Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

May we all hate equally.

Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:50:15 pm

K here's how this'll work. I post a chapter, then you post a chapter, and so on and so forth until we get board or everybody dies. I'll start us off.


It was just another day for the citizens of Poodyvile. Ibrehem was praising Allah for the fine booty he was starting at, Marissa was chancing Cochran's bitch ass with a knife, Semhar was being a fucking dumbass in the corner, Caryn was having hot hot sex with Becky, Ralph and Rachel were writing some weird ass smut Fic, Vytas was being a bitch, and Shawn was drooling in the corner. All was well, just like it always had been, after all what was going to destroy the lovely life that the Poodyvile citizens were enjoying?

However that day was different, because you see the citizens of Poodyvile decided that it would be a wonderful idea to go on a camping trip 50,000 miles away from civilization, because ya know that's smart and shit, in order to get away from the city life that had served them so well. Once everybody had packed their things and Cochran had been properly traumatized everybody got onto the bus and set off out to the camping grounds.

However little did the citizens of Poodyvile know, there was evil afoot in their midst. And soon, the face stabbing would begin.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:54:24 pm

Can I be in this?
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:54:59 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:Can I be in this?

Ralph make Ashley the Camp Beauty Queen
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:58:27 pm

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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Becky » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:12:52 pm

I would never have sex with a woman, especially Caryn. Fuck off.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:13:44 pm

Becky wrote:I would never have sex with a woman, especially Caryn. Fuck off.

Fuck there goes my lesbian lover plot line.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:15:58 pm

yo I'm so down!

[size=200]Chapter one. [/size]
Popcorn and Butholes

In Poodyland trouble was stirring. The kiddies were getting Restless as the day drew on. "insults" said coby. god laughed. god liked coby and his hair.
god liked the gays. so did satan. and other things. "guys I have an idol" said Vytas as he chugged another Stale bud light. The bud light reminded Vytas of when he was dropped as A child. Vytas didn't like that. "COCHY..... COCH? WHERE U AT" said Vytas quietly. "chuggachugga choo choo" said Cochran. Cochran was tripping major balls. Cochran then saw a knife. Cochran saw a knife. he then saw Ralph being incredibly handsome. Cochran was Jealous. Ralph was totally about to get a date to prom but then BAM. MOTHER. FUCKING. FACE. MURDER. there lay a dead Ralph. Africa cried. jemima cried. the pancakes cried. And he still got the girl. whattguyhewas.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:17:53 pm

also john was there and he was hype.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Becky » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:18:09 pm

Marissa is more likely to dyke than I ever would.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:16:45 am

Chapter Three

God Dammit Cochran

The sudden realization of what Cochran had just done hit him like a tidal wave of bricks. He had just stabbed the sexiest man in all of Poodyvile IN THE FUCKING FACE! There was no way in hell he was going to survive the night if the others found out! They'd kill him for sure! So he did the only thing he knew how.

Cried like a bitch on the kitchen floor.

Suddenly Vytas walked in on the scene, dropping the idol he had stored in Rachel's vagina for two weeks now onto the floor in shock.

"COCHRAN WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" Yelled Vytas as he looked at the scene in shock.

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" Cochran yelled back, tears filling his eyes.

"WHY THE FUCK IS RALPH DEAD!!!" Vytas asked still in total shock.


"Dude you... Oh fucking hell..." Vytas said as he tried to look away from the scene. "We... We need to hide the body"

"WAIT WHAT!" Cochran screamed, like a bitch, yet again.

"Dude if they find him you're dead! We need to move him stat!" Vytas commanded. "Now grab his legs and move already!"

The two then proceeded to attempt to hide Ralph's limp body in an out house cause clearly nobody's ever going to go in there.

Mean while Ibe was on the prowl for sum fun. That was when he stumbled upon the lovely Beauty Queen of Poody Park, Ashley. Ashley winked at Ibe and waved him over to her luxury cabin to have sum fun.

The two entered and quickly Ashley pulled Ibe's pants right the fuck off and threw him onto her bed. Ashley then jumped on top of Ibe's big ass dick and started to ride that shit like a pony. At first Ibe was enjoying what Ashley was doing, when all of a sudden Ibe felt a sudden snap.

His dick had broken off.

"OH SHIT!" He yelled as the blood gushed our of the nub that his dick used to be attached to.

Ashley though didn't care about Ibe's panic as she was too preoccupied with Ibe's dick in her vagina. She continued to bounce up and down on it, shoving Ibe's dick further and further inside of her until suddenly his dick came right out of her belly button. She quickly let out a scream if pain as her small intestines started to fall out of her, before she died right on top of Ibe, who quickly passed on along side her.

