Juicy PMs

Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:12:09 am

It's a pain for the players every Season that they don't get to see the PMs sent, so here is a place to drop some good ones for later reading by players;

Vytas & Caryn's opening salvos as they discover they are talisman partners;

Re: Hey Slut
Caryn wrote:So this is how things work:

You send me information, I send you information.

Pretty simple right? Just gather up all the info you can within a day and just tell me everything at night.

Vytas wrote:sorry, was at my tribe camp. my people aren't around :(
who's your loved one? i need someone to talk to

Caryn wrote:Honestly I don't even know who my partner is playing as icon_lol

Vytas wrote:bitch, that's not how it works

Caryn wrote:SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Don't you EVER back talk me.

Remember who's the Rookie and who's the Veteran you stupid cuntbag.

Vytas wrote:you fuckin bitch, yell at me again and i'll throw you in rupert's dick

Caryn wrote:KNOW YOUR RANK, V.


Vytas wrote:i'm starting to like you

i have the dick, i'm the fuckin boss in this.

Caryn wrote:And that dick is going to be going in my mouth before Sunday, got it?
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:23:12 am

Laura wrote:Hey sista! What up in the house? Yo!

Ooh, look at me trying to talk all street! What's hip with you? Feelin' groooooovy to be here?

Marissa wrote:Gurl you Killen me right now. Your sooo extra its absolutely killing me. I'm so excited to be here you don't even know. Its going to be super hype. How about you?

Caryn wrote: Ching Chang Chong Wong fe dong? Cling clang nong kong? Ni si le bong?

Becky wrote:Cut that bullshit, Caryn. You and I are way beyond that.

Kim P wrote:Hey Caryn! Are you excited?

Caryn wrote:No
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:23:15 am

Hadn't seen those last two. So great. <3
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:30:30 am

The one with Caryn and Becky kills me every time I read it. icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Frank the Tank » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:12:22 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:
Kim P wrote:Hey Caryn! Are you excited?

Caryn wrote:No

icon_lol icon_lol

This thread will be full of Caryn's PMs I can tell.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:24:02 pm

I just saw this thread. Please keep updating it, I need this in my life right now.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:29:49 pm

I am enamored with both sides of the Ralph/John pairing. Ralph is outside that majority on Limici but still in everyone's good books. John is new as new can be but is doing the right things where Brad is doing the wrong things and I hope he can work his way through this.

Anyway, PM from Ralph teaching John to play is cuteness personified;

Re: think I'm going to be in majority soon.
Ralph wrote:sounding good bra.

talk to me more home skillet!
and send long pms! apparently people like that!
i don't know you probably have the same grasp of the game as me but I've been sending longer pms and it seems to be working!
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:24:56 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:I am enamored with both sides of the Ralph/John pairing. Ralph is outside that majority on Limici but still in everyone's good books. John is new as new can be but is doing the right things where Brad is doing the wrong things and I hope he can work his way through this.

Anyway, PM from Ralph teaching John to play is cuteness personified;

Re: think I'm going to be in majority soon.
Ralph wrote:sounding good bra.

talk to me more home skillet!
and send long pms! apparently people like that!
i don't know you probably have the same grasp of the game as me but I've been sending longer pms and it seems to be working!

icon_laughing icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

easily my favorite pair.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:11:04 pm

Semhar wrote:I was thinking... maybe if we 'tie up' some of the other team, we will definitely win the challenge icon_whistling I have the rope.


Pretty self explanatory what she means by "tie up" right? Especially since she clarified that she had ROPE. Well, wrong.

Ralph wrote:I'm really sorry sem but I'm not the brightest. What do you mean by *tie up*?

icon_lol icon_lol
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 01, 2014 8:45:12 pm

Caryn wrote:That literally just riled me the fuck up. I'm losing it.

I want to hunt his ass down and punch him in the face.

Ralph wrote:just telling you that im not mad.
just when someone ranks you as least intellegent your gonna get *mad*
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Frank the Tank » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:16:04 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:
Ralph wrote:just telling you that im not mad.
just when someone ranks you as least intellegent your gonna get *mad*

icon_lol icon_lol icon_laughing
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:34:00 am

I think I've made no secret of my love for Doctor John. Is he the only legit first-timer remaining with Brad out?

