Day One is over and my first diary entry is imminent. First of all, I am loving that virtually the entire cast is active and making some sort of effort - more than can be said for a lot of people last season. Some of my initial hopes about certain players have been quickly dashed and others have become loved ones of mine already in such a short period of time. I am not really keen on the x-rated shit some of the cast are doing in PMs - bit of a laugh coming from me - but it has already gotten older than Great-Grandma's original hips.
This game is siting on a slow burn right now given the first challenge has yet to take place. I am currently in love with a couple of the partnerships - specifically Caryn/Vytas and Katie/Cochran. They're the two I am following closely, mainly because they're the most entertaining for me. Caryn/Vytas has to be one of the greatest match-ups ever - two strong players with a bit of a troll-attitude going head to head and thankfully they seem to appreciate that in each other. On Bracari, Vytas, Katie, Shawn and Rachel are the four that seem the 'safest'. Laura thinks Rachel is first boot, but that's not likely anymore. On Limici, Cochran and Ralph are doing well! (Namibia love) Ralph isn't in the majority alliance, but he's well-liked and for right now that could be enough for him. These players don't know about the swap and with any luck, being liked is all Ralph needs at this stage. Peter is very confident! Convinced he will win if he makes it to the merge - I am not so sure, but I am eager to find out what his intense strategy is! Becky is amazing. I liked her just based on her rep to begin with and she is proving my admiration a good decision. She's wedged well-within the majority alliance, likely top 2 spots anyway.
Limici are likely to win this first challenge, I'd say. I like the new players, and I know for a fact some of them (Laura and Vytasm for example) are great challenge performers. But others (Katie) historically aren't, and we'll just need to see how it goes. I won't be here to watch so my bet is on Limici.

Ciera:PsychoARBFriend: Kim P (PLA)
Partner: Becky (PushingJate)
I don't really know what she's up to, to be honest but I am hoping for her to turn out great. She seems to be very mid-low tier on Bracari? A lot of middle-low rankings in there. I hope she becomes more of an entity on the tribe.
Hayden:UsuckFriend: Semhar (Kwe$i)
Partner: Coby (sc15fan)
I love him. I loved his application, and I love him in the game. I want him to kick it up a notch because while he is lucking out a bit with his perfect-friendship with Katie, a bunch of the others rank him as someone who is quiet or not important. I really do adore him though. Hopefully he brings it at the challenge.
John:IsaiahFriend: Ralph (MaxEurchuck)
Partner: Skinny Ryan (madhackrviper)
I don't know what to say about you. You don't seem to be that outstanding - you are kind of MOR right now, but you seem to be decently well liked? Hope to see you perform well in the challenge.
Katie:TrojanSoldierFriend: Coby (sc15fan)
Partner: Cochran (KenHoang)
KatieGoddess. She's a bit out of the loop, but it seems to be okay because she's been ranked in the top 2-3 in virtually every rank on the tribe, bar a few. She is definitely second fiddle to Vytas at the moment though. At first it seemed that she ranked Vytas much more highly than he ranked her, and at this stage she isn't his number one, and it looks like she doesn't even know it. I find this duo amazing though - and to think she is worried about catfishing him!

She's a bit delusional in the importance she gives herself in that duo, but at this stage it doesn't look like it will be a problem. Hopefully she keeps these relationships strong until the swap - seeing her adapt to that situation will be fun. She's done it before, I am certain she will come through just fine if she keeps her head on straight. Oh, and because this needs to be SOMEWHERE - love that you wanted to offer to suck Vytas' cock to get further into the game. <3 I hope he reads this after lol.
Marissa:dancecabFriend: Ryan S (madhackrviper)
Partner: Ibrehem (JayJayBlue)
Again I haven't really been following you - sorry about that. But you have a great, entertaining attitude in your confessionals. You seem to be moderately well liked by your tribe, and Vytas loves you, you good work at this stage.
Shawn:shadow0knightFriend: Caryn (TheOneSurvivor)
Partner: Ralph (MaxEurchuck)
You seem to be doing well! Gained a bit of a victim rep after the whole "Where's Caleb" dramas which is still happening (ugh). Rachel doesn't like you in part because you aren't Caleb which is irritating. It's a rep, bitch, get over it. You are fairly quiet though, if the others on your tribe are to be believed. Fairly solid UTR pre-merge game so far. You need to stop believing Caryn's bullshit though
Vytas:StrandedPeteFriend: Cochran (KenHoang)
Partner: Caryn (TheOneSurvivor)
I already love him. I was worried he wouldn't be able to deliver given his extremely awkward time zone and comments that he probably wouldn't be the most active player ever, but he's really trying hard with the social game, and not being annoying about it. His fling with Rachel is kind of gross, but if that's going to make her like him, go ahead. I love his commentary, love his demeanor, and am eager in particular to see how his relationships with Cochran, Caryn and Katie progress. Him and Caryn are the most amazing partnership so far; hopefully that lasts though whether Caryn sticks around I'm not sure about. Based on Day 1, if he can keep it up I think he'll be an end-game pick or he'll be very early merge, if not merge boot.

