Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:18:54 pm


Welcome to Ashley's Private Diary. Posts shall not be blog-style, because fuck that, who can be bothered? Not me. This is a record of my thoughts and observations as the game goes on, commentary and rants, love letters and death threats galore. I will tease players mercilessly, and worship Gods and Goddesses.

Who I am rooting for (in no particular order):

1. Semhar - go gurl <3 people say you were lame in Namibia but I knew you for 5 seconds and thought you were great and brutally robbed.
2. Cochran - such hurt feelings when you left. Worst </3 And then in Euro and CC too. Hope you pwn bitches this time.
3. Ralph - lol you are fun.
4. Coby - You are kewl.
5. Becky - love the go you.

1. Katie - trojan, you fierce goddess go <3
2. Vytas - let's see if you can handle the timezonefuck
3. Hayden - your app is amazing <3
4. Laura - pretty awesome.

Everyone else I have no idea who they are, or don't care for......yet. icon_smile
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:07:57 pm


Day One is over and my first diary entry is imminent. First of all, I am loving that virtually the entire cast is active and making some sort of effort - more than can be said for a lot of people last season. Some of my initial hopes about certain players have been quickly dashed and others have become loved ones of mine already in such a short period of time. I am not really keen on the x-rated shit some of the cast are doing in PMs - bit of a laugh coming from me - but it has already gotten older than Great-Grandma's original hips.

This game is siting on a slow burn right now given the first challenge has yet to take place. I am currently in love with a couple of the partnerships - specifically Caryn/Vytas and Katie/Cochran. They're the two I am following closely, mainly because they're the most entertaining for me. Caryn/Vytas has to be one of the greatest match-ups ever - two strong players with a bit of a troll-attitude going head to head and thankfully they seem to appreciate that in each other. On Bracari, Vytas, Katie, Shawn and Rachel are the four that seem the 'safest'. Laura thinks Rachel is first boot, but that's not likely anymore. On Limici, Cochran and Ralph are doing well! (Namibia love) Ralph isn't in the majority alliance, but he's well-liked and for right now that could be enough for him. These players don't know about the swap and with any luck, being liked is all Ralph needs at this stage. Peter is very confident! Convinced he will win if he makes it to the merge - I am not so sure, but I am eager to find out what his intense strategy is! Becky is amazing. I liked her just based on her rep to begin with and she is proving my admiration a good decision. She's wedged well-within the majority alliance, likely top 2 spots anyway.

Limici are likely to win this first challenge, I'd say. I like the new players, and I know for a fact some of them (Laura and Vytasm for example) are great challenge performers. But others (Katie) historically aren't, and we'll just need to see how it goes. I won't be here to watch so my bet is on Limici.




Friend: Kim P (PLA)
Partner: Becky (PushingJate)
I don't really know what she's up to, to be honest but I am hoping for her to turn out great. She seems to be very mid-low tier on Bracari? A lot of middle-low rankings in there. I hope she becomes more of an entity on the tribe.

Friend: Semhar (Kwe$i)
Partner: Coby (sc15fan)
I love him. I loved his application, and I love him in the game. I want him to kick it up a notch because while he is lucking out a bit with his perfect-friendship with Katie, a bunch of the others rank him as someone who is quiet or not important. I really do adore him though. Hopefully he brings it at the challenge.

Friend: Ralph (MaxEurchuck)
Partner: Skinny Ryan (madhackrviper)
I don't know what to say about you. You don't seem to be that outstanding - you are kind of MOR right now, but you seem to be decently well liked? Hope to see you perform well in the challenge.

