Juicy PMs

Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:45:17 pm


Caryn making fun of Laura in front of Becky like she just don't care.

Caryn wrote:
Becky wrote:Hay gurrllll hay!! Glad to see you made it through. Rachel already kind of told me about your last tribal. Oh.my.god. What the hell happened? icon_lol


Basically me/Ibe/Semhar wanted to vote out Laura, and we thought Rachel was with us cause she was Ibe's partner, but she wanted to protect Laura cause they were close and then she told Semhar to vote for me, Semhar told me and yeah...

So at TC I openly asked Rachel if she was trying to target me, she confirmed it. I told her we would talk after Tribal and me/Ibe/Semhar all revealed we were voting out Laura.

Laura tried to save her skin last minute by telling Ibrehem that Becky wouldn't want this since he knew you two were partners, but it didn't work, and we voted out Laura. Me and Ibe also made fun of her when Jeff was getting the votes icon_lol

Oh, and for some reason Rachel/Laura decided to change their target from me to Semhar, I dunno why.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:34:59 am

I thought this exchange of power players was quite hilarious. A little trust dance going on:

Vytas wrote:any tapoli/nubracari target is a reason of concern.
they'll be up 6v4 after this since semhar is already in bed with becky

Ibrehem wrote:Good point. And you're right, in my conversations with those girls they do mention each other. How did you figure they were so close?

Vytas wrote:anyone could figure they're close. even a retard like peter would realize that. you wanna make a fn move? i have nothing to lose, they all want me out anyway

Ibrehem wrote:How do you think we'd make a move? Like, feel free to divulge dude. Anything you say to me isn't being told to anyone else and you have my word on that.

Vytas wrote:is this a joke?

Ibrehem wrote:No? Why? I'm asking what kind of move you had in mind?

Vytas wrote:i`m being trolled so hard it's not even funny
look, i told you from the first time we talked that i like to go straight to the point and don't like bullshitters.
i ain`t no bitch, if i asked you about a move it means i wanna do it and won't go running my mouth about this
so if you want to work do something stop acting like this

Ibrehem wrote:You are a handful, Vytas. icon_laughing

I'm not bullshitting you, this is how I operate. I'm just confirming with you that whatever we talk about ain't being told to anyone outside of us. You're taking something so insignificant and making it a big deal when it ain't.

I'mma need YOU to stop acting like a damn fool.

Vytas wrote:if i was worried about you telling others i wouldn't come to you icon_laughing
i`m not trying to make a big deal of this, just asking you to show some trust if you're seriously considering this move. i don't know who you got, who you can get or anything else.

Ibrehem wrote:OK, I see what you're saying. Yeah, I'm considering this move. Truth is ever since the merge I've been questioning just who I've got and who I can get to make a move with me.

Vytas wrote:we can make it. marissa is with us. rachel doesn't have another option.
how are you feelin' about the others? ...i can`t guess

Ibrehem wrote:Right, I'm assuming we could get me, you, Marissa and Cochran easy.

I sent Rachel a message earlier and she looked at it but didn't respond. I really don't know what to say about that, she's been doing that a lot lately. :/

I'm not sure what Caryn wants to do because from what I've gathered she likes the Limici people a lot. Last I heard she wanted Rachel out.

Semhar I can talk to, but like you said she seems to be in with Becky to some degree now? I think she'll listen to what I have to say though.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:44:10 am

Ralph wrote:Yea If caryn dislikes the coch it's fine by me.
as long as I can make bad dick jokes I'm happy.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:42:58 am

Sometimes I think Ralph is just fucking with people. After four or five PMs between Cochran, Vytas and Ralph discussing a Rachel boot, Ralph sends this to Vytas one-on-one;

Ralph wrote:not sure if me and coch said it in the pms that we didn't click reply all too but were 100% voting marissa and we have the numbers

Do this two minutes before TC pls Ralph lul.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:39:55 pm

Ralph wrote:I think Cochran is with us bud! He hit me up asking me if I'd be done to flip the script and that made me feel a little bit more secure. I also think Serm is done with us too. I don't talk to her that much but I trust her!

One of these typos is gonna hurt Ralph sooner or later. Done with us and down with us are complete opposites..
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:15:34 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:
Ralph wrote:I think Cochran is with us bud! He hit me up asking me if I'd be done to flip the script and that made me feel a little bit more secure. I also think Serm is done with us too. I don't talk to her that much but I trust her!

One of these typos is gonna hurt Ralph sooner or later. Done with us and down with us are complete opposites..

icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol It's fucking Ralph, no one is taking him seriously.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:19:46 am

Ralph wrote:Rachel? sound good?

Semhar wrote:There's a little problem Ralph. I'm not sure we can trust everyone over there, namely Becky. It's close to tribal and she hardly spoke to me

Ralph wrote:awe shit.
do you wanna just vote Coby with marissa and Ibe?

Cochran wrote:Are you sure thats a thing Ralph???

you need to be positive my dude...

Ralph wrote:I mean it's the best shot we have right?
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:03:36 pm

Typical Marissa to Rachel PM example;

Marissa wrote:You need to work on Semhar boo. I dunno if you want to come at her with an all gurls thing but she's letting the Limci boys tell her your the target. Cochy just came to me telling me Semhar is trying to convince him and maybe it's an option....i think it's an option...a fucking stupid option. Just we need to rope her in with something because Cochran's being a fucktard.