Brad:TheBammBoozlerrFriend: Peter (Chan The Man)
Partner: Semhar (Kwe$i)
So far I am not sure what to make of him. His app was kind of dull for me - the standard "I plan on being good" sort of stuff that doesn't make hi stand out from the crowd
at all. I haven't seen a lot of PM activity from him - nothing that I really took an interest in. He did say he wanted to play UTR in the beginning before becoming a HBIC so maybe that's the case here. As it stands I'm thinking he will either be pre-merge for being kind of a nothing, or he will be early merge.
Day 2: By the looks of it everyone hates Brad, or at least couldn't give a damn about him. He really needs to step it up.
Laura:KryptonFriend: Becky (PushingJate)
Partner: Peter (Chan The Man)
Ugh why. I was expecting you to be really amazing - well not brilliant, but at least someone who was bearable and had a good game. At this stage you are sitting really low on the totem pole and you seriously need to cool it with the Caleb stuff. Most people don't seem to be taking it as well as you think they are. Playing an UTR fit-in only works if people don't dislike you and I think you're going to have to work on that after the start you made. Your weird beef with Shawn just because of his rep is kind of grating, and it looks like you've contributed to him getting a 'victim' appeal by some of the others on the tribe which has only benefited him and hurt you.
Rachel:BowserBoy129Friend: Ibrehem (JayJayBlue)
Partner: Kim P (PLA)
This is so sad because I absolutely adored his app. The weird schtick and the insane sexual flavour of her approach is old. Unfortunately so far that's all I've picked up about her. I'm hoping she can turn it around and not cause herself to be an early boot.
Day 2: This girl seems to have turned it around! Hell yeah! But I'm still skeptical. Vytas is keeping her close to him, and I think that's helping her. I am not certain the others are as sweet on her as she'd like.

Becky:PushingJateFriend: Laura (Krypton)
Partner: Ciera (PsychoARB)
Doing great. Is sitting comfortable near the top of her alliance, and is sitting pretty with multiple players by the looks of it. Good job. Haven't been able to see what you're doing outside of other players' confessionals yet though so I apologise for the lack of detail here.
Caryn:TheOneSurvivorFriend: Shawn (shadow0knight)
Partner: Vytas (StrandedPete)
You are amazing. Absolutely amazing. Came here to troll and ended up in a decent spot! Your point that you are such a big target that you will likely become invisible looks very accurate right now, early as it may be. If everyone is trusting your BS. I am following you very closely and am eager to see you troll your way to the end.
Coby:sc15fanFriend: Katie (TrojanSoldier)
Partner: Hayden (Usuck)
I am enjoying your confessionals so much, and think you are great, but you might be in trouble. A number of players have listed you at the bottom of the pecking order. If this keeps up I am hoping you get swapped to a better position. <3
Cochran:KenHoangFriend: Vytas (StrandedPete)
Partner: Katie (TrojanSoldier)
You are doing so well! What a turn-around after Namibia, yours is a real redemption story in the making so far. Please keep it up, you have great potential! Sitting very highly within his tribe, Cochran is astute to the going's on of his tribe for the most part. Hopefully he is able to balance these alliances he's got going on - if he can manage it for another couple of rounds he will be doing well come the swap, but if he gets caught and it turns sour he might be in a difficult spot. At this point he seems to be alright, but if Caryn knows he's playing both siides like he says, ..... Caryn is a bit dangerous with REAL information like that. I like the Katie/Cochran dynamic as well (all the people I like are getting along <3).
Ibrehem:JayJayBlueFriend: Rachel (BowserBoy129)
Partner: Marissa (dancecab)
Do't have much to say about you - haven't really seen what you're up to. Like though?
Kim:PLAFriend: Ciera (PsychoARB)
Partner: Rachel (BowserBoy129)
Sitting comfortably within a majority alliance is about all I've got from you.
Peter:Chan The ManFriend: Brad (TheBammBoozlerr)
Partner: Laura (Krypton)
You are entertaining! You seem EXTREMELY confident which could either be StrandedPete-AusStranded13-justified, or it could be a huge death knell for you. I hope you make it to merge just so I can see this master plan of yours.
Ralph:MaxEurchuckFriend: John (Isaiah)
Partner: Shawn (shadow0knight)
Ralph <3 <3 <3 <3 You are NOT part of the main alliance but you are well liked. I am certain if you make it to the swap you will be absolutely fine. As long as Limici doesn't lose twice in a row I think you are sweet. Not being in the majority group probably won't hurt you unless that happens. Going into the swap with a nice rep is a big advantage for you.
Ryan:madhackrviperFriend: Marissa (dancecab)
Partner: John (Isaiah)
I think you are entertaining and you seemed excited to play but you were inactive on the first day and it looks like it's hurt you A LOT. You are looking at being the first boot from Limici so I am kind of hoping you guys win the challenge. Fingers crossed, Ryan <3
Semhar:Kwe$iFriend: Hayden (Usuck)
Partner: Brad (TheBammBoozlerr)
Girl I love you and you are fierce but you are on the outs. You should make the swap without much of an issue but you need to make some friends and fast. Even the Namibia guys are flaking out on you, and it's clear they'd prefer to keep you around.
jks ily