I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

11th Voted Out | 6-3 Vote | 9th Place | 3rd Juror

I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:57:41 pm

Holy shit I'm in pain
Ciera I was never able to meet you. I thought you were going to be a crazy player since you were given the character of Ciera. But that being said it's not like who your playing makes how you play it was just A thought. I'm guessing you were and inactive turd but if you were dying and couldn't play or whatever maybe you'll get a 2nd shot

Look above. All of that. same to you. the turd part and the if your dying part. and the avatar part. thought whoever played Brad would've been a huge character. I liked brad in show. im so tired. why did these have to get broken and not post

I'm not going to beat around the bushes Kimpy. We were never tight. we talked in a very minimalisitc fashion where we only said "Ralphie!" "Kimpy!" and that type of stuff. I'm sure your a nice gal and you most likely just had A lot on your mind or whatever. I did like your Shite and Blue shirt doe. Thas a niiiice shiiirty.

Hay-train you seemed cool. I was telling John day 1 to get you out cause i thought you were going to be a threat. this was all based off you being assigned hayden so It was just me assuming. I think YOu got Swap fucked? You were loved ones with Semhar and she lasted pretty long but I think Caryn wanted you out and so that happened. I bet you get brough back so don't be to sad about getting the boot early. Have fun on your 2nd chance season.

Petey Pirhanna you were fun. I thought you were a loveable little goof but according to Becky you were not that. I think you came out guns ablazing and people were freaked you by that. I was fine with you but I don't think some others were. I do like you though and it was very fun to talk about you r lakehouse and The world cup! Thank you for voting with john on that one vote. If only Ibe voted out Vytas over you </3

Ryan I'm never going to be able to write something nice enough for you here. You were a sweetheart who was caught up in some Family/friends thing and It sucks. I really liked you and trusted you and your Pm game was off the chain and stuff. You were fun to talk to and easy to talk to ! I had to vote with the rest of Limic though because I didn't want a target on my back and others wanted you gone! I hope we can talk some more after this game!

Idon'tknowwhoyouarebutyourhusbandwascuteinthepearlislands. butthenhegotAreallybigegoandtriedtobemayororsomethingsothathappened. ireallydon'tknowwhattoputhereI'msorryboutthat.

John your a sexy hot piece of ass and I wish You could've stayed longer in this game. I hope you had a good time playing in this game. Your amazing and I think you were a little to sweet for this game. When/If/When/make it happened you get put back in A season I hope you win! me and you didn't talk as much as I wish we did But as long as you were talking to others I was happy. We also seemed to of had A very cute Pm which Brenda and Ashley really love so that was cool! Love you bae.
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:03:06 pm

holy mother fucking shit burgers were a bad fuking idea. I'm going to finish the rest when I can think straight.
which is most likely gon be tmrw
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:05:47 am

okay time for the 2nd Half!

Katie Baby. We were amazingly tight in Nulimici and I enjoyed talking to you. It sucks that you were ejected over the Caryn ID fiasco but whatcha gonna do. Sometimes I like to stay up at night and Wonder how different the game would've been if you stayed in. there would've been one more idol in play and Maybe I would of had one more ally and stayed A bit longer? But out of game talk you were amazing. You seemed to have a great grasp of the game and In my confessionals I said I was fine with you leaving. I regret that.... I wish you stayed boo

Caryn I'm not going to lie. Pre ponderosa I was not a very big fan of you. You seemed like a funny gal but you sent really small pms to me and we only really talked about BB16. But then In ponderosa you actually really grew on me. I still don't think were insanely tight but I'd like to believe that we grew slightly closer in ponderosa. It was fun to talk to you in there and We pretty much have the same opinions on BB16 so that's cool!

becky I'm gonna come out straight. I love you so much icon_wub . You grew on me more and more for each part of the season. In the beginning of the game we were on opposite sides of the tribe but still very social with each other. I loved talking to you back then but excuse me doing A little trash talking... I had A weird Villain complex in some parts of the game so sorry about that. But then Nu limici hit and We started talking even more and I loved you even more <3 Then me you and Shawn Had A Alliance and The person who I wanted to boot in the early stage of the game become one of my favorite people in the game. merge hit and stuff happened and then you left... and then I left... But then we were reunited in Ponderosa! And I began to love you even more In ponderosa icon_wub I hope we can stay tight after this game Because I love talking to you!

Your A hype dude Good on ya bud y'know bud y'know? bud But I've never been good with talking about myself so I' just going to compliment myself cause ya. me being still new to these things I did okay. And I did way better than I did ( that was a horrible sentence ) in Namibia. I'm happy the hosts gave me a 2nd chance. Maybe in a few years when Stranded runs out of Avatars I can get a thiiiiiiiird.

Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra It's too bad that we didn't talk much in the game. In game we didn't have much of A relationship. We talked about Jumanji and Zathura and that was fun. But really I loved you way more in ponderosa. Our thread where we wrote about others dying was definitely the whole peak of ponderosa.

Gon do the rest later
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:11:10 am

It's your turn in the Rachel/Ralph story btw.
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:48:28 pm

I totally forgot about that.
Am I suppossed to end it know?
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:55:27 pm

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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:25:24 pm

okay I'll leave it in a cliffhanger for rachel to give it a good bomb-goodbye amazing rachel ending
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Re: I Ate To Many Burgers holy shit/ Fallen Comrades

Postby Ralph » Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:09:48 pm


Coby my favourite moments with you all occurred at the beginning of the game! You might of just been playing me but for the first 3-4 days I was in love with you. We talked music and Broadway and LOTS of art. I sent you me playing some music and my band and you sent me your stuff! We stayed tight for a while but we both know that we drifted farther and farther apart. I enjoyed talking to you in the game and I hope we can still chat music every know and then after this!

Marissa you were spectacular in this game. My money is on you winning fan favourite since you played well and you were well liked by everyone including the hosts. I loved talking Rap with you ( which is going to be a common theme in A lot of these ) and it was fun to joke around with #dopesquared. My favourite moment is when we first started talking and I practically fan girlie over you because of #micdrop. In my confessionals I thought you were going to be a goat ( basing this just off of seeing you in the arena and stuff ) I was dead wrong with that.

Semhar my write up of Marissa could honestly be copied and pasted over to yours. I really liked talking to you and once again we bonded over Rap and hashtags and silly things. My favourite moment with you was still when we made the Porno called two tons of fun. and The chunky soup talk. Brenda Referenced it in one of my confessionals so you should check that out! In this game I never really trusted oyu though to be honest. I always thought you were flakey and could flip on me like that! but non the less I enjoyed playing with you boo!

oh shit I may get in crap for this write up but I liked you. We talked about liquor and made stupid threads and had music chats. It was all really stupid but fun. You were on of my favourite people to pm since you preferred short pms. You got eaten up alive in ponderosa for being full of yourself but whatcha gonna do. no ones perfect.

Shawn we had an alliance since I'd say day 2 or 3. we were tight partners and it was fun to talk to you in Nulimici and Narbasi. I think we become less close when we hit narbasi and we started talking to A bunch of other people. You were A huge threat to win and if it were A final 3 I think you would of won. Take that anyway you want but it was meant as A compliment. My favorte part about you is that you play smash <3 if I only I found this out earlier.

Final 2. I like oyu both but i dun wanna write shit up
-your both fun
-fun game
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