Rites of Passage

17th Voted Out | 1-0 Vote | 3rd Place | 9th Juror

Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:45:42 pm

Time for the late Shawn's road to the Final 3


"I did like talking to you, but you weren't here that much and it was pretty obvious you had to go because at least Brad showed up. Maybe had you showed up like a day before TC, you would have been saved easily. You had potential, but I'm guessing you might have a 2nd chance one day."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:46:58 pm


"Yeah, you weren't helpful to me at all and you even got yourself ejected for being Inactive. Well I'm pretty sure you forgot where your camp was so I'm pretty sure no one missed you since we forgot you were on our team in the first place"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:48:10 pm


"I have heard nothing about you, but I think you were a bit inactive and I didn't even remember you until I had to check who got eliminated. Maybe you were better from a different season, but from here you left a blank effect on me"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:48:56 pm


"At first we were cool bros, but then things fell apart and you were someone that I didn't have fun PMing. Other than making that one big alliance, but that didn't work as we got split into different teams and then you ended up leaving."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:51:01 pm


"Caryn, Becky, and Ralph told me you were very weird to talk to, but I have to see it through confessionals and other people's PMs/ As much as I trust those 3, I just can't get a good grip on this. So you were pretty much a blank for me as well."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:53:05 pm


"Oh Ryan, it sucks that we had to cut you loose since you were pretty much having a hard time getting online. But our time talking, you seemed pretty cool to talk with. You were pretty very good in challenges, but your social game, despite being good, many people realized they don't know if they can rely on you in the endgame. Had we won that sliding challenge, you would have easily made the Merge and we would have a perfect streak icon_sad"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:02:12 pm


"Oh our first encounter was werid but also hilarious as you accused me where Caleb was and I thought at first was annoying, but I actually enjoyed our time. I just wished that the trio between you, me, and Marissa came to life, but the swap crushed everything"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:03:49 pm


"Oh John, you seemed like that shy kid that's afraid to speak his mind and then later you ended up bringing me, and Vytas to your little alliance, but once again, it never became solidified since I swapped to the Limci tribe and you had Vytas who ended up backstabbing you."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:11:00 pm


"Katie, Katie, Katie. Where do I begin with you. Through our PM conversations you were pretty nice and it was pretty charming. Sure we didn't PM a lot until the swap, but still it was very nice for you to realize we needed to stick together or we would be screwed. But that debacle between you and Caryn really turned a lot of heads including me. That conversation was pretty shocking and it got you ejected from the game. Now I'm kind of mixed with you. I like you but at the same time concern me."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:20:09 am

Yeah I lied. I was triple dipping ORGs

Mad Men, Stranded, and Blue's World icon_lol
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:23:32 am


"The main reason I ended up in this game. But still thanks for giving me some crucial info especially warning me about Vytas early on. It worked really well during the swap because I could easily talk to you on the other tribe and you had access to Vytas so gave me a lot of good persepectives to give me some future choices. But sucks that not only you were in that mess with Katie, but also got eliminated and with me being the only one who stood by in your vote against Rachel. You were easily going to be my F2 partner."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26:12 am


"Oh Becky, you were someone that I loved coming into this game and I was so glad Ralph picked you to be on my swap team and we connected so well together. I also love that you like PI Shawn since no one else appreciated him. What makes this relation strong is that most of our talks were so real and I loved that especially since my previous games were mostly strategy. Other than Ralph, you were easily my favorite to talk to. But once again, I get blindsided when you ended up leaving. I'll miss your PMs my dear Becky ;___;"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:31:52 am


"Buddy! My drinking buddy which we didn't even have a chance to name before. I really want to thank you for helping me get used to the new boards since it was something I've never seen before and I was so close to accidentally breaking a rule by PMing someone not you/Caryn on the Arena format. Then when I thought things were going to end badly, the swap saves me and I end up on the same tribe together and we connected like cherries on a sunday....yeah that's a bad comparison. I really enjoyed our conversation and it was nice to hear from you as a personal friend with the real talk rather than a tribemate. Because of you, we also were able to form a strong alliance hold with us, Becky, Coby, and Katie. Just sucks that things fell apart because of the Partner Twist breaking us apart. And sadly it led to the end of you. Sorry buddy."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:33:42 am


