Mia's thoughts:
Ciera: I wasn't here for your boot and apparently neither were you? So sad. I don't usually get involved in casting that much unless it's with people I already know and can either recommend or anti-recommend (is there a word for that?) but with you, I'll say that the hype was warranted and it was just a shame. Don't go on vacation next time, bitch.
Brad: The same case as Ciera, apparently? I wasn't here for any of you, either. My b. I read your posts in the Loser's Lodge later and I admire that you really did try to make this work, but again, vacations and ORGs do not mix.
Lil Kimpy: Tbh it is a fucking injustice that you were the first returnee to go. I honestly believe that every returnee brought something (except for Peter, he sucked) so I guess seeing you go before him was terrible. But you 3-2-1'd yourself out, so yeah. Idk. You were feisty ad glorious in your elimination, and I know that a lot of the players didn't care for you, but there were just as many that did, so haters to the left.
Hayden: I wasn't able to pay attention to your game early on much, because by the time I was back from being gone, you were already stuck on Tapoli and in a shitty situation. It became clear that it was either you or Semhar leaving, and that whoever was left might actually be in a good spot. Unfortunately you had done a little too well for yourself, as identified by Caryn (who you can thank for your boot) and the fact that you had solid connections elsewhere and your general wildcard status did you in. You were great though, and I can't think of anyone that didn't like you. I'm sure we'll see you get yet ANOTHER shot at this because your first one doesn't really count
Peter: You did not deliver. I was very vocal in NOT casting you, but there's always the player that Poody ignores me on and I get to waltz in here during the cast reveal and wave my finger of truth, justice, and "I told you so!" But that aside, I guess you had a few okay moments, but that's all they were: moments. You did nothing strategically, and you were kind of a joke. And that's the truth.
Skinny Ryan: I think out of the entire cast, you were the most out of place here. I'm still not sure how to describe it, but you just weren't able to commit to the game (which I don't get at ALL because I've seen you do so well in plenty of other games?) It was a bit of a letdown to see you go out like that, but after the first few rounds of the game, it was clear that you were going to fizzle out, and that's what you did. I won't deny that you deserved your second chance, and I enjoyed the hell out of your updates and posts while you were here, but there was just a bigger story going on and you were almost always left out of it.
Laura: Ugh. It is so hard to defend you here because you struggled really hard. I remember warning you about schtick play in Stranded, and when you were kind of like "yeah that's nice but I'm good thanks" it should have been a warning sign that we weren't necessarily going to see you at your best. Maybe you weren't doing a schtick of any sort, but if you were, you were probably trying to be more like Laura B than creating a character out of her for yourself. You had such potential to be an epic hag, but you were either busy or you just always sat on your hands and let your existing relationships do the work for you (and they weren't really working that well, so that's where you REALLY lost it here). On top of that, I think whether on purpose or not, the fact that you had JUST barely got your first win didn't make you quite as hungry to do well. It was definitely a shame because I feel like this was a squandered opportunity for you, but oh well. I'm not sure if you'll ever get it, but many of us know how well you can do with a second chance, so if it ever happens, I'll be rooting for you!
John: I could never really bring myself to pay attention to you. You were a nice guy, but much like Peter and Skinny Ryan, there was always just much more going on and you weren't ever really involved in any of it.
Katie: UGH KATHERINE. </3 First off, you and Coby were my FAVORITE pairing for this game because I brought both of you to this cast. Coby needed a partner so I hooked you guys up, and it was a match made in heaven before the two of you even realized it. Your story was one of my favorites- the way you worked that NuLimici tribe and wrapped the right people around your finger, to finding the idol? It was just so great. And then I left for the weekend to do some traveling and I come back and see you were removed for breaking the rules? Ugh. I know we haven't talked much since this happened, but it was just so devastating to see because you had an AMAZING journey ahead of you. I think you just got a little too hungry and confident and made a major slipup with the Caryn shit. Ugh ugh ugh. You were so damn great I don't know what else to say because I know you're really apologetic and you learned your lesson, but just always know that I love you!
Caryn: You were so amazing in this. I LOVE that you came into this and said "fuck it, trying to be normal just doesn't work for me, I'm going to just go at this full-force Caryn-style. And that's exactly what we got. Straight from Caryn's Corner, Caryn dribble flooded the game and it was glorious. I think that you proved to have a bit more of a strategic sense than people thought, and you were definitely a loyal ally when you needed to be. You did a lot of things right, and realizing that you shouldn't change who you are to play in this was one of the biggest. BUT, as we've all told you by now, SOME flexibility is necessary, and you just weren't willing to do that. You were the merge boot in both of your seasons, but damn your showing here was so much better and I really enjoyed all of it. Caryn is a Stranded staple for life now, so the haters will have to deal with it.
