Winner Reveal

Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Ibrehem » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:44:22 pm

Love you too. icon_wub
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Katie » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:44:42 pm

Yeah, Ibe did have it all and Cochran had none of it. Yet they ended up in the same spot, which speaks highly of whom?
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Cochran » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:45:08 pm

Katie wrote:Yeah, Ibe did have it all and Cochran had none of it. Yet they ended up in the same spot, which speaks highly of whom?

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:45:38 pm

I'm betting the votes were read from reversal alphabetical order lol
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:45:51 pm

Fifth Vote:


"hooooooooome schoooooooooooled"

4 votes Ibe. 1 vote Coch. 4 votes left!
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:46:18 pm

Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Vytas » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:46:35 pm

congrats sophie! you're the true winner of this reveal!
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:46:39 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:46:45 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Caryn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:05 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

OOH KILL EM' icon_wub
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Ibrehem » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:06 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

*fans* icon_wub
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:25 pm

The WINNER of Stranded in Portugal:


"This shouldn't be a shocker, and probably isn't. I said very early on that Ibrehem was way too nice for a game like this and I was easily going to be able to drag him and then turn on him, only he actually did the opposite. icon_surprised I just find his journey in this game much more impressive, and he's been incredible. I also think he just articulated his game WAY better tonight while Cochran really couldn't explain himself, and he had a lot of contradictory statements. I'm not sure if it was because he felt totally shit on and thus hopeless? But I think Ibrehem just showed himself better, and therefore he's getting my vote. Ibe, if you read this after, don't take any of the shit I said personal. You know I love you, and this is 100% deserved. I hope you win. icon_wub Ibrehem is my vote to win Stranded: Portugal.

Cochran: you did play a good game, and don't let anyone tell you any different. I do think you made a HUGE blunder by not bringing Vytas to the finals though, or at least keeping him until 3. How can you honestly sit there and say you had no idea he was hated when you specifically told me the round I left that you hated him and so did everyone else? Like, I just can't get past that how you didn't see that. But out of that, I know you came into this game with something to prove and I think you making it to the finals proves you had some game. I'm sorry for the OTT shit you had to deal with, but don't take any of it to heart. I had the same shit happen to me in my season of Stranded, and I just told 1/2 the jury to fuck off, which IDK maybe you should have done? icon_laughing But sorry, I just think Ibe presented himself much better in the game and during FTC. You're a good egg though."

"You don't fear the army of wolves led by the sheep, you fear the army of sheep led by the wolf. You were the wolf, therefore you get my vote. Oh, and Cochran being a bumbling fucking idiot at the FTC doesn't help his case."

"I actually went back and forth on this, but Cochran I'm voting for Ibe because not only did he play a good game, he played a better game and was willing unlike you, to go to the lengths necessary to prove that he did have a strong case to win. Congrats Ibe!"

"I tried to vote for Cochran at first because he was able to prove to me that he played the worst game, but... I couldn't... It was that bad... Gj on not sucking..."

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Katie » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:44 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

Perhaps not the appropriate forum for this discussion but I would like the chance to say a few things later on. For now, let's let the boys have their moment.

P.S. ILY BTW icon_wub
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:44 pm

Congrats Ibe <3
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:46 pm

Congrats Ibe! Well done!

And Congrats Sophie too! You read those votes without a hitch!
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Caryn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:50 pm

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Kim P » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:47:56 pm

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Semhar » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:48:01 pm

Becky wrote:Ibrehem wasn't given anything. He figured out the idol on his own, worked to secure allies and got the talisman by the work he and Marissa put in to be the last pair standing. Is that a joke? lol

Figuring out the idol with clues given by your partner and your amulate buddy?

Both of whom I had lost at that point in the game?

Luck had a factor in that too.
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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:48:12 pm

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Re: Winner Reveal

Postby Vytas » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:48:28 pm

congrats ibe! you deserve it

cochran you idiot icon_lol
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