." Yeah.. Uhh I really dont know about that. I dont give a fuck if it starts shit I need to get the vote off of me and I think Ibe would be more than willing to do that If I pull up the right case. Shawn is with semhar I think so my only hope with him is that vytas will get him against her, or atleast not to vote for me. If Vytas is planning to vote me out, I'm going home unless I win immunity.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:42:12 pm

Unless Ibe and Vytas are both lieing to me then Sem is the vote tonight. She really is a big threat nd I think she'd win as being more palatable than anyone left, seeing as the jury hates me, isnt too fond of vytas or ibe, and thinks shawn is goatey.

Theyre making a good move by getting rid of Semhar, If they booted me next then vytas would win it all. He may very well be thinking of booting me now/sem after if sem wins immunity. So I NEED to keep immunity out of sems hands tonight...
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:53:49 pm

Holy shit I'm talking way to much.

I think Vytas may be think that i'm not trying tot ake him to the end but i 100% am.

I think Ibe might think I'm trying to take shawn when I'm not.

If sem talks to the two of them and lights those flames then I'm gone. Hopefully I can fuckin take this tonight. I NEEd this win.
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:11:37 pm

Vytas is gonna fucking flip.

Hopefully Sem will vote for vytas.

Holy fucking shit I'm going home THIS CLOSE TO THE END OF THE GAME icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface
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Re: Episode 14

Postby Cochran » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:34:13 pm

Cochran wrote:Vytas is gonna fucking flip.

Hopefully Sem will vote for vytas.

Holy fucking shit I'm going home THIS CLOSE TO THE END OF THE GAME icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface icon_redface

ignore that alol
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