Friend: Coby (sc15fan)
Partner: Cochran (KenHoang)
KatieGoddess. She's a bit out of the loop, but it seems to be okay because she's been ranked in the top 2-3 in virtually every rank on the tribe, bar a few. She is definitely second fiddle to Vytas at the moment though. At first it seemed that she ranked Vytas much more highly than he ranked her, and at this stage she isn't his number one, and it looks like she doesn't even know it. I find this duo amazing though - and to think she is worried about catfishing him! icon_laughing She's a bit delusional in the importance she gives herself in that duo, but at this stage it doesn't look like it will be a problem. Hopefully she keeps these relationships strong until the swap - seeing her adapt to that situation will be fun. She's done it before, I am certain she will come through just fine if she keeps her head on straight. Oh, and because this needs to be SOMEWHERE - love that you wanted to offer to suck Vytas' cock to get further into the game. <3 I hope he reads this after lol.

Friend: Ryan S (madhackrviper)
Partner: Ibrehem (JayJayBlue)
Again I haven't really been following you - sorry about that. But you have a great, entertaining attitude in your confessionals. You seem to be moderately well liked by your tribe, and Vytas loves you, you good work at this stage.

Friend: Caryn (TheOneSurvivor)
Partner: Ralph (MaxEurchuck)
You seem to be doing well! Gained a bit of a victim rep after the whole "Where's Caleb" dramas which is still happening (ugh). Rachel doesn't like you in part because you aren't Caleb which is irritating. It's a rep, bitch, get over it. You are fairly quiet though, if the others on your tribe are to be believed. Fairly solid UTR pre-merge game so far. You need to stop believing Caryn's bullshit though icon_laughing

Friend: Cochran (KenHoang)
Partner: Caryn (TheOneSurvivor)
I already love him. I was worried he wouldn't be able to deliver given his extremely awkward time zone and comments that he probably wouldn't be the most active player ever, but he's really trying hard with the social game, and not being annoying about it. His fling with Rachel is kind of gross, but if that's going to make her like him, go ahead. I love his commentary, love his demeanor, and am eager in particular to see how his relationships with Cochran, Caryn and Katie progress. Him and Caryn are the most amazing partnership so far; hopefully that lasts though whether Caryn sticks around I'm not sure about. Based on Day 1, if he can keep it up I think he'll be an end-game pick or he'll be very early merge, if not merge boot.



Friend: Peter (Chan The Man)
Partner: Semhar (Kwe$i)
So far I am not sure what to make of him. His app was kind of dull for me - the standard "I plan on being good" sort of stuff that doesn't make hi stand out from the crowd at all. I haven't seen a lot of PM activity from him - nothing that I really took an interest in. He did say he wanted to play UTR in the beginning before becoming a HBIC so maybe that's the case here. As it stands I'm thinking he will either be pre-merge for being kind of a nothing, or he will be early merge.
Day 2: By the looks of it everyone hates Brad, or at least couldn't give a damn about him. He really needs to step it up.

Friend: Becky (PushingJate)
Partner: Peter (Chan The Man)
Ugh why. I was expecting you to be really amazing - well not brilliant, but at least someone who was bearable and had a good game. At this stage you are sitting really low on the totem pole and you seriously need to cool it with the Caleb stuff. Most people don't seem to be taking it as well as you think they are. Playing an UTR fit-in only works if people don't dislike you and I think you're going to have to work on that after the start you made. Your weird beef with Shawn just because of his rep is kind of grating, and it looks like you've contributed to him getting a 'victim' appeal by some of the others on the tribe which has only benefited him and hurt you.

Friend: Ibrehem (JayJayBlue)
Partner: Kim P (PLA)
This is so sad because I absolutely adored his app. The weird schtick and the insane sexual flavour of her approach is old. Unfortunately so far that's all I've picked up about her. I'm hoping she can turn it around and not cause herself to be an early boot.
Day 2: This girl seems to have turned it around! Hell yeah! But I'm still skeptical. Vytas is keeping her close to him, and I think that's helping her. I am not certain the others are as sweet on her as she'd like.




Friend: Laura (Krypton)
Partner: Ciera (PsychoARB)
Doing great. Is sitting comfortable near the top of her alliance, and is sitting pretty with multiple players by the looks of it. Good job. Haven't been able to see what you're doing outside of other players' confessionals yet though so I apologise for the lack of detail here.