Anyway, nothing huge here, just posting this to highlight how delightfully formal he is sometimes;

John wrote:Yeah, the last thing I need is to feel endangered. I kind of freaked out when I did the double post earlier, and whenever I get too stressed, I get really sick. That wouldn't exactly be very helpful to the game, eh?

Cochran wrote:Well man you really dont need to worry about it,

Thats the reason that I lost that challenge last time around, and That person who double posted made it very far into the merge!!

So I dont think anyone will hold that against you icon_biggrin

And yeah hopefully you dont get too sick over stress man, These games can get really stressfull, and being sick is never fun so

John wrote:You're a really cool guy, Cochran. I really appreciate having someone as understanding and friendly as you are with me. I'm hoping the two of us can at least get close to the finals together. Would be funny if it came down to you, Ralph and I, wouldn't it?

Thank you. With your support, I should be able to shake this off and rest a little easier tonight.

Cochran wrote:Well thats what I'm goin for Johnny! Me you ralphie for the final three sounds pretty good to me icon_mml

And oh good. glad I can help icon_biggrin

idk what time it is where your at john, but it's so fucking late for me right now,

I really want to sleep but this clue thing has my mind racin, its drivin me crazy icon_chaos icon_weep

John wrote:Tell you what; you get some rest while I keep trying to come up with something. If I figure anything out, I'll be sure to let you know in the morning!
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:04:23 pm

please sticky this. it's not organized and it's annoying me.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:00:06 pm

Hayden & Sem discuss their Tapoli predicament;

Hayden wrote:icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_razz


here's my left nipple in action icon_lol
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:04:11 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Hayden & Sem discuss their Tapoli predicament;

Hayden wrote:icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_razz


here's my left nipple in action icon_lol

These really are juicy PMs.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:09:09 pm

Katie couldn't keep her idol find to herself for even a day :P

Katie wrote:Stop looking for the idol icon_wink

We got it girl.

PLEASE I know you won't cut me on this after what you went through in CC: Korea. We need to keep playing it like we're playing it and you just tell me if the vote ends up on me at any stage. Of course you would also have to vote along with them to keep our partnership concealed. If we make it to the merge with this in our hands it is ours to use on whichever of us needs it first, cool?


Oh, in case you doubt me: aljezurriver


Coby wrote:Oh my god! Yeah girl, yeah!

This was huge, we needed it. Honestly I think it's better that you have it, cause I'm not sure if I have good idol-tuition yet.

I have never been happier! icon_biggrin

Katie wrote:I fucking busted my ass and got nothing done at work figuring that out - it was SO HARD. I have a whole thread dedicated to my nonsensical ramblings trying to put it all together icon_wacko

So, the plan is if we lose a challenge and end up at TC in our current lineup and they target me all you need to do is alert me but still vote along with them. I'll play the idol and my one vote will send Shawn packing because I'd rather keep the other 3 and think they would respect the move - yeah? Then we keep the partnership nice and quiet and there isn't an odd second vote for Shawn to explain
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:47:27 pm

Cutest alliance proposal ever from Ralph to Becky;

Ralph wrote:Yea! I thought shawn would've told you? He's been saying we were a trio for a little bit now? maybe he just forgot to ask you if it's official. Like changing your facebook relationship status official kinda thing!

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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:31:01 pm

Ralph kinda asked John to play in that last challenge to throw or hoping he'd lose so that Ralph wouldn't have to go to TC. Then he said in confessional it wasn't that he thought John was safer, just that he really didn't want to go to TC. I kinda heartfucked him about it ngl.

But then I see this as the very last PM he sent to John. john didn't even get to read it before he got the chop;

Ralph wrote:hey but guess what
evenif you lose


Heartfuck returned with interest.
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:28:15 pm

this thread is so helpful to me. ily Brenda.

Also STOP (never stop) posting that Ralph PM everywhere! The EMOTIONS every time!
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Re: Juicy PMs

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:35:52 pm

I am gonna put that on a greeting card and make millions.
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