"At first I liked talking to you, but then for some reason I could not trust you especially when you kept ignoring half the messages I sent you and I needed you gone the moment we made the merge, but sadly you had Ibe/Marissa to back you up and got my 3 best allies picked off one by one. Luckily I'm glad Cochran and Vytas grew their senses and voted you off which was a huge plus. ESpecially since that you were gone, I started making my moves."
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:37:33 am


"Once again another boot that sucked due to circumstances. You were not supposed to leave, but Ibe won Immunity and Marissa played her Talisman. I needed to save myself and had no choice. But other than that I did enjoy our conversations at the swap. I would love to tell them ,but I can't read my PMs anymore :( But I loved that we turned into total underdogs and would have turned the tables, but sadly things didn't go well. Creepy Coby <3"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:41:39 am


"Oh my sweet little angel. You were easily my favorite on our original tribe because how you were so raw, real, and gave out the best PMs out of everyone on my team. We easily connected and had plans for a Larua/you/me alliance and knowing of how much of an ass Vytas was. And I was glad that you survived your team's TC after the swap. Once we merged, we instantly tried teaming up but things were not going my way and you saved my ass when I was in danger and I want to thank you. I was asked to vote for you but I refused to vote for you and even tried to help you find the idol and forcing the vote to Ibe/Cochran, but that damn idol. That screwed you so badly. But I would have never voted you out at the F8 and you would always be my favorite newbie. I'm not deciding between you/Becky for best girl since both of you were amazing icon_love"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:59:27 am


"It was an on and off for most of the time we spent together. Even though you kept targeting me, I never had any thought of taking you out. And I ended up considering team up with you. That round when we realized that we were the swing votes was when we instantly clicked. We started playing both sides and I was hoping if one of the pairs left, the other would have left and even had Semhar ask Ibrehem to help, but sadly me and Semhar split our votes and Ibe flipped with Cochran/Vytas because they were not liking another female winner, which was a dumb reason overall......sucks you got eliminated like that"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:02:59 am


"Dude, you were crazy as shit and I'm kind of mixed on it. I know everyone hated you with a passion, but I'm probably the only one who didn't legitimitely hated you. I think it was because how we talk a lot in our original tribe and then at the merge we never planned on taking each other out. I'm guessing that's why I didn't hate you because most of the time you never actually tried getting me out even hearing from Caryn that you wanted me gone in the first few rounds. Don't know if that's true, but I had to be very aware. I was hoping Cochran played a smart move to vote out Ibe, but that screwed you over big time, but at least you were close to winning that duel. Sorry bro that you didn't make it to the end. But at least in the Jury you were back to normal again after the craziness and delusions you had in this game"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:44:25 am


"I think the words I said from the FTC says enough about you. I couldn't trust you, but you did feel that you trusted me to the point of ratting out Marissa and her plan to get me out. It's kind of shocking. But at least we ended on good terms when you underestimated me through PMs before my miraculous victory at the Endurance challenge. But I don't see you as a horrible person, just made some bad calls especially at the F4. Overall, you seem like a nice guy overall even though I voted for you back to back rounds lol"
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Re: Rites of Passage

Postby Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:47:22 am


"Congrats on making the right move Ibe. Just glad that you were onto me during these last few rounds, but I knew I wasn't giving up without a fight. At the beginning of the merge, we were pretty hooked up and talked to each other like bros, but then we haven't talked much for the next few rounds and eventually it was until the F5/F6 that we finally started talking and had a potential to take down Cochran/Vytas, but I guess I was surprised when you ended up teaming up with those 2 and putting me on life support in this game. If was an honor being your challenge rival and hope we get to meet again some day."
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