Episode 10

17th Voted Out | 1-0 Vote | 3rd Place | 9th Juror

Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:55:23 pm

Final Nine. icon_chaos GJ you!

But it only gets tighter from here. WTactualF just went down at TC?

In the minority two votes running icon_uhoh How clued in are you to the tribal pulse here Shawn?

How does Becky leaving affect your game? Who is now on which sides?

And the million dollar question, who is next to leave, if you get your way?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Shawn » Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:59:47 pm

I have no clue. I thought Rachel would have left but apparently everyone but Becky, Ralph, Coby flipped their vote and got Becky eliminated. I was talking to Marissa and said that Rachel was originally gunning for me instead of Becky and now I'm in the hot seat,

I know Marissa will try to keep me over others like Coby and even Cochran wants to keep me but can I trust them or get picked off in the later rounds? IT's better than nothing. I don't know who I am to trust in this game.

The only hope I have is that offer that Marissa gave me with her, me, Ibe, Ralph, and Rachel being the F5, but how the hell is that going to work if Rachel doesn't even trust me and wanted me out in teh first place?!
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:08:43 pm

Shawn wrote:but how the hell is that going to work if Rachel doesn't even trust me and wanted me out in teh first place?!

You tell me Shawn icon_uhoh

What other options do you have at this point? Or more specifically, what other options can you create?
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Shawn » Tue Jul 15, 2014 8:02:07 pm

Apparently Semhar is also trying to push for me to go. As much as I would love to take out Semhar/Rachel, no one is bulging and the last two TC jsut showed how close everyone is together. It's pretty frustrating!

My only choice is for Coby to leave, but if he wins Immunity I'm fucked big time.
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Re: Episode 10

Postby Shawn » Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:38:02 pm

The one person I did not want to see win Immunity, won Immunity. Wow, first Caryn, then Becky, most likely I'm next unless they switch to Ralph which I extremely doubt at this moment. I know a lot of people are trying to do their best to save me, but I'm betting they're saying that just to make me feel safe.

I might as well go for it. It's not like it'll hurt me. I'll consider this a good for laughs
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