Friend: Shawn (shadow0knight)
Partner: Vytas (StrandedPete)
You are amazing. Absolutely amazing. Came here to troll and ended up in a decent spot! Your point that you are such a big target that you will likely become invisible looks very accurate right now, early as it may be. If everyone is trusting your BS. I am following you very closely and am eager to see you troll your way to the end.

Friend: Katie (TrojanSoldier)
Partner: Hayden (Usuck)
I am enjoying your confessionals so much, and think you are great, but you might be in trouble. A number of players have listed you at the bottom of the pecking order. If this keeps up I am hoping you get swapped to a better position. <3

Friend: Vytas (StrandedPete)
Partner: Katie (TrojanSoldier)
You are doing so well! What a turn-around after Namibia, yours is a real redemption story in the making so far. Please keep it up, you have great potential! Sitting very highly within his tribe, Cochran is astute to the going's on of his tribe for the most part. Hopefully he is able to balance these alliances he's got going on - if he can manage it for another couple of rounds he will be doing well come the swap, but if he gets caught and it turns sour he might be in a difficult spot. At this point he seems to be alright, but if Caryn knows he's playing both siides like he says, ..... Caryn is a bit dangerous with REAL information like that. I like the Katie/Cochran dynamic as well (all the people I like are getting along <3).

Friend: Rachel (BowserBoy129)
Partner: Marissa (dancecab)
Do't have much to say about you - haven't really seen what you're up to. Like though?

Friend: Ciera (PsychoARB)
Partner: Rachel (BowserBoy129)
Sitting comfortably within a majority alliance is about all I've got from you.

Chan The Man
Friend: Brad (TheBammBoozlerr)
Partner: Laura (Krypton)
You are entertaining! You seem EXTREMELY confident which could either be StrandedPete-AusStranded13-justified, or it could be a huge death knell for you. I hope you make it to merge just so I can see this master plan of yours.

Friend: John (Isaiah)
Partner: Shawn (shadow0knight)
Ralph <3 <3 <3 <3 You are NOT part of the main alliance but you are well liked. I am certain if you make it to the swap you will be absolutely fine. As long as Limici doesn't lose twice in a row I think you are sweet. Not being in the majority group probably won't hurt you unless that happens. Going into the swap with a nice rep is a big advantage for you.

Friend: Marissa (dancecab)
Partner: John (Isaiah)
I think you are entertaining and you seemed excited to play but you were inactive on the first day and it looks like it's hurt you A LOT. You are looking at being the first boot from Limici so I am kind of hoping you guys win the challenge. Fingers crossed, Ryan <3

Friend: Hayden (Usuck)
Partner: Brad (TheBammBoozlerr)
Girl I love you and you are fierce but you are on the outs. You should make the swap without much of an issue but you need to make some friends and fast. Even the Namibia guys are flaking out on you, and it's clear they'd prefer to keep you around.


jks ily icon_wub
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:00:52 pm

just saw that post, bitch. you'll die for this.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:30:25 pm

BRING IT ON, HAG. icon_wub

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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:13:28 pm


The Boots


Nice player who was, very simply, not active enough on a losing tribe. It was extremely tragic seeing such a great rep fall so soon, but by the sounds of it she is eager to play again and hopefully she gets the chance to redeem herself.


Much like Ciera, a player knocked out by inactivity. Bracari at this stage has lot twice in a row (the second of many to come) and although many had a distinct dislike of Laura and her old-as-fuck schtick, Brad doesn't even show up to the challenges. With a grand total of ONE confessional post, his placement is not a surprise and is frankly well-deserved. Nice, friendly presence in LL though.

