Episode 13

Portuguese Runner-Up | 1-8 Vote

Episode 13

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:03:02 pm

Final six!

Did any answers from the challenge surprise you? Will it affect your strategy?

How do you think your jury management has been to this point?

There’s only a few rounds left to impress the jury. Do you feel you’ve done enough to have a compelling argument to win the game at this point? Or are you looking at the final rounds as the chance to put your case forward?

What is your ideal boot order from now until Final Tribal Council?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:23:32 am

You have all weekend to PM and hunt for idols. Gimme a scoop here. Who is next and how?

Also, this;

Who do you hope to never interact with again after the game? Cochran
Which returner should not have been asked back? Cochran
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:40:44 am

Stephanie Valencia wrote:Final six!

Did any answers from the challenge surprise you? Will it affect your strategy?

How do you think your jury management has been to this point?

There’s only a few rounds left to impress the jury. Do you feel you’ve done enough to have a compelling argument to win the game at this point? Or are you looking at the final rounds as the chance to put your case forward?

What is your ideal boot order from now until Final Tribal Council?

Just the one about me being the guy who shouldn't have been asked back. I mean, I get it. Some of these people don't know my last game, but even though I was pretty boring, I think I did good enough to be asked back for a redemption type of season. It's not like i'm a fucking legend or anything. Plus, I think I was pretty high up out of the list of returnee's this season. But I mean, it's just a challenge so I didn't really take it to heart icon_biggrin

As far as affecting my strategy, no it hasn't at all really. I'm still gonna try and hit the end with one/two of the guys, and hopefully talk a big game at the FTC. thats all I really can do.

My jury management has been borderline terrible icon_lol I'm pretty sure they all dont like me, and unless it's a F2 and I'm up against shawn it's really an uphill battle.

I've done some, but not enough. Icing on top of the cake would be to get in on a vote that Vytas is not a part of. Like at F5 he ssaid he wanted to boot Ibe cuz Semhar is more beatable. Even though that is true, I feel like if Semhar wins the challenge I will have 0.0% chance of winning the game at this point. So I try and pull a fast one on him, vote out semhar with shawn and Ibe, and it kinda discredits his game a bit if he makes it to the end.

My ideal boot order

F6- Marissa
F5- Semhar
F4- Vytas
F3- Ibe
Me and Shawn at F2.

If it's an F3 it's gotta be some combo of me shawn an either ibe/vytas. Not entirely sure yet who.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 18, 2014 6:55:45 am

Extra, extra; John Cochran, hates women! Read all about it!
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:19:02 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Extra, extra; John Cochran, hates women! Read all about it!

Not true icon_biggrin Women are just too good at this game. How many seasons now have we had a female winner??

I feel like if one of them hits the end I lose. Marissa because her game has been pretty phenomenal untill the last few votes, and Sem not because she's played a better game, but because shes made no one mad, and she could potentially be more palatable for the jurors to vote for than me.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 18, 2014 7:27:20 am

How will each of the gents play out in front of the Jury do you think?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:16:08 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:You have all weekend to PM and hunt for idols. Gimme a scoop here. Who is next and how?

Also, this;

Who do you hope to never interact with again after the game? Cochran
Which returner should not have been asked back? Cochran

Yeah idk I thought the first one was weird. But I guess I do see where people are coming from, seeing as i'm a rat icon_lol

Marissa is next, idk how yet
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:23:45 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:How will each of the gents play out in front of the Jury do you think?

I'm starting to rethink bringing Vytas, because he's a good talker when he wants to be and I feel like so many people have said theyd already vote for him.

Ibe is where i'm not really sure. He will get Rachels vote no madder what. But can he talk about his game much after that?? If he wants to get to the end he'll have to follow me step by step unless he makes a move this round. So his game since the merge was do what marissa said until F6, and then do what I said until F3. If other people see it the way that I do the he doesnt have a shot at winning.

Shawn shouldn't beat me. What has he done?? Nothing. Nothing at all.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:08:03 pm

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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 8:24:12 pm

According to marissa, Vytas wants to target Ibe.

Idk how true that is but i'll definitely see where his heads at, and hopefully shoot that shit down. I need him to keep Ibe until I can put the numbers against him, and I'm almost positive that Ibe will be with me over Vytas. I think Ibe thinks he can beat me so.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:22:14 pm

Marissa seems to be convinced that Shawn is a jury threat and not a goat. Or atleast she's trying to make me think that way. She does put up a really good argument. I mean, it's DEFINITELY not enough to save herself but it's something to think about. I'm seriously considering taking Ibe to the F2 now instead of shawn (if I have the option ofcourse)

Because Ibe's done nothing really. So, maybe he is more beatable?? He's fucked over about as many people as me, and even though they may be more mad at me they gotta respect my game more.... right??
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:10:56 am

I am interested in the different arguments you're having in PM about who will or won't win. Without doing the whole count-out of jurors thing like in the other thread, rank the most-likely-to-get-voted-to-win-to-least. Include yourself.

