Episode 10

14th Voted Out | 3-0 Vote | 6th Place | 6th Juror

Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:55:11 pm

Final Nine. icon_chaos GJ you & grats on immunity! Do you think you needed it?

But it only gets tighter from here. WTactualF just went down at TC?

How does Becky leaving affect your game?

And the million dollar question, who is next to leave, if you get your way?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:27:18 pm

Final Nine. icon_chaos GJ you & grats on immunity! Do you think you needed it?

Paranoia wise....absolutely since I heard my name coming up. But other then that...not really...it just more solidified that if any shenanigans were to occur and our 6 weren't as aligned as I thought, I would be completely fine in this game. Honestly it was more of a fact that I needed to make sure someone I trusted had it incase Semhar wasn't with us. I am glad to say the girl is opening up more to us.

But it only gets tighter from here. WTactualF just went down at TC?

I dunno. I don't even get what Coby was trying to do...but everything happened exactly like we planned vote wise. 6 people vote for Becky, Becky leaves leaving my five person alliance still in the game. I do worry about where Semhar really sits in this alliance though. It's a little obvious to me she's close to Cochy and Rachel. So I'll just have to make sure I keep an eye on that.

How does Becky leaving affect your game?

Puts my 5 person alliance in the drivers seat. If everyone stays loyal I'm in a really great spot to run the next couple rounds without issue. Even more so it forces Ralph/Shawn to latch on to me and Ibe. That was my main selling point of this vote. This also showed me where Ralph/Shawn's allegiance lied as they were willing to vote for Rachel instead of Coby. They kinda showed how truthful they were about the alliance.

And the million dollar question, who is next to leave, if you get your way?

Coby. Like I said at tribal I have absolutely no ties to that gross bitch. I mean really he's just a fucking creeper. Part of me still oddly wants to work with Ralph and Shawn and I just want to have them there because that's 2 extra numbers I think will work with me versus Coby who I pretty much feel will never work with me. We will see.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:43:56 am

Who is the "five", and who was the sixth?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:06:12 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Who is the "five", and who was the sixth?

The five is Ibe/Rachel/Vytas/Cochran/Myself and Semhar. Semhar is someone I worry about because she's well connected within our group but holds no real connection to me. I'm trying to make both sides of the five. Vytas/Cochy and Ibe/Rachel think i'm with them till the end. I'm trying not to get cocky either because I know that's the first sign of loos but i kinda feel like i'm the HBIC. I just am like the staple in everything. THe beautiful thing is I got Final 2 deal with Cochy, Vtas and I think Rachel...not too sure. But Vytas seems like the best candidate for me to take to the end right now. He's fucking terrible.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:23:59 am

Cochy and Semhar are trying to be sly and getting rid of Rachel because they have less ties to her and think she's a power player. You stupid stupid twats. Now's not the time for this. Don't buy into Ralph/Coby's bullshit. This is why strong alliances splinter...COCHY I TOLD YOU YOU WERE MY BOY!! Yes it was a lie but just trust me on this one. I need Semhar out soon enough. Don't trust her one bit.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:24:50 am

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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:33:45 am

I don't get it boo. We've been fighting for so long to get the majority. WHY IN FUCK do we want to change that now? Well...I guess I can see why they would want to change it...but WHY IN FUCK WOULD I WANT TO CHANGE THAT NOW?? I'm the queen bee right now. What I always wanted!!! icon_cry I'm the very centre of this alliance. Like it or not I'm in the best position right now. My job right now is to make Cochran believe that we are in the best position and no matter what I'm taking him to the end just so he doesn't go rogue and get out Rachel...or much worse me. Although I would vote me out. It's pretty stupid not to.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:28:23 pm

ugh I'm such a debate mode right now. I want to go take a dance class but I have a feeling if I leave people are going to come after me...FUCk fuck fuck....I wish i was more under the radar.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:39:50 pm

Nimble feet or nimble fingers..
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:47:25 pm

THOSE UGGLY ASS MOTHER FUCKERS!! It just fucking hit me. Me and Rachel were playing around with the idea of getting rid of Ralph just because I'm annoyed at all the histeria he's causing and Coby seems to be someone who is willing to work with me. Anyways Cochy shut that down like a bad habit. Then I get this sneaky suspision that Ralph has been sending my pms to other people especially the one where I hint at taking out a bigger target the next round, Cochran. (I changed it to Vytas...like lol Vytas being a huge target). Anyways it just got my brain ticking to the fact that why Semhar was sooo willing to join us on this vote. THose three fuckers are working together Cochy-Semhar-Ralph. I fucking played into Cochy's hand in regards to the pairs alliance and just the fact he gave me a pretty hastey not well thought out end game when i asked makes me question him as well. That little fucking rat.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:45:13 pm

I might have just changed the vote to Ralph. So far I have me/Ibe/Coby/Rachel/Vytas....and possibly Semhar. I'm really pushing the fact the three of them are together but each of them I'm pushing different angles. Vytas i'm pushing 5 strong. Ibe/Rach/Semhar I'm pushing our new alliance of four sticking together and taking out someone who is very well connected. Ibe/Rach/Cody I'm pushing the fact that Coch/Sem/Ralph are all from the same season and Ralph has been heavily protected by Cochran. Let's hope this work. I've had an uneasy feeling all day and this is the first time I can say it's gone away.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:51:36 pm

Semhar's arguments for keeping Ralph and going for Shawn

1) He's an empty space in this game that I wish other people would fill up.
2) Voting him out would ruffle the least amount of feathers.
3) Vytas's idol wouldn't be prompted by Cochran if Shawn leaves.
4) The group of six would stay in tact for a longer period of time and in a round where the immunity amulates are released, the least amount of craziness is definitely ideal.
5) We, united, have a common enemy.

LOL.WUT!!! Gurl....none of those arguments seem A) Logical and B) worthy of me wanting to vote Shawn. She's fucking cray.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:49:03 pm

Fingers crossed Mr. Ralph is out the door <3
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