Really great. From what I could tell, playing a good game, and fell victim to The Vytas Mistake - An amazing misunderstanding between Vytas and Cochran about who was supposed to be searching for, and have found, the idol was pretty much the sole reason for her boot. Vytas was convinced that Cochran or Kim were going to find the idol on night 1, and went to bed. Cochran was convinced that Vytas found the idol because he went to bed, and the fact that Vytas was apparently acting like he knew all that. Come the following morning, Cochran says he doesn't have it, and Vytas' radar hones in on Kim and unfortunately for her, the others went along with it. Fact is, those idol clues were made by the GODDESS Ashley and the GOD Frank and nobody solved them because they suck. She was absolutely brilliant at her boot tribal, gave it to the tribe hard, especially Cochran and Vytas. Terrible shame she went out in a 3-2-1 vote - if only she'd voted Peter and not Cochran, she would've forced a tie and who knows where she would be now.


Hayden was Hayden. Usuck was an enigma as NuRick in Namibia last season, a complete unknown paired up with Semhar. His application was great, I have been a huge fan since the beginning. Hayden was well-liked on original Bracari and seemed to be fairly close with Katie in particular (something I adored and predicted pre-season), until he was swapped at F18 to the Tapoli tribe. Unfortunately whilst there, he didn't seem to be able to integrate as well as he needed to and quickly found himself with a level target on his back. Rachel's absolute hatred (it seemed) of him didn't really help either. If he's not back again, I'll be shocked.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:37:44 pm


Catching up on these blogs so prepare for out-of-order posts WOO.


Comments for right now:
Ralph and John will always and forever be the greatest Friends to ever play. Calling it. Those two are unbelievable and need to be replicated so I can surround myself by how adorable they are. Those fucking PMs.

Ralph to John before his getting booted
hey but guess what
evenif you lose

John's post to Ralph after he got booted
Now that Ralph is gone, the bright light of hope that lit the sky whilst I was lost in a pool of despair has now dimmed. Goodnight, sweet prince.

In all seriousness, though, I was really hoping he would win this. Possibly even more than I wanted to win myself. He was looking forward to this thing for weeks, and was so excited when he found out I would be joining him in the game. It would have been the greatest if him and I could have made it to the end together, but I suppose it's a little late for that now. Still, it was plenty of fun, and I was rooting for him the whole time. He certainly had the drive and skill to do it. He practically saw this as his calling, his chance to show he could be great at something. Though he may not have made it as far as he anticipated, he certainly proved himself to me.

You'll always be number one in my eyes, Ralph!

I can't.

Ralph you were such a sweet Archangel and I will mourn your loss forever icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:27:05 pm

Peter! What can I say about you? My reaction to your boot was as follows:
[8/07/2014 6:08:38 AM] Ashley: PETER?
[8/07/2014 6:08:46 AM] Ashley: well actually that's fine
I liked you a lot, but you were only one step above Laura on the list of players that did anything. Didn't show to a number of challenges, was a bit of a mess. Your boot tribal is still great reading, mostly for the exchange between you and Vytas. As a returning player I wish you'd played less passively. Nice guy, meh player this season, sorry :(


Your grandmother story was sweet, and she should be recruited to play icon_wub I distinctly remember for a time being extremely disappointed with you. Hearing that you had this burning desire to play again and get another chance and you squandered it for a really long time. You started coming into your own shortly before your boot but unfortunately it seemed to be too little too late, and the others on your tribe simply outclassed you in the social aspect of the game. It's a real shame :( I thoroughly enjoyed you as a personality, but as a player, you were a bit like Peter - didn't seem committed enough.

13th - TIED
In the game, you were kind of a non-entity. Brad was much more disliked/inactive than you and it saved you a few votes, but in the end it caught up with you :( Post-game you are an absolute sweetheart icon_wub

13th - TIED

Wow you were..... not great. Had a really poor start, hated the constant mention of Caleb - enough to really agree with the decision to replace the rep because you made it very awkward - and then you proceeded to just do virtually nothing. It was a real awful shame after seeing your past performance, but I guess just like IRL Laura, I was more than happy to see you booted over other players actually seeming to make an effort. icon_blink

Thus ends the PRE-MERGE BOOTS recap.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:12:05 pm