I'm also quite interested in how difficult it is to maneuver with only six people left. Do you flat-out trust anyone here? And not just -trust they aren't after you-, more like, do you trust anyone isn't flat-out lying to you to get you to do what they need for their game? Do you take anyone here's word at face value or are you reading between the lines of everyone?
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:27:49 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:I am interested in the different arguments you're having in PM about who will or won't win. Without doing the whole count-out of jurors thing like in the other thread, rank the most-likely-to-get-voted-to-win-to-least. Include yourself.

I'm also quite interested in how difficult it is to maneuver with only six people left. Do you flat-out trust anyone here? And not just -trust they aren't after you-, more like, do you trust anyone isn't flat-out lying to you to get you to do what they need for their game? Do you take anyone here's word at face value or are you reading between the lines of everyone?

Well, I think that if Marissa makes it to the end, she'll win hands down no madder who shes against. Vytas is the same unless he's against marissa.

So it goes

I definitely think I have to be with one of the bottom two if I want a chance at winning this thing. But i'm also not entirely positive that I could beat shawn anymore either.

I don't trust anyone. Everyone SHOULD be telling everyone what they want them to hear to benefit themselves. I know i'm doing it, so why the hell wouldnt everyone else?? Marissa is hard core throwing shawn under the bus to save herself, she even said she'd vote for him in the end if he got there. Which is stupid if she actually means that, cuz theres no way that shawn has played a better game than anyone besides Ibe and POSSIBLY semhar. Just means shes a bitter fucking juror or shes trying to play me.

However, even though i dont trust people, I wouldn't be surprised if some people are trying to take me to the end. Especially Ibe, because he thought I'd be the biggest goat in that challenge thing. I mean I did piss people off so I understand where he's coming from, but idk I dont think a win is out of the cards for me so icon_biggrin But I think Vytas wants to take me to the end also cuz he can beat me. So they may have my back, but for there best interest not mine.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:32:44 am

kk, and bearing all that in mind, what are your official F3 deals right now? (I know you have an F2 with everyone so don't even icon_lol )

I mean like, who does Vytas think you two are going to the end with and who does Ibe think and who does Sem think and so on.. I'm trying to put this all together from your PoV.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:47:56 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:kk, and bearing all that in mind, what are your official F3 deals right now? (I know you have an F2 with everyone so don't even icon_lol )

I mean like, who does Vytas think you two are going to the end with and who does Ibe think and who does Sem think and so on.. I'm trying to put this all together from your PoV.

icon_lol icon_lol Wow your right.. I do have a F2 with everyone, didn't even notice that icon_laughing

I dont think I have any official F3's to be honest. But yeah I get what you mean.

Vytas thinks i'm going to the end with him and Shawn.

Marissa thinks im going to the end with her and Ibe? or Vytas? not really sure.

Semhar thinks i'm going with her and Shawn I think. We talked about that breifly so i'm not entirely sure.

Shawn thinks i'm going with him and Semhar, atleast thats what we said last, i'm sure he's open to change though.

Ibe.... Idk what Ibe thinks. we have an F2 but never decided on who the best F3 partner would be. We talked about how our best bet was it being an F2 and us bringing someone who is beatable in challenges.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:02:29 am

icon_lol So I realized I had an F2 (or something like it) with everyone in the merge outside of rachel and Coby.

Ralph and I had a F2

Told Becky I had plans for us further down the road.

And then went to caryn with the whole Katie boot bonding us thing.

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Re: Episode 13

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:36:20 am

Or another way to look at that - so many broken promises icon_uhoh
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:54:49 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Or another way to look at that - so many broken promises icon_uhoh

Oh no, I never said it was a good thing. Just an observation.

Yeah it's gonna bite me in the ass. Thats why noone on the jury is gonna necessarily like me, cuz in reality i fucked all of them over.

and I mean rightfully so.
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:41:39 pm

Rightfully so to them not likeing me, not to me fucking them over icon_lol

Anyways, I'm still giving Marissa the impressions that were gonna work together, but I've dropped all the ride or die stuff because thats what got her so insanely angry.

Don't get me wrong she's gonna be hurt when I back stab her, but it'll hurt less than before definitely. I mean I feel lie she almost half expects that of me right now. Or maybe it won't and im just trying to make myself feel better icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 13

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:42:00 pm

So Vytas brought up the fact that we could be getting targeted tonight.

By we he means me because he has the immunity idol.

And well Semhars been weird as of late, but idk she just gets like that sometime. gotta get a read on if marissa is pulling something or not.. and gotta see where shawns heads at.

It's definitely something they could, and SHOULD, pull off if they have end game in mind, because I mean target me and vytas because we're technically a pair and then bam F4

Just getting really worried. I really want to win immunity tonight. I know I said this last tribal, but If I make it past this vote I feel like the rest is probably gonna be cake...
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