Episode 11

Portuguese Runner-Up | 1-8 Vote

Episode 11

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:02:02 pm

Final eight!

Are you surprised you made it this far?

What are your chances of winning the game?

Who is the biggest threat to win at this point?

There was a lot of back and forth at Tribal Council up until the voting deadline. Any thoughts on this?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:11:20 pm

Stephanie Valencia wrote:Final eight!

Are you surprised you made it this far?

What are your chances of winning the game?

Who is the biggest threat to win at this point?

There was a lot of back and forth at Tribal Council up until the voting deadline. Any thoughts on this?

Not surprised I made it this far, But this is getting close to the end of the line for me.

My chances are really slim. I'll be lucky to make it past two votes to be honest.

Biggest threat is marissa. It took her literally 10 minutes to change the vote and everyone and there mother ws on board. If marissa makes it to the end I'll deifnitely vote for her. So my new mission is to make sure she doesnt win.

It was all because of me. Ibe lied to all of us so i figured Semhar wouldnt budge to rachel. That was the plan but i didnt think he would just straight up lie to us fr NO FUCKING REASON

Holy fuck he and Rachel are SO FUCKING FAR U MARISSAS ASS.

Heres the plan, regroup. Vytas is still on my side. voted with Sem, gonna stay with her.

Gonna work on shawn, apologies and all that shit. if theyre all on board thats half the tribe. Enough to go to roocks which is fucking perfect.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:27:15 pm

icon_lol Laughing my ass off at marissa trying to convince me I'd beat her in an FTC

I mean shed obviously kick my ass, it's just funny that she thinks I'm that stupid icon_laughing
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:26:29 am

Cochran wrote:Not surprised I made it this far, But this is getting close to the end of the line for me.

http://www.strandedgaming.com/forums/vi ... f=34&t=852
(Look at this! But you'll probably have to log in first)

Well after looking at this, you made it to twelfth place in your Namibia out of eighteen people, and in this one you already made it further with a BIGGER cast.

Are you still trying to eliminate the people you can't beat, like supposedly Marissa, or are you just trying to lay low and stick with your allies more?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:34:11 am

Sophie P Clarke wrote:http://www.strandedgaming.com/forums/vi ... f=34&t=852
(Look at this! But you'll probably have to log in first)

Well after looking at this, you made it to twelfth place in your Namibia out of eighteen people, and in this one you already made it further with a BIGGER cast.

Are you still trying to eliminate the people you can't beat, like supposedly Marissa, or are you just trying to lay low and stick with your allies more?

Oh it's not like I'm giving up icon_lol It's jst there a lot of big names around here, I'm not entirely positive who I can beat, besides shawn right now.

I'm definitely targeting marissa. If she's not gone in the next round or two then she wins. Hands down no problem she takes it. If she doesn't then it's bitter jury syndrome. Pretty much I'm gonna push for her until shes gone, Then i'll do the same for vytas.

I think in order for me to win I'm gonna need semhar on the Jury, without me screwing her over, and have me, shawn, and Rachel as the final three.

Gonna start a new thread for that though.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:31:31 pm

Talk to me about voting blocs Cochran.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:58:17 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Talk to me about voting blocs Cochran.

I wish I knew Brenda.

If what i'm being told is true, then it's

Marissa, Rachel, Ibe voting for coby

Coby doing whatever the fuck hes doing, I think targeting me.

and me vytas semhar and shawn on marissa/ rachel if marissa plays the amulet.


marissa rachel ibe coby voting shawn,

and the other 4 on the marissa/rachel again.

I dont think it's true though. Here's the deal, if Vytas goes home OR sem/shawn go home without me being told I'm gonna call out Marissa for the queenpin she is at tribal. Thats my only play, because itll be f7 with the trio and coby against me/shawn. And semhar will kiss ass so she wont go home.

If I get people worried about Marissa/ tell rachel and Ibe theres no way they'll win by being wrapped around marissas finger, they may be willing to try something. And if I get voted out at the tribal after, then atleast I'll have ruined Marissa's game. If i'm going down, she's going with me icon_biggrin

Unless I go down this vote, I'm not gonna ruin her game if I have nothing to gain. Not trying to be a dick.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:27:31 pm

So a 4-3-1 vote is expected here on one of Marissa>Rachel?

What is Coby doing? And will you risk trying to get him or even Ibe in on this vote?
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:06:07 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:So a 4-3-1 vote is expected here on one of Marissa>Rachel?

What is Coby doing? And will you risk trying to get him or even Ibe in on this vote?

Yes, But I mean i'm trying to keep the vote off of Rachel for my own reasons(ftc related). Best case scenario is marissa doesnt play her amulet and shes gone.

I wont risk getting coby, and i think ibe is really tight with marissa and Rachel. I dont think we'll need them to be honest.. We shouldnt atleast.

I have no idea whats happening to be honest, noone has been on all day and its a fucking hour before the challenge.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:27:25 pm

Might not be able to save Rachel if I want to save my own skin.

I need to realize that I dont really have the power as far as picking who goes to the end right now icon_laughing Just gotta take it week by week and hope to god that I dont end up in the Jury again.

If amulets are played, rachel goes home.
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Re: Episode 11

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:33:31 pm

Cochran wrote:If amulets are played, rachel goes home.

Or, ofcourse I can always go home icon_lol

I didnt know that marissa had shawn wrapped around her finger also.

This game icon_no
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