John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

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John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:33:35 am

ITT Cochran will talk about how he is going to get to the ftc and win the game!

Step 1: Keep the target off of the partners. Everyone seems to be worried about the partners and the amulets, but I'm really not. No madder how it swings I'm almost positive I will have the numbers. and I really do think if we tell the that they wil get the boot if they dont play them, then they will play them icon_biggrin

But anyways, the plan is to vote of Rachel for F9 tribal

Step 2. Damage control. I talk to ibe and Marissa and be like, "She was conspiring against us/you guys" or, "Sem and vytas told me last minute, hope you dont have me" Cuz i mean that always works. Hopefully they'll be back with me. And if not they really dont have too much of a choice.

Step 3. Vote Coby out at F8 tribal. Shouldnt be too hard. I think i could get literally everyone on board. Or atleast everyone that isnt semhar,

Step 4. Boot Vytas at F7. Heres the plan for this. right now we're trying to "get the amulets" into the hands of Shawn and ralph. So, we tell vytas er're gonna vote for ibe, and semhar the same thing. We tell ibe and marissa were gonna vote for shawn/ralph. And theeeen me shawn and ralph vote for vytas, 3-2-2 blindside. This is really wishful thinking but One of my harebrained schemes has to work eventually icon_lol

Step 5. Damage control again with marissa and Ibe, mainly just tell them Vytas targeted them so He had to go. Damage control even harder with semhar. Idk really what to do there besides apologize.. doesnt madder much though because she's my next target

Step 6. Boot Semhar at F6 tribal. This is definitely going to be the hardest part of my plan. I have half the tribe in Ralph and Shawn most likely to vote for her, it's just a madder of ibe and marissa, or if i could tr and get sem on my side and then use her vote to target ibe/marissa and then 3-2-1. I doubt thatll happen seeing as it kinda just would have happened with vytas.

Step 7. Depending what would happen there, marissa and Ibe damage control? But anyways. lets look where I'm at. Me, Ibe, Shawn, Ralph, Marissa. Amulets are only good until the F5 (if im not mistaken), so no amulets in game.
The whole game i've been getting really close to marissa and Ralph. Thats half of each pair. The hope is that i tell both pairs that i'm with them, when I'm really with ralph and shawn.

Step 8. Vote out Ibe/marissa. Preferably Ibe. I know hes the best at challenges outa that 5 so hopefully its something he can be beaten in.

Step 9. This is the MOST IMPORTANT STEP. Win the final immunity challenge. What day is it on?? I'm gonna take the day off of work the next day incase its the same as last season. I literally will post for 24 hours straight if i have to.

Step 10. Vote out marissa. End up with a final 3 of me/shawn/ralph. I Think I would win outa that group. I mean if all goes according to my plan then they wouldve done nothing besides what I said so...

Things to think about.

Coby and rachel votes are interchangeable. If rachel wins then we oust coby.

if one person wins immunity out of line then I'm so screwed icon_laughing ESPECIALLY if vytas wins immunity at F7.

Also, This Thread will be updated every round as things dont go my way icon_biggrin
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:54:19 am

This is in my confessional only right??

Because yknow if its not then I'm an idiot
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:22:20 am

Cochran wrote:This is in my confessional only right??

Because yknow if its not then I'm an idiot

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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:25:30 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:

Dont do that to me brenda icon_lol

Marissa read my message and didnt answer me so I got really paranoid for a sec. It's all good though.
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:27:01 am

:P You're okay. I woulda laughed so hard though.

Now I don't know whether to ask questions in here or by episode.

Just to be clear, Talismans are good up to and including F5 TC. Meaning the last time they can be played is at the TC with five people attending.
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:36:36 am

Brenda Lowe wrote::P You're okay. I woulda laughed so hard though.

Now I don't know whether to ask questions in here or by episode.

Just to be clear, Talismans are good up to and including F5 TC. Meaning the last time they can be played is at the TC with five people attending.

Right?? How fucking terrible would that have been icon_lol

Really all on you, I'll keep updating the other threads, this will only change if one of my vote attempts goes wrong.

And yeah thats what I thought. I want the F5 to be Me, Marissa, Ibe, Ralph, Shawn. Because the amulets wont be given out then right?? there would still be two pairs until after the F5 tribal. Or I mean you guys could still give them out but they're unusable icon_laughing
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:40:22 am

Spot on.

I had that same plan in my original Season, except I got greedy at F6 and tried to boot someone for the immunities icon_laughing But it killed my game instead icon_cry
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:17:15 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Spot on.

I had that same plan in my original Season, except I got greedy at F6 and tried to boot someone for the immunities icon_laughing But it killed my game instead icon_cry

Well I mean i dont have the option to get greedy and get immunities so Thats good for me icon_biggrin

Looks like the vote is back on Coby BTW, So just switch him and rachel in the steps icon_lol
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:22:20 pm

Day 1 of your master plan and changes are being made! icon_laughing

I had a master plan once... and had to change Day 1 as well... (Sophie is a stubborn ho).... just make sure you win that F4 challenge.... ;__;
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:25:55 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:Day 1 of your master plan and changes are being made! icon_laughing

I had a master plan once... and had to change Day 1 as well... (Sophie is a stubborn ho).... just make sure you win that F4 challenge.... ;__;

Yeah but i put a disclaimer saying that coby and rachel could be swapped, so I dont count it as changing just yet icon_biggrin

I really doubt that my master plan will go the way I want, but It's always better to have an idea of what I'm trying to do.

And icon_lol If everything goes according to plan I have marissa as my toughest competition. I dont think she's gonna do as well as Steph. And hopefully i'll just spend more time on it then she's able to icon_biggrin

But i'm not there yet icon_laughing
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:29:36 pm

Steph *grumble grumble* icon_biggrin

I am going to follow this thread closely, love <3
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:20:07 pm

This was too ambitious icon_uhoh
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Re: John Cochrans Road to FTC thread!

Postby Cochran » Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:26:43 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:This was too ambitious icon_uhoh

LOL Right?!??!

The EASIEST parts of my plan couldnt happen. icon_lol

Gonna scrap this whole thread, back to episode posting for me!

Untill I have another plan atleast. But I mean it'll get scraped within 24 hours so icon_laughing
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