Becky: Oh Rebecca. You're always so modest, but you already know how great you are. I think Poody was saying this, but it was hard to root for you in this game because you didn't really need the second chance. I disagree with that, but there WAS something about you that didn't quite fit with the rest of the cast, and that was that you were TOO good and TOO polished. I get that this probably sucks to hear because that's like the worst thing to say to someone, but you played well and you were a huge threat, and yeah. I'm jut rambling now because I feel like I've already said all of this, but I think that if you had survived the round you left in, the claws REALLY would have come out and you could have barreled your way to the end. You're a star <3
Ralph: I can't even remember why I didn't enjoy you in Namibia now because you were just so great here. You were a gift that kept giving and giving, and everything about you was so fun, genuine, and super fucking likeable. You really came back here for the experience and the fun, and you pulled it off so nicely. Congrats Ralph on becoming one of the rare instances where I will admit I was wrong about someone I strongly disliked. You earned it. #likeanapple is still trending!
Rachel: Damn, I'm running out of steam on these comments. Coming into this, I didn't really expect much out of you for some reason, but damn gurl you delivered. And I couldn't be happier to share the 8th place club with you <3 You were an epic cuntress and I loved how you always gave your opinions and were never afraid to back down from the drama. Mia approves, girl. Mia approves hard.
Coby: Poody and I were talking about the returners cast one night, and it was right after I witnessed your tragic elimination in another game, and I just knew that after seeing you play several times, and brushing up on your Stranded history, you just NEEDED another go, and with a couple other older players being asked back, this season was perfect for you, so I DEMANDED that Poody cast you and clearly, it was a great fucking choice. Everything about your time in this game was great. You did your classic slow-bloomer strategy where people tend to discard you or put oyu to the side at the first until you gradually become a huge threat. You were on point about the tribal dynamics so much, and your pairing with Katie was just so great. And I seriously don't think I've ever seen someone become such a negabitch callout queen and STILL manage to become a huge jury threat. It was amazing. People wanted you out for a long time, and I hope you take at least a little solace in the fact that it was their undoing, because with you gone, the big target had to be shifted on to someone else. You were so amazing in this, and like I said before, you were my winner pick in the host draft, and even though you didn't win, I still feel like a winner with my pick <3
Marissa: I think it was around the Kim P elimination that I first took notice of how perfectly poised you were to stay in the shadows and then just emerge as this amazing Stranded Queen <3 and that's exactly what you did. You were so damn likeable and hilarious and fierce... you brought it in a big way for this season. Unfortunately, you fell victim to "take out the big threats!" and then you were axed right after. Always a painful mistake to see people make. You played the shadow threat game so well and for so long that most of us really thought you would pull off the win, and seeing it all come crashing down was tragic. Amazing game, Marissa!
Semhar: Not nice with a side of rice <3 I enjoyed the hell out of you this season, partly because I ACTUALLY got to watch you rather than read a few snippets of your snarky blog comments, and partly because you really fought for it and worked your way through some tough obstacles to become the last big threat to win to take the fall. After Hayden left, you wurked it and finagled your way through the merge like nothing I've ever seen before. For lessons on how to play the UTR game while simultaneously making people like you enough so that they respect you and want to give you the win, players should consult Sembaby. <3 Your second chance was well-deserved and you made a great use of it to become an all star in my eyes <3
Vytas: I loved you in this because you always had your hand in the cookie jar and you were always at the center of everything. I think it's also worth nothing that you DID in fact just come here to play and have fun, and I don't think you were really ever going for the win? Maybe I'm wrong but you played this game to be a heavy hitter more than to win, and I respect that. Sure, you pissed almost everyone off, but yeah. I will say, like I've already told you, that the "no female winner" thing was gross and stupid, and I really hope that you undermining that it was your real motivator in a lot of votes is true, because if not, it's pretty lame. Idk.
Shawn: You were pretty boring and irrelevant for a lot of this, sorry. And while I do think that you actually came into your own some near the end, I'm still not convinced that you were at the same level as a lot of players, and that it was more of the fact that there was more room on the stage.
Cochran: You were a lot like Vytas, super involved in everything, not afraid to make moves, but you just didn't inspire the confidence people needed to have in you. You were pretty epic, but you made a lot of huge blunders (failing to vote in the Peter elimination, even though you WANTED to vote Vytas, and then causing the tie, that was pretty damn epic but just super embarrassing on your part!). However, I won't deny that you left a huge mark on this season. Nobody can take that away from you- you were a great character and helped craft a great story, and that, above anything else, is something I can really appreciate!
Iberehem: I'm writing this assuming you're winning this shit. If you don't, I'm embarrassed but I'm still going to write something nice regardless! First of all, while the Namibian hosts were constantly bragging about how well the Namibians were doing in this, I just sat quietly back and smiled as you and Caryn, the Costa Ricans, representing a ~far superior~ season, kept owning and doing well. Early on, you connected with the right people and put yourself in a winning position that was never really threatened until you went into that tiebreaker. Poody will say that you were boring and unexciting, but that's because he looks for different things in players. I try to appreciate ~all~ qualities, and much like Steph goddess last season, you just worked the right combination of threat level perception management, social game, and challenge prowess. You played well and you deserve this win, and I'm so proud of you for it! Also it was good to see that you aren't just slow when you host games, but that you're also slow in making ~crucial game decisions~ like who to send home in a tiebreaker or the F3 tribal council lol. <3