Episode 09 - Final 10

Episode 09 - Final 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:04:02 pm

Marissa in the middle <33 Straight out of TC and she's selling a move on Becky to Ibe, and a move on Sem or Coby to Vytas.

Meanwhile Sem has a passion burning and a hate-on for Ralph.

Lots of people are looking at Vytas and assuming he will play the idol on himself and talking how they need to force him into that while booting someone else. Cochran and Ralph actually want to boot him although I have no idea why this is good for Coch? He says Vytas has "turned"?? icon_wacko

And of course something I think will be a bigger issue by tomorrow - only two talisman partnerships remain; Marissa & Ibe, and Shawn & Ralph. Shawn is gonna be all kinds of surprised when he logs back in icon_uhoh
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Re: Episode 09 - Final 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:04:41 am

I think we might see this next boot be Shawn?

Vytas & co. wants to break NuLimici (although he himself won't like to see a male & noob boot). Becky is dropping Shawn's name to Ibe as the back-up to flushing Vytas' idol. Shawn thinks his saving grace here is that no-one knows how close he is with Becky & Ralph but Ibe is right now emphasising to everyone who will listen how Ralph said that Shawn must not have heard from Becky about the vote - emphasis on how that shows how tight those three are. Well derp, it's called NuLimici.

We'll see how it goes. Other main options on the table right now are Vytas himself (or at least enough votes to force him to play his idol), or Becky. There was some talk of Ralph out of Shawn / Ralph but it never really gained traction.

Shawn leaving would of course gift the talisman idols to Ibe & Marissa.
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Re: Episode 09 - Final 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:06:20 am

Coby's game is kinda quiet right now, but this jumped out at me from a PM to Ibe and it's a good summation of his game;

Coby wrote:Given this, how should we approach tonight's vote? I doubt people are going to sit by and just let almost unanimous decisions happen every week. Just doesn't seem plausible at this point. There are still some things up in the air (like who will win immunity and idol plays) but I think if we approach this cautiously yet efficiently, we can get some things taken care of.

He is like the anti-Vytas/Coch with his slow and steady approach.
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Re: Episode 09 - Final 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:34:20 pm

Coby dropping this on Ralph :o I don't think it's true at all, but all the more effective;

Coby wrote:I have a different boot in mind. You see, you are actually their target tonight and I don't want it to be you. They are expecting us to vote for Rachel. 4 votes will come your way, what if we did 1 Vytas and 5 Ibrehem? He's the last one who has both his partner and friend still in the game and it gives you and Shawn the talismans. Not to mention that it would separate Marissa and Rachel (although they still might work together). Vytas will be too paranoid and will probably play it on himself.

Ibrehem boot perchance?
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Re: Episode 09 - Final 10

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:27:30 pm

So now there's a Becky push? idek any more.
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