But at least he died doing what he loved, getting the booty.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ralph » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:47:06 am

Chapter 3.
Yaaaaaas gur, Relatable
As the dick snappening was happening Semhar was talking to everyone about how she was going to chat up Rachel. Rachel was the mad hot notes and sem wanted some of that Tyson Leftovers.

" HI rachel how's it going? "

" ....... "

Semhar couldn't take it anymore. She took out the cell phone and called 911 for sexual assault. She accused Rachel of sexually assaulting her and Rachel was Crushed. Rachel then a well reached into her own heart to pull out her pancreas. She then sat on her pancreas well reciting the Maranda rights.

" You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you...... "
Semhar couldn't take the fact that Rachel was having such a good time with her goopy blood guts and her Miranda rights so she ran, she ran so far awaa-ay. When semhar had successfully ran far enough from rachel enjoying herself She saw something. Something magnificent.
something fantastic.
Hayden's amazing abs looking back at her. She went in for a closer look but it wasn't worth it for it was a trap.
Peter came out of the Woods saying D-D-D-D-Dead bitch naw.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:09:13 am

At first I was like "woo I am in it!"

But then I was like "wat"
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:30:47 am

Put me in this. Make me a goddess. If no to that, a demi-goddess would do just as well.

Thanks Ralph and Rachel <3
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:46:21 am

Well this is clearly the highlight of my hosting career <33333
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:47:28 pm

Chapter 4

Poodygods Assemble

After noticing that their citizens were having way too much fun stabbing each other, the Poodygods all gathered to discuss the matter. While Frank and Sophie were fucking in the corner, Mia suggested sending their local bitch Haydumb out to the camp site to stop the murders. Sadly for them he wasn't called Haydumb because the second he got there he tripped on a knife and stabbed himself in the eye.

Realizing that the camp ground must be cursed or some shit, the Poodygods did the one thing they could think if. Smoke some dope and get high as shit.

Meanwhile back on earth as Rachel and her pancreas were being taken in for questioning the two cops noticed that Ashley's cabin door was open. Hoping that she was naked or something the two of them and Rachel ran inside only to see Ibe's dick on top of a dead Ibe and Ashley.

The two cops fainted in shock as Rachel, entranced by the Size of Ibe's unattached dick, walked towards the two dead hotties. She slowly picked up Ibe's dick, and after staining at it longingly she shoved it into her mouth and started to suck. However the penis would soon betray her as she shoved it down too far and began to choke, before falling onto the floor as the penis's second victim.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:47:52 pm

If you can't tell Ibe's dick is deadly
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ralph » Thu Jul 17, 2014 3:07:45 pm

Chapter 5

It was 3 am in Poodyland/vile/street/place and everyone was sleeping except P-P-Peter who was P-P-Pissed off. Peter had recently injected a bunch of roids into his thighs to get the gurls and to crush his enemies heads. P-P-Peter wanted to crush some skulls with his fists of multi posting. He searched his phone for contacts who would be down to fight with him. Peter had to do it. He had to call her.
Peter looked under M and Called Mia.

P-P-Peter was found dead due to overdose of marriage you wanna.
This angered the Gods and Godesses.
and most of all angered Mia.
Mia was pisssssssed aaaawwwfff
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:24:47 pm

1. Rachel I am NOT dead okay? Goddesses don't die.
2. Sophie and Frank eww no.
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Coby » Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:14:10 pm

How am I the only cast member not mentioned? Oh, cause I wouldn't be caught dead in this situation, cause I'm too smart like that. icon_lol
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Re: Rachel and Ralph's Super Happy a Fun Time Thread

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:34:30 pm

Coby wrote:How am I the only cast member not mentioned? Oh, cause I wouldn't be caught dead in this situation, cause I'm too smart like that. icon_lol

Chapter 7


Mia was still trying to clam herself from P-P-Peter's death when all of a sudden she noticed a stranger walking into town by the name of Coby. Mia, figuring that nobody will give a shit if this Rando died, quickly whipped out her mighty sword of Justice and ran straight for Coby.

Coby, realizing that he's most likely doomed if he stands there like a dumbass, ran as fast as he could away from the crazy bitch. He quickly turned a corner into an ally way which Mia quickly followed before giving a mighty swing of her sword slicing off a man's head.

Happy with her hunt Mia quickly looked down at the body and realized that it was not the man she had chased through out town. She shrugged it off though as the lighting playing tricks on her.

A month later the towns people finally realized Shawn was missing.
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