Final Words

10th Voted Out | 6-4 Vote | 10th Place | 2nd Juror

Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 14, 2014 10:16:00 pm

A pleasure girl. One of these Seasons Asians will triumph.

You know the drill here compared to other ORGs. Save your Jury stuff for the Jury house but leave us with a more personal reflection on your game in here. Who you hope will do well and who can DIAF. What would you change if anything?

There is never shame in being taken out for being a threat icon_wub
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Re: Final Words

Postby Becky » Sat Jul 19, 2014 6:26:22 pm


We'll just have to be partners on the next one, right? icon_wub But I really don't have any deep reflection final words. I guess in some ways this season was easier because I was on a team that won a lot, so I never really had to plot too much. I could throw out plans with Coby, with Ibe, with Ralph, or whoever and ultimately they would result in nothing because we never lost but one time. In my original season, the dynamic was constantly shifting so making it to the end there was such a blessing and I really had to bust ass for that finals seat. I was always going to be a target here. I guess I should consider it a good thing I almost had a tie vote? Fucking Ibe. I don't care if Rachel was his partner....she was borderline inactive and I could have done much for him in this game than her, especially since people did want me out. But I don't think I would have really changed anything about my personal plan. I tried to form something cross-tribally early on that way there would be a majority there at merge, but it didn't pan out.

Also, I don't know if I said this in my opening confessional or not, but FT was originally supposed to be my partner in this game because I know he can HBIC a tribe and I wanted him because he is hands down the best social gamer in ORGy community. I know he would have had those newbies by the balls and he would have done some major damage in this game, with or without me so I'm a little annoyed he backed out, but whatever. It just became kind of apparent after talking to Ibe, Rachel, Semhar and even Caryn that Laura didn't really put in as much as I know Krypton is capable of, and if he was overwhelmed, he should have told me. I also am inclined to think Krypton (and Rachel) were targeting Caryn based on ID reasons (I know there was beef there from Crashcourse), and that's also annoying but w/e, I'll yell at him after the game for that.

I like Marissa the best out of everyone left not just personally, but I think she's done a good job at securing what she wants for the most part. I'm not sure why people think Shawn is a goat, but I'm interested to find out because I really liked him too, and he sort of seemed to have a game plan before the Caryn vote. Other than Marissa, I don't know if I'm necessarily rooting for someone more than the other. I know my jury posts and anti-Ibe/Cochran/Vytas thing might come off as being bitter or w/e, but it's mostly just being a bitch to be a bitch. If any of them can articulate their game play and speak to their strengths in the game, I have no problem giving any of them my vote to win Stranded: Portugal. I'm pretty much open to voting anyone at this point.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:50:39 am

Becky wrote:We'll just have to be partners on the next one, right? icon_wub

I think I've had enough Stranded run-outs for anyone. Maybe for the big non-goat Stranded 50 when we get that far and everyone's a threat so no excuses for anyone to blatantly target us.

But you are always welcome to host again and we can team up that way. Ten hosts here and the blogs are still icon_tumbleweed icon_cry
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Re: Final Words

Postby Becky » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:24:00 pm


How gross. I felt like I was the only one who really blogged besides Jeff in Legends too. I know the feeling.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:46:40 pm

Ack, maybe I'm exaggerating so they will read this and blog more for the final stretch icon_razz It's definitely no Greece though, and that was only me and Taj.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:56:19 pm


I'm not sure why we need to do this, or you recommend we do. One of the rewards of not making the finals is the fact that we don't need to reflect on horrible people from this game. But whatever, I will do it just because you asked nicely and because overall, I did enjoy this game for the most part. It definitely was not as dramatic and crazy as Madagascar (at least as my far as my journey), but it was alright. Thanks for having me back, Jeff.


You stupid bitch, telling me you were going to do "great" things, only to get booted over an inactive? Girl, bye!


You sucked in this.


You sucked in this.


A lot of the newbies told me you were lackluster. I never met you to know, but like, I see you on the lurker ball all the time and that sucks because you're obviously into the game and stuff and I think most people should/would appreciate that. Sorry to see you out I guess, but I'm sure I'll meet you after and decide if I want to bother with you.


Congrats on making it further?


What the fuck at you telling Cochran I would get an army of people to go after whoever crossed me? icon_lol If that's not true, lol. But I have no idea where that came from unless you were just trying to be Ryan the Rat again because I don't even know who you are outside of this game. But I did like you a lot. You were a very good PMer when you were around and you had a charm about you. Unfortunately, we were on a tribe where I kind of liked everyone and your activity was a problem. Sorry, boo.


You sucked in this.