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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:06:37 pm

And Ralph of course, is the gift that keeps on giving;

Ralph wrote:Hey bud.
We haven't talked in a bit so I wanted to send you a jumbled mess of a Pm that involves to many questions and shit like that. Okay here we go. BAM QUESTION ONE. have you ever seen Jamanji. I love that shit. it's great as fuck. With robin williams n shit I'm down I can go with that. question two. how was your sleep. Because I'm A caring individual n shit. If your wondering I had a fine sleep. I watched Shrek 1,2,3 and then passed out at like 2 am. Question 3. how are you soo amazing cause I'm a charmer n shit. Holy fuck this is way harder then I thought. Anyway what's up Bud? You having a good day? I have to paint another shed today because The lord hates me. Other than That I don't really have anything planned.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:07:31 pm

That PM is srsly immaculate. I would go to the end with anyone who PMd me like that threat or not.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:37:39 pm

Semhar wrote:I thought you and I were on a team.

You lie, then you kinda call me out anonymously at tribal council?

Rachel wrote:Lol I'm pretty sure Shawn was already fully aware of how you wanted him gone, especially with how he voted for Ralph tonight. The only reason I said did that was so my vote was read last/could make sure I wasn't being blindsided. It worked last tribal when Becky left so why not do it again.

Oh and as far as the lying goes guess what, we were in the final fucking 9, now final 8. Lying is going to happen regardless and pretending other wise is fucking stupid. And so what if I lied to you, you're still in the game. I mean really Ralph took the fall not you, so quit bitch, grow the fuck up, and play the fucking game. Besides I'm not the only one who lied in case you forgot.

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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:00:39 pm


Semhar wrote:alrighty then.

Semhar wrote:PS you actually DID lie about it.

Rachel wrote:Pretty much. I've already talked to Vytas about it, and I think he's realized that there aren't enough votes to boot Ralph so he's voting with us tonight.

Rachel wrote:Never said I didn't icon_laughing

Semhar wrote:Ah I missread. Your broken English was kind of disorienting. My b.

Rachel wrote:Oh you can't read. Aww man I'm so sorry maybe if you weren't such a stupid bitch you would of been able to tell what I was saying.

Also Laura would still be here if you weren't but details

Semhar wrote:goodness Rachel you seem awfully mad for getting what you wanted at tribal council tonight icon_chaos
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Frank the Tank » Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:05:27 am

Rachel omg icon_lol Please win this.

Oh and as far as the lying goes guess what, we were in the final fucking 9, now final 8. Lying is going to happen regardless and pretending other wise is fucking stupid. And so what if I lied to you, you're still in the game. I mean really Ralph took the fall not you, so quit bitch, grow the fuck up, and play the fucking game. Besides I'm not the only one who lied in case you forgot.

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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:51:56 pm

This is not a juicy PM.

Marissa wrote:Re: The fab Five
Hey guys so thank god we survived again. I just want to get on everyone's opinon on the best course of action tonight. Right now I'll be honest, I worry about Coby. I worry to the fact that if we let him swing by to the end he will produce well enough arguments to make people vote for him. I think us letting him stay the next round would be a huge mistake. Shawn on the other hand isn't as existent. But i can understand if Ibe or Vytas would rather us push for a Shawn boot.

But it's hilarious because she sent it to all of Rachel, Cochran, Vytas, Ibrehem as a group PM and not a single one of them answered it icon_laughing If that doesn't tip her off to play her talisman, she deserves to leave.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:38:26 am

I lol when players chomp at the bit to get rid of the huge threat before Final 6. (I'm guilty of that as well). Barring any immunity runs (which I've also seen happen, congrats Laura/Krypton!), it's stupid to take them out when you're slotted to be the next head of the dragon. Marissa needs to smarten up, she's not doing so hot right now.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:49:29 am

marissa will go for my neck against me anyway, so it doesn't change anything icon_chaos
she needs to go. immediately. she's too good in challenges and she has too many little birds.

-Vytas to Semhar

we need to re-do it tomorrow.
marissa has too many little birds. and she's a challenge beast.

-Vytas to Coby
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:14:04 am

"little birds" icon_lol
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:39:50 am

Coby being SO on point:

Coby wrote:Oh I fully would've expected Semhar to spill the beans. She's been Grand Central Station with information lately, although tribal almost I think if they weren't close before, Semhar and Cochran have probably been brought together out of convenience. Half of the people here are friends, Cochran/Vytas and Rachel/Ibrehem. Out of the other half I think you, Shawn and I would be in the most trouble since we're easy vote offs for those pairs. If we can break up Cochran/Vytas, take out the rest of that Namibia crew (Semhar), break up Rachel/Ibrehem (that will have to happen at some point). Cause here's the thing.

I actually feel that there is not going to be a final 3 this season, I think it will be a Final 2. With Katie being taken out unceremoniously and with the schedule being pushed forward, I think they'll continue as normal and just make it with one less person in the finals, prevents potential ties with a F3 and an 8 person jury ( icon_sick ). Given that, it warrants a completely different game and playing with a final 2 in mind is much different than a Final 3. This is a complete risk and I could be dead wrong, but we would have to play this so that no matter if it's a Final 2 or a Final 3, we're always in a good position to get there.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:46:16 am

Mia Galeotalanza wrote:"little birds" icon_lol

The best bit is; he sends that to Coby & Sem who as of last night, are behind only Ibe as the "little birds" giving her the most info icon_lol
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