The Feels Section

This pre-merge was amazing. I can admit I secretly hope my own performances or seasons are liked but this one.... is amazing, and pretty much destroys Namibia - and not even Namibia pre-merge because I missed most of that. This season's pre-merge was actually the fucking bomb. I can't say the same for post-merge because nearly all of my GOD/GODDESS favourites have been brutally wiped out. icon_weep icon_weep icon_weep

The three-tribe twist and the partners/friends stuff sounded like a whole lot of all this up in here but it's ended up being amazing. Too brilliant. Majority of the casting is spectacular - minus.... a few.

-- going into merge I had my winner pick Katie looking hot hot HOT to trot. ( icon_weep ) Namibiownage was still a thing icon_wub Ralph was still the harmony to my heartbeat, Cochran wasn't insane yet, Vytas wasn't a being bipolar and whingey, everyone was loveable in their own way.

ending here. for now.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:18:00 pm


Right now I am rooting for:

Coby > Semhar > Cochran > Marissa > Vytas > idk meh?

Coby is crazy, irratic and makes rash decisions like nothing else, but he is just so loveable. He is the underdog right now, even if it's his own fault. Semhar has become a fierce, fabulous, goddessa. SO glad I supported her being cast for this since the second Namibia ended. Girl deserved it and she is delivering! Sitting on the low end of the totem pole right now but I am rooting for her fiercely. Cochran.... you started off strong but hit merge and you've gone and turned into a potato! Get it together! Marissa is pretty cool, but she's not making the big moves. She's being a social goddess. Vytas - obligation to support a friend :P It would be gross to see him and Steph love it up though and he's been getting pretty half-assed about it so. :( If he wins I will be happy for him.

To lose, please:
God you are annoying please leave soon :(

The others.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:20:30 pm


COBY LIVES! Sorry Rachel but.... this is the perfect result aside from maybe Shawn.

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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:54:55 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:It would be gross to see him and Steph love it up though

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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:35:03 am

Good blogs, Trashley.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:58:17 pm

Stephanie Valencia wrote:
Ashley Underwood wrote:It would be gross to see him and Steph love it up though


Vytas if you win, please don't be gross about it. It would be gross. GROSS. Plz Thanx.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:56:06 pm

Vytas, pls win and be gross about it <3
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:40:57 am


Vytas found the idol! Frank was wrong about this one being hard :P I want him to keep it to himself and shock-idol someone out. That would be so fantastic.


Coby leaving....

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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:36:10 pm


Also, Semhar goddess you need to pull through and be the Namibiownage Rep of the Season + Winner :D

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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:51:28 pm


How very dare you. I knew you were going to be great in this, and I was really praying for you to prove me right. You were my winner pick and everything.

Pre-merge Katie was a marvel to see. Initially a bit naive about her relationships with other players (especially Vytas lol) but was a fairly great, consistent, social player. To add to the mix, she wasn;t the worst challenge performer either, and was far from inactive. All the makings of a goddess on the Bracari tribe already plagued by Vytas' desire for a boys club alliance on a male-dominating tribe. Not to mention of the girls on the tribe, at least two were poor showings in inactive Ciera and enormous letdown Laura, so her performance in communicating with her tribe at least secured her a midway spot with everyone else. Early tribe ranks listed Katie in the #2 spot virtually across the board.

Following the tribe swap, she ended up in the minority a number of times - One of 2 old Bracari on the NuLimici tribe, the other being someone who didn't seem to have any interest in working with her anyway. Was a name brought up as a target a number of times, and was lucky enough to have Coby around to either take the heat off or to keep her in the mix with how the tribe was turning.

Use of the partners and loved ones twist was, in my opinion, one of the best (if not the best) in the game during the entire pre-merge, especially following the tribe swap, allowing her to use her partnership with Cochran to keep close ties to Vytas. She went into the merge in a really fantastic position and I was sitting there fawning myself over this goddess who was delivering in every way and becoming a favourite with all of the hosts, and probably a favourite to win.