Wow, fuck off for your shitty performance here. Just kidding. You know I love you and I forgive you for not putting in 100% here, although you should have. I can't wait for Ibrehem to find out who you are though tonight. icon_laughing You needed to be more of an HBIC to keep the newbies in line so they weren't gunning for me. Fail. And sorry I didn't throw the challenge for you, but I wasn't even sure if I would have survived that vote so I couldn't.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:16:39 pm


Ugh Katie!! icon_redface I really liked you, and I thought you, Coby and I could have done something in this game...only for you to go and be stupid with that ID shit. Like, you should know better. You were already lectured on that though so I'm not going to harp on it. You were fantastic on Limici and I really liked you a lot, and was being genuine about going the distance together and finding out 100% you were Coby's partner, we could have tried to make a run for it. Definitely amazing though and I wish this went better for you.


Yes, I did vote for you and yes, I was more than OK with you getting the boot because you were being a little shifty at times, but you are definitely not as bad as some people say. Like I said in my confessional, your humor appeals to some and then repels others. It's just a matter of the mixed bag I guess. But I thought you were a lot better than your reputation suggests, and I do think you would have been hella loyal to Ibe and hopefully me (at least to an extent)? I think you/Shawn is another partnership I could have possibly worked with, but maybe not. I'll find out after. You are definitely your own brand of crazy though and don't lose tack of that just because others want you to change. Just be ~you~.


2nd to 10th? I told you NEVER to come back, you dumb bitch.


Alol so adorable and cute. That is what Ralphie is. And like Caryn, don't ever change to suit what people think you should be. You were a much needed CPP presence in this game, and definitely very fun to talk to. I guess I wish you would have been more aggressive with your game, but thank you for always being loyal and endearing. I will not forget it, and I hope everything is great with your family. Stay fabulous, Ralphie!! icon_wub icon_wub


You made me laugh a few times during the game. And I don't hate you. Good game. And also, thanks for trying to keep Laura in. :')


My boo bear. icon_wub Stay fabulous and stay fierce. I knew in addition to Ibe, I was going to connect with you right away upon seeing the cast just because we have sort of a Stranded history that none of these other people have. You definitely had an incredible run, and another loyal to death person that I won't forget. I wish we were actually able to grab this game by the balls at the merge but we weren't and I'm sorry about that. You have been really great here, and I know we'll talk beyond this game so this isn't the end. You were probably the most hilarious person in this entire cast and your big tribal call-out was much needed. A+.


Good job on your plan to take out more threatening players only to isolate yourself and become the next big threat. Idiot. icon_rolleyes But, you were still hella amazing and I loved you from the first message we exchanged. I'm glad we got to meet here and I know if the circumstances were different, we would have been incredible allies here. I was rooting for you hella hardcore and I was sad to see your epic journey end. Good job!


Like Ralphie, you just always had a very positive aura around you, which is very much needed during these games sometimes. Congrats on being the last girl standing and sorry to see you couldn't take one home for the women. Next season.


I'll make sure to approve your friend request on Facebook right away.


Such an angel from the highest heavens, and so close to the finals Shawn. icon_cry Stay cute and charming I guess.


I already said something above with my vote for Ibe, but good job on making it to the end. I know you talked a lot about how much it sucked going home at the merge last time and then coming in here and getting to the end still has to feel somewhat empowering. I think you lost yourself somewhere in the middle here which is unfortunate, but these things are always a learning experience. For all I know, you could be winning this game. I think you do have some fans in the jury...they probably just weren't as vocal as they could be? I dunno though. Good luck.


Oh Ibrehem. I hope you win. I think you had an impressive FTC (as said above) and if you do lose after voting out people you considered your closest friends and #1s.....yikes. But you should have this. I think this would be your first win? IDK for sure though so if it is, congrats extra. I love you, and you are amazing. There isn't much else to say. Kaitlin is returning the favor a year later. ;)
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Re: Final Words

Postby Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:27:39 pm


You're cute. Congratulations on being the last woman winner before the gross men of this cast took over. icon_sick icon_rolleyes


I expected more support from you. You are gross.


I love Frank here, and everywhere. There isn't anything bad to say about Frank the Tank, definitely one of my favorite people just in general and every time we get to interact, it's a blessing. Thanks for picking me as your draft pick and having the confidence in me. Sorry I let you down.


You're the one who loves everyone, right? How is that possible. Some people do suck girl, stop sugarcoating. But you were always around, so good job on being extra dedicated and being bubbly and cute.


I blame you for everything. No, I'm not kidding. You already know how I feel about you though so I won't get all sentimental here. You know you're the shit.


My ride or die, duh. We will initiate the Coven at some point.


This is not the case of saving the best for last. I just found your avatar latest. You're a terrible host and you really should just consider canceling this shitfest because NOBODY cares. NOBODY.

I kid, I kid. This is the longest running series of like all-time I think? It feels like it, especially when people are like "Yeah, 7 years agooo...." icon_laughing But good job/congrats on another successful season. I told you I did not want to return and ruin my legacy because Becky is one of my favorite reps, and look. icon_rolleyes icon_rolleyes Thanks for inviting me back though.

Is that everyone from this season? I hope. Bye!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:53:23 pm

Sarah "Pit Licker" Jones and Mia "My Precious" Galeotalanzopolis take a pair of hard hits.
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