Episode 08

17th Voted Out | 1-0 Vote | 3rd Place | 9th Juror

Episode 08

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:24:14 pm

Welcoem to ~tha merge~ icon_wub

Okay. Real talk. This is where the real game begins. Season after season, we see players squander a chance to win it all by playing safe and assuming they can follow their "surefire" path to the end all while playing quietly in the shadows. This is where the game is either won or lost, all while some realize and some don't.

While we aren't telling you to go batshit crazy, we're here to ask you: What have you done, or what can you do to leave your mark on this game in a way that you would expect a jury to award you with the win?

Next, let's talk numbers. We merged 5/4/3, therefore, if tribe unity runs deep, no single tribe can get a majority. On top of this, there are partnerships and secret partnerships. How do you plan to work through this complex web to make it through the next vote?

Let's talk allies. Who do you think you have on your side?

Enemies. Who is against you, and who do you want gone?

That's all for now. Talk to us and we will keep picking your brain for more!

Good luck players! Play smart, but don't forget to play hard! We're all rooting for you!
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:50:40 pm

I made the merge and I'm not ready to slow down yet. I know for sure I have a plan up my sleeve.

Seeing that I'm making chats with Becky/Ralph while also making chats with Vytas/Cochran. I'm thinking of playing both sides so I can get info from them and use it to get some other players targeted. I know Becky/Ralph are loyal but they are easily social threats that I'm not sure I can handle, but Vytas/Cochran are masterminds and I can't trust them right now. Luckily since I'm Immune I can't worry about getting blindsided.

I'm not sticking to one side, I need to sometimes make a few moves to pick off the threats while also having other people get the blame and losing their trust and possibly Jury votes. Right now, I'm remembering Katie mentioning of some of the girls on the green tribe knowing some of the guys' friends in the game and explaining how Hayden got picked off. I don't know how she got it but she either got it from Cochran or Ibrehem. I am planning on voting out Rachel, but I need to be certain Rachel's loved one is already out and currently asking Katie for the details on that friendship elimination vote plan. If that's true, then I could potentialy be in danger. As much as I don't trust Vytas.Cochran, I have to ignore them since they are safe with Immunity.

So I'm taking charge and trying to take someone out that I honestly don't care about, which is Rachel. She was hard to talk to and I have better allies to have.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Shawn » Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:03:26 am

What the fuck.....seriously...WHAT THE FUCK!? Who would be stupid to outright do that in PMs that can easily be read by the hosts......I just can't even get over that. Newbie or not, that's fucking common sense not to do that.

On to other plans, I think if Katie leaves, then this might get interesting. That leaves just me, Ralph, Coby, and Becky as my go to allies now with a double agent from Vytas and Cochran. Rachel might be the next to go, but I need to see how close is Ibrehem with Rachel, if he's not as close, Rachel's toast and nothing's going to save her from that sunburn of a blindside. I know I have Becky on board, I just need the others to help us out....
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:30:50 am

What's your read on the people that you haven't ever spoken with till right now?

Ibe, Sem, Cochran? (Is there more? I think that is it.)
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Shawn » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:25:40 pm

I actually talked to Ibe, Sem, and Cochran and all seem okay to me.

Favorite's Ibrehem the most. Mainly because he sounds like a total goofball, Semhar kind of was awkward since she mentioned if I came from Tennessee. I don't know if that's where Shawn lives, but I think she was flirting with me. It's kind of very awkward. Cochran seems a bit quiet and have some small talk but at least he was nice to talk to.

I don't know if I'm being paranoid, but I'm having a thought if Vytas was lying to me for most of the time, he has been saying things that made no sense like why he booted John over Cochran, I think something's up but I really can't do anything since those two are Immune this round including me (Thank god)

And whooping doo. Katie got herself ejected and I know this signals Final 2 so I know I have a few ideas who my F2 partner will be.....Caryn. But first I need Caryn to join the group with me, Becky, and Ralph. I know I'll have Coby joining us so that makes us a Solid 5. Then we just need one more person ,but can't trust no one else. The only person close is Marissa or Ibrehem. I still need to talk to them more and see if I can trust them or not to tell them what's going down.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:31:48 pm

Why is Caryn your ideal F2 partner?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:37:15 pm

I am a little lost to why Katie getting ejected means F2. Connect those dots for me.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Shawn » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:27:06 pm

I think I'm just saying it because every game I've been to that had a Jury start at 11, end up with a F2. Then again those were both Da ORGs (Survivor Anime War and Survivor Silent Hill) and this is a whole new gamefield since this is still new to me in ORGy games.

I could be surprised if it's a F3 with a Jury of 8. icon_shrug
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:57:32 pm

Let's say it is a Final 3. Who do you want sitting next to you? Do you take your allies that you know you can trust, or do you take a couple of goats that you can end up beating? Or are your allies shaping themselves to be goats anyway, and so it doesn't matter?

If it's a final 2, what is your strategy for getting there? Do you worry that there are 6 veterans left and only four newbies left and you'll never even get the chance to be in the Final 3/2?
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Shawn » Sat Jul 12, 2014 3:02:18 am

For Final 3, I would say Becky and Ralph since I trust them, but honestly that would be a bad idea because I know those 2 will easily get some of the Jury votes. I just need to take ONE of them out and replace one of them with Caryn. I do know is that I'm taking charge of the Rachel blindside and so far Vytas doesn't know that I was the one who planned on this blindside. But makes me wonder if he only talked shit to Caryn Vets because of that mentality.....Hmmm makes me wonder. But as long as I look like I'm the one in charge it could make Becky/Ralph like followers, but honestly this is not Redeption Island where Natalie and Phillip were the definition of goats/followers, but Becky and Ralph are people that are very social and very likable. I need to be aware of my surroundings.

If it's a Final 2, easy answer Caryn. I know she's not the most liked out of everyone watching, but she was my partner in crime and I think she earned that F2 spot. Plus it would piss the living shit out of everyone that Caryn made it far in the end. But to be frankly honest, she's not exactly social like me or the others, and there's a few people that aren't fond with her so I can use that to my advantage.

This is Shawn's game and I need to make sure it stays that way.
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