Cast Reveal

Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:22:02 pm

Reddit is filled with maniacal, idiotic parasites.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Semhar » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:22:07 pm

I found Stranded from a reddit ad - for Venezuela.

I applied after the season had ended. lul. When Allstars was taking place.

I re-applied when the Namibia ad was posted.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Laura » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:22:13 pm

Where's Caleb?!?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:22:28 pm

Thanks a lot Ciera. -_-
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:22:45 pm

Shawn wrote:I'm assuming those guys are from Reddit. icon_unsure

I think Ciera was Reddit alright, but Brad was an RL friend of Peter's that he asked to play.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:23:16 pm

Laura wrote:Where's Caleb?!?

Not this shit again. icon_rolleyes
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:23:18 pm

Kim <3

You were amazing, but I'm sure you already knew that
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:23:24 pm

Not surprised to see Peter was after you, Kim. I told you he was garbage.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:24:24 pm

Laura! I missed ya!
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:24:43 pm


Most Likely to Be Reincarnated


-17th Place-
Friends with Semhar


Jeff Probst wrote:Hayden. GONE. TOO. SOON. Absolutely loved this kid. The Namibians may recognize him from last season as the replacement for Rick who was only in the game about 2 days mid-season. We decided he didn't get a fair shake and agreed to let him be back as someone new this season. Boy am I glad he did. His fights with Rachel were legendary. His fights in the loser lodge were equally as entertaining. He's by far my favorite new player (sorry erryone else). So bummed when he left so early.

Mia wrote:I wasn't able to pay attention to your game early on much, because by the time I was back from being gone, you were already stuck on Tapoli and in a shitty situation. It became clear that it was either you or Semhar leaving, and that whoever was left might actually be in a good spot. Unfortunately you had done a little too well for yourself, as identified by Caryn (who you can thank for your boot) and the fact that you had solid connections elsewhere and your general wildcard status did you in. You were great though, and I can't think of anyone that didn't like you. I'm sure we'll see you get yet ANOTHER shot at this because your first one doesn't really count icon_laughing

Ashley wrote:Hayden was Hayden. Usuck was an enigma as NuRick in Namibia last season, a complete unknown. Application was great, I have been a huge fan since the beginning. Well-liked on original Bracari and seemed to be fairly close with Katie in particular (something I adored and predicted pre-season), until you were swapped at F18. Unfortunately you didn't seem to be able to integrate as well as needed. Rachel's absolute hatred of you didn't really help either. If you're not back again, I'll be shocked. I loved you! Were in a pretty decent spot until the swap and you just couldn't integrate into the new tribe. Get on top of that and I'm sure you'll be great : )

Sophie wrote:HAYDEN! icon_cry Last season in Namibia you were a complete and utter dud, but this season you really stepped it up and it was fantastic to see you in this and fantastic to see how here to play you were. I think the main thing going for you was how relentless you were, but clearly it didn't help you much since you were robbed from this game very early on :( Had you stepped up your social game just a bit when you got to the Tapoli tribe, I think you would have made it much farther in to the game. Your feuds with Rachel may not have helped you too much either, but I definitely think you will be returning one day for yet another chance at redemption. You're one of the few people who deserves a third chance in this series, but thanks for playing and thanks for being so entertaining while you were here!

Frank wrote:So swapfucked and so have the shittiest luck in this series. You had great promise and I was hoping you'd make it far. You and Rachel are a dynamic that ended too soon, that puzzle pieces mess was hilarious, and it spiraled from there with both of you trashing each other in your confessionals. Hilarious. icon_laughing

Teresa wrote:I loved you so much. Poody needs to bring you back to the game because you are a gem to find in these online games. You made Hayden even more likable... like how do you do it?

Steph wrote:Lol Rick. You were robbed in Namibia being a last minute replacement and then swapfucked and kicked out in like two days? Sorry bout that. Yikes. Now you get swapfucked again. </3 Your drama with Rachel was hilare. Thanks for sticking around and being active in the Loser's Lodge. Hope you enjoyed your time!

