Fallen Comrades

Stranded Champion of Portugal!! | 8-1 Vote

Fallen Comrades

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:41:33 pm

Ciera - Unfortunately, you and I weren't on the same tribe when the game started, so I never got the chance to meet you. I'm sorry you went first, but someone had to. At least, I think you went first? icon_lol

Brad - Same for you.

Kim P - I enjoyed talking to you so much and had you gotten to be more active in this game I think you and I could have potentially been good allies. Since, I guess we had the same idea of Peter. icon_laughing

Hayden - This pre-merge boot is the one I feel most bad about. You were a huge team player and very robbed, but it was so cool to see you stick around and watch the rest of the game.

Skinny Ryan - Coming into the game you were the returnee with the coolest story, and I would have loved to see you do well. It's unfortunate you went out so soon. icon_cry

Peter - Sorry about eliminating you and all, in the long run I thought I'd need Cochran, Marissa and Vytas much, much more than you and John. You were hilarious to compete with.

John - Well... You placed better than I thought you would. Sucks we didn't get the chance to meet at all.

Laura - Your elimination was probably one of the funniest I've ever been a part of. I hope you can forgive me for turning on you like I did.

Katie - Sucks you had to be removed, girl. To your credit, I think you were a big threat in this game and had you stayed I could see you making FTC.

Caryn - Caryn. icon_wub Going into this game you were pretty much my #1. Talking to you and working with you again was the BEST. I didn't like that you lied to me here, and you did more than once, but... I can forgive it of course.

Becky - I feel really badly things didn't work out with our early alliance with Caryn, but if the merge boot was any indication -- that plan was falling apart and I abandoned ship quickly. Still, I love love loved you here and I think you deserved to get further.

Ralph - Out of everyone I think you really tried to get to know me personally the most, which is just so amazing and I respect that a ton. Unfortunately with the way tribal lines, partners and talismans dictated things, you had to leave the game when you did. You were such a nice guy though!

Rachel - icon_wub You getting 8th Place was really, really unfair considering how much of a STAR you were in this game. As friends, I loved to get to play the game with you and I couldn't think of anyone better to choose for this.

Coby - icon_cry To make light of everything that happened, I'm really happy you managed to place better than anything you have before. I blame a lot of your elimination on tribal lines, but you were a big threat in other areas: physically and socially. Getting to know you in this game was a lot of fun and seeing you go was a shame.

Marissa - Goddess! icon_wub Voting for you, was... heart-wrenching. Especially after working pretty closely to you and growing to know you and liking you so much. We achieved a lot as partners, it's really incredible how successful we actually managed to be. It was that success though that I found so threatening about you. And when it came down to Final 6, it was the right time to make a move. I'm sorry and I hope after this we can talk and be friends.

Semhar - You were kind of an on and off ally when it came to voting, but I'm glad early on I chose to keep you in the game. You're very smart and insightful and it was sad to see you go. I always valued your opinions and getting close to you was one of the best parts of this experience.

Vytas - For the longest time you were this guy on the other tribe I heard about in tales of grandeur. icon_lol Then at one pre-merge Tribal Council I finally got to one-on-one speak to you for the first time. And I saved you from elimination. We were kind of allies, but we weren't really so much until the endgame. And you were also a HUGE rival. That tiebreaker was epic as fuck. Good job, dude.

Shawn - I wish we had talked more. For someone UTR, you put up a tremendous fight in the last few rounds that I couldn't ignore.

Hosts - Thanks for a really great game. icon_wub The experience has been amazing and the effort you guys put into this is spectacular. icon_wub
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