Episode 06

Episode 06

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:46:51 pm

We are losing a lot of the impetus of these blogs because all our chats are hidden away on Skype where the players will never get to read so get some of those thoughts over here pls hosts.

Bracari are all stars for tonight. Even Peter who I ranked pretty low just a few hours ago gave great value at that TC.

But let's rewind to pre-challenge when Cochran sends the entire tribe a reply meant just for John - including in it John's original quote;

Cochran wrote:
John wrote:I've been thinking, and I really like Peter. Do you think it would be more beneficial to get rid of him, or Vytas if we lose?

Well I mean were definitely going to win tonight icon_biggrin

But yeah I really like peter also. I'd like to keep him around if we could..But are you sure vytas is the way you want to vote??

I mean i'm game for whatever you wanna do, but I just wanna know where your heads at yknow??

So Vytas (and everyone) reads this.

Vytas reaction to John;

John wrote:You getting ready for the next challenge?

Vytas wrote:yeah
i see you're getting ready to vote me out


John denies it, and later sends him a slightly edited version without Vytas' name in - claiming Cochran did it on purpose. Maybe he thinks he did? Marissa is freaking out about it for a different reason - if John likes Peter too much to boot him - well that's no good when he was saying all day he was down to boot Peter. She might survive till after Vytas, but she'd be fucked after.

Then they lose the challenge by a nosehair, so tensions are understandably racing.

Hosts are chatting on Skype and as best we can tell from the flying PMs, Marissa & Vytas will stick together on a Peter vote despite John's newfound targeting of Vytas. Peter & John will stick together too (Peter thinks Marissa is with them maybe) and it will be a Vytas vote because John thinks there's no going back from the mis-PM. Cochran will be swing between the pairs and he's leaning.. Peter? Vytas?


Vytas goes guns blazing on Peter at TC. We still don't know where Cochran is at.

He finally votes with 40 seconds to spare .. in the wrong thread icon_laughing He's really on fire lol. Ibe comes across and breaks the tie. Mostly I think because Marissa was on Vytas' side, but who knows.

Vytas is so aggressive <33
Cochran is a beautiful mess <33
John is still finding his feet <33
Marissa is once again not the boot <33

What a tribe.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:01:07 pm

I think that right now the Bracari tribe is full of rockstars in my mind, and I don't want any of them to go.

Vytas and I may not get along, but I think he's great and I really do hope he goes far in this. I may not want him to win at all, but I do want him to get to at least the merge.

Marissa <3 She's my winner pick and even though I don't think she can win, I really hope she does because how strange would that be looking at things now? She isn't really on anyone's radar at all and her voting with Vytas who stayed MAY help her if Bracari were to lose the next immunity challenge.

John I ranked very low on my ranking earlier today, but I think in this episode he sort of stepped up a bit in his confessional and with his thoughts in tribal council. I feel like he's a sleeper right now but he could become for sure a major competitor if he ups his social game.

Cochran is just.....odd in terms of my love for him this season compared to last. Last season he was sort of a dud but with a lot of potential, and this season I feel like he is becoming almost a bit like Russell? I don't want to compare him to him yet, but I feel like him being able to throw away his ally so quickly is sort of amazing to watch since last season he would never consider doing that.

This episode revealed a lot about the players of Bracari, and also revealed a lot of potential from them.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:27:36 am

Agreed. I hope they win the next two as well.

John wrote:Sigh... I'm almost hoping they vote me out at this point. I get way too emotionally invested in these sorts of things, and when I get stressed out, I end up falling ill. I already feel a little sickly just from tonight, and I just want to curl up under my blankets and shut out the world. I'm too sensitive for my own good sometimes..

Stay strong sweet prince <3
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:34:28 pm

Vytasgod getting the idol <3 He's been great these last two eps especially. I just hooope he can get to the merge.

The two post-swap Bracari tribal councils have delivered. Cochran though. :| I was impressed with his game until tonight. I think even he's starting to realise he's making a lot of mistakes and said as much in his confesh.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:50:59 pm

I had a big thing typed up this morning about all three tribes I was going to give to Gina, but idk. The LL will be in there soon and as much as I'd like to trust the alumni and the LL that will soon be in there.. it's too much of a risk to screw up the game. Shoulda posted it here instead of deleting.

Anyways, that round was all about Bracari and a little Ibe, but spotlight on each tribe.

Tapoli booted Hayden, and left Semhar out of the loop on the vote because they all correctly figured those two were partners. In fact they led her on - particularly Ibe & Caryn swearing they were gonna boot Rachel. Now interestingly it was more Caryn than anyone else that orchestrated this boot. yes it was gonna be one of Sem or hayden cos of Ibe's ties to Caryn & Rachel and Laura's immunity - but the other three wanted Sem out and Hayden to stay until Caryn forced the issue with her own agenda. Rachel & Laura not really caring either way assuming Sem would be next no matter what. Except the next day Caryn drops the bomb on Rachel that she actually wants to boot Laura next. Rachel promptly tells Laura as much so now she knows too.

So now Rachel & Laura are tentatively approaching Sem to get her with them to boot Caryn, but it seems like Sem is actually closer to Caryn & Ibe still cos of the vet bond? Ibe is certainly doing the best reconciliation work with her. Explaining himself very well and luring her back in but I think it's the wrong move. Here is why in Rachel's words (to Ibe);

Rachel wrote:Anyway... Honestly I'd rather keep Laura tbh. I want to get us into a position where in the worst case scenario and we go on a losing streak the two of us are the last two standing on this tribe, and if we get rid of Laura we won't be able to do that. Both her and Caryn are going to be far more loyal to us then they will be to each other, so we can get rid of either of them if we lose twice. Besides you guys betrayed Semhar, I doubt she'll want to work with you guys again :/

Smart girl Rachel. She is spot on the money. Ibe is guaranteed F3 of that tribe pretty much no matter what if he keeps both Caryn & Laura in (and Rachel). Sure he can go the other way but then he's burned both Sem and Rachel & that leaves the super reliable Caryn as his mainstay.

Imma predict Sem sticks with Ibe & Caryn and they boot Laura should they lose. The second most likely result is the Caryn boot but both Rachel and Laura need to do a whole lot more with Sem if they expect to secure her vote. Least likely thing to happen (even though it's honestly the best thing for both Ibe and Rachel would be to stick to the plan and chop Sem. I just can't see it happening though.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:27:26 pm

telling those two I voted for peter yeah.

And if John opens his big mouth, Then Obviously he's lieing sophie! Trying to save his ass so he's not gone next tribal. I mean why would I go against my friend in the game? icon_biggrin

Cochran <3
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:33:56 pm

Tapoli to lose tonight? Y/y?

If not them, Limici needs to cut some fat and Katie's idol is just the way to do it. But Laura needs to go first and Katie's idol needs to last a little longer.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:47:31 pm

Last but not least the eternal on the edge tribe of Limici. They will probs top two it again tonight - they should at least, knowing what the challenge is. But tomorrow with the double? They may have to boot someone before merge after all. And I do think that'll be a good thing for them. If they go to merge as six of twelve they are going to be TOO BIG and will get picked away at. Five out of ten is a much better size and they can utilise their individual connections and point at Tapoli as tighter with the pairs and all of that.


I am logging in drunk 3 hours after I started typing this. lol. I will continue this tomorrow. Predictions if they lose; Skinny Ryan to leave, or a lesser chance of it being Shawn - both as a straight boot or idolled by Katie.
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Re: Episode 06

Postby Frank the Tank » Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:57:49 pm

Marissa wrote:
John wrote:I know where to put them, it's just sliding them there that's going to be tough.


This is the quote of the episode.

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