Brenda wrote:I think it's fair to say you were a little out of things strategically here. But that's part of the charm and you had an avid following among the hosts despite not doing all that much. Sending pics of your nipples to people does count as social game, idc what anyone says icon_blush More about this in Caryn's section but you can point the finger at her control of Tapoli as the reason for your boot. Swapfucked into a difficult position, but Ibe/Rachel handled the transition so much better. I think everyone was worried about the pairs but it was 80% gonna be Semhar leaving until Caryn said "tits to that, we're not having no noob majority" and steered the tribe the best direction for her. And I can't stress this enough how amazing it is that you've stuck around for so long to follow the game. Some people just sod off, or watch for a week and then vanish. You've been keeping that LL torch lit for weeks even with the non-lurker way of this Season. So thanks a million for that.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Laura » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:24:48 pm

Frank the Tank wrote:
Laura wrote:Where's Caleb?!?

Not this shit again. icon_rolleyes

I demand answers!
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:25:18 pm

Maybe y'all should join RGF :O

I've said too much. :x
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Laura » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:25:36 pm

Shawn wrote:Laura! I missed ya!

I love you Shawn!
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Ibrehem » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:25:37 pm

Becky wrote:Not surprised to see Peter was after you, Kim. I told you he was garbage.

I avenged you, Kim! icon_wub
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Ralph » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:26:01 pm

I had A crush on Rick form last season <3
farmboys were meant to be together
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Vytas » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:26:20 pm

hayden you were awesome
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kim P » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:27:06 pm

Becky wrote:Not surprised to see Peter was after you, Kim. I told you he was garbage.
I should of believed you! icon_wub
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:27:08 pm


Most Holey, Holey, Holey


-16th Place-
Friends with Brad


Jeff Probst wrote:Oh, Peter, Peter, Peter. You just couldn't seem to get it together, and when you did... it was with the absolute wrong people. You came into the game trying to set right your past performance, which I actually respect. Unfortunately, you went about it in the wrong way by being super paranoid. I'm glad you beat your previous placement, and you were much more entertaining in this. Your final Tribal was epic and I hope you had a great time. That's the truth.

Mia wrote:You did not deliver. I was very vocal in NOT casting you, but there's always the player that Poody ignores me on and I get to waltz in here during the cast reveal and wave my finger of truth, justice, and "I told you so!" But that aside, I guess you had a few okay moments, but that's all they were: moments. You did nothing strategically, and you were kind of a joke. And that's the truth.

Ashley wrote:You were fun when you left, but you didn't have much of an impact at all otherwise. I would love to see how you could've done if Cochran hadn't stuffed up his Vytas vote that round. I liked you a lot, but you were only one step above Laura on the list of players that did anything. Didn't show to a number of challenges, was a bit of a mess. Your boot tribal is still great reading, mostly for the exchange between you and Vytas. As a returning player I wish you'd played less passively.

Sophie wrote:While you may have been a dud, your tribal council where you were eliminated was far from it. You would have still been in the game had Cochran not been a dumbdumb and placed his vote in his episode thread icon_eek That whole night was hilarious, since ultimately you were spared by Cochran not voting/voting wrong but yet you still ended up going home due to Ibrehem not really caring for you. I'd love to say you were an interesting character or person, but I can't. I feel like you could have tried a lot harder while you were here instead of just showing up randomly to challenges, but you never did.

Frank wrote:N-n-n-no. You always came online right before a round and were just awkward to watch, i don't know how you weren't booted sooner. Big facepalm at Cochran wanting to keep you, but I'll get to his sorry ass later.

Teresa wrote:Rofl you were a huge fucking hotmess of a trainwreck but I was like going back and forth on rooting you <3 such a complex wtf person. Great little quirky addition.

Steph wrote:Lol it's funny cause Cochran screwed you by being drunk/high/whatever and posting his Vytas vote in the wrong thread. I love me some Vytas so I was glad to see you go ngl. Congrats on beating your previous placement though, you were happy to let Poody know that. :D

Brenda wrote:Oh Peter, you're gonna hate Cochran in about 3.. 2.. HE DID VOTE VYTAS JUST IN THE WRONG PLACE. Oh awks, sniped by the other hosts. And not as a stalling tactic hoping for a revote as some in the Jury seem to think - just as a legit mistake (about an hour after he group-PMd everyone a reply to John icon_lol ) - don't do drugs kids. You were good value for money here. ngl, I thought you were a bit of a novelty returnee and wasn't sure pre-Season if you were a good idea, but you came in and played hard on both tribes and were ~this close~ to ousting Vytas. Should you have stuck with Kim the round before? Maybe yes, even though she was thinking of booting you. But so was the "foursome" that didn't really exist except to string you along. So I don't know, rock & a hard place.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:27:13 pm

You're welcome Hayden.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:28:13 pm

Lol Haydumb <3
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