Forgot to mention: watching you idol hunt was SO great <3 One of about negative 2 who even bothered to try look for it - these lazy players give up after 5 seconds! Massive shame it was all for naught.

And then it happened.

Warned a couple of times to keep ID-able information on the down-low, and a request to STFU about her previous game with her loved one, she was already on the radar when it came to this and she took a shortcut that was extremely borderline - the results of which were undeniably NOT borderline. Long story short, removal was necessary, but hopefully she learns from this mistake and redeems herself in a future season icon_wub icon_wub

I don't know what to say about Katie without it turning into a huge love fest. Right up until she royally ruined her own game for an alliance that would probably have not helped her in any way, she was magnificent and so entertaining to watch.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:51:23 pm


You were so great in this. I only know you from another game and had low, low, low expectations but wow. One of my favourite players this season.

Caryn, Caryn, Caryn. You first got my attention when the other hosts repeatedly mentioned your PM exchanges with Vytas. They were brilliant in the early stages of the pre-merge, and they were brilliant into the merge round. Not the most effective pairing in the bunch, but certainly not the least, and BY FAR the most entertaining. The animosity between you two was great (as a spectator) and while he zinged you a few times, you troll'd the shit out of him and it was amazing.

Your blatant refusal to humor me and idol hunt was an everlasting source of misery for me, I am certain you know, but seeing you withhold clues from Vytas was pretty much everything so you're forgiven.

Probably the most shocking thing about you was how you managed to turn yourself into a perceived jury threat whilst being a right bitch to everyone at some point. Mesmerizing, in fact. Your /fights/ with Rachel were wonderful, you are wonderful in the juryhaus, and it's just a massive shame you aren't still in the running.

You got got </3
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:53:57 pm

10th Place

I thought you were great, even if you were never really someone I was actively rooting for. I did say at a few points that you were probably going to win the game and even though you weren't one of me baes I wouldn't even be at all upset with that result. Very solid. Pre-merge you were solidly within the majority alliances on both sides of the swap and were looking to be sitting pretty, but like a few others have mentioned your problem was that you were so visible. Going into the merge, effectively everyone knew about ~the Becky threat~ and it was only a matter of time before you were taken out.

On the jury for the most part I thought you were engaging and level-headed and brought good discussion to the mix. I wish you'd been more level-headed during FTC but to be fair whoever the winner is of this game, it wasn't going to be the ~best~ player objectively (imho) so really whichever way you vote is fair enough. Would've liked to have seen a little less circle-jerk Cochran sucks shit in there but w/e.

Glad to see you play, you were great!
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:24:47 pm

9th Place

Not gonna lie I felt guilty at your boot. It was like I'd tanked you a second time when Coby won immunity - first time throwing you under the bus last season, this time my challenge saving the one person lower on the totem pole than you. icon_weep

Here's the deal - you are so entertaining. It is absolutely UNREAL. What I love the most about it is that you are such a sweet arch angel goddess about it - none of your charm comes from bitching out anyone else, it all comes from you being a genuine lovely human being who is super off the wall unorthodox and sweeter that caramelised sugar. Your gameplay this season was streets ahead of your last performance as well and I hope it's even better the next time you play! icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink icon_wink

Can you just.... move to Australia and bring all of your lovely family and John with you? Pretty please? icon_wub I need Ralph in my life <3 You two are seriously the most adorable friends ever, and I don't care that poody jerks off to the Vytas/Cochran dynamic, you and John were just ULTIMATE. Those PMs and messages shared between you (see above, everyone. SCROLL UP) were so amazing. Love you guys so much.

On the jury you continued to be amazing. Didn't really get involved with the dramas of FTC <3 and you added a NEEDED positive element to the place. Sometimes it just feels like it's full of bitches who think they were literally everything and a bag of chips and your charming self-deprication was just so refreshing icon_wub

Never change, Ralphie <3 ily forever.
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