Okay. Real talk. This is where the real game begins. Season after season, we see players squander a chance to win it all by playing safe and assuming they can follow their "surefire" path to the end all while playing quietly in the shadows. This is where the game is either won or lost, all while some realize and some don't.
While we aren't telling you to go batshit crazy, we're here to ask you: What have you done, or what can you do to leave your mark on this game in a way that you would expect a jury to award you with the win?
Next, let's talk numbers. We merged 5/4/3, therefore, if tribe unity runs deep, no single tribe can get a majority. On top of this, there are partnerships and secret partnerships. How do you plan to work through this complex web to make it through the next vote?
Let's talk allies. Who do you think you have on your side?
Enemies. Who is against you, and who do you want gone?
That's all for now. Talk to us and we will keep picking your brain for more!
Good luck players! Play smart, but don't forget to play hard! We're all rooting for you!