11th Voted Out | 6-3 Vote | 9th Place | 3rd Juror


Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:09:59 am

Mine is way to lackluster. I don't want to be that boring.

Congrats to the both of you for making it this far. Iberehem you were amazing in challenges and that really helped you and Cochran you were shit in challenges. Not sure what that did for you but there it is.

We started this game very tight with an obvious Fake final two with each other. When we were split I knew we would still work together. I liked you cochran I'm not going to lie. Don't hate me Jury but even when I was voted out of the game I still kind've liked cochran. But with that being said Recently In ponderosa I realized that everyone else REALLY hates you. like crazy hates you. And I don't think someone who should receive my jury vote would ever be that hated. I don't know what you did to all these people to make them hate you so much but I know what you did to make me feel a dislike towards you. In A recent TC Shawn voted Ibe with Vytas and you and Ibe voted Vytas. In ponderosa Shawn said why He voted For Ibe at that council. It was because 1. Vytas was a huge goat that the Jury hated and 2. Ibe is very very good in challenges and If it was a Final 2 and a challenge occurred after FInal 3 he had a more likely to win A challenge if Ibe wasn't there. I don't like the fact that you were giving Shawn Lip and sass just because He didn;t vote with you? his decision to vote Ibe made perfect sense to me and even if it didn't make sense you shouldn't lip someone for not agreeing with you.
Just for quotes so others can remeber
Well it is what it is. just next time you should, yknow, show up atleast 5 mins before the final 4 tribal icon_rolleyes

Oh shawn...

Lincoln! You seemed like A really sweet guy but you were also really boring. We talked sometimes but It was really boring talking to you and I always had to start the Pm. So If we were basing my vote off of Social ability with me Cochran would get my vote. But you should thank your Friend Rachel because she Gave me more of A reason to Vote for you. You were very good in challenges not that it really means anything But you got that going for ya.
Lincoln My only problem with voting for you to win at the moment is It makes me feel gross. I feel like I ate 5 cheesburgers in a row, that's what it's like when I write your name down.

So my questions!
Honestly don't even know what to ask you? I guess Why should I vote you over Ibe?
What moves did you make in the game?
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Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:47:23 pm

This is the third time re wrote my speech and I went from neutral to positive to back to neutral again. I was really tight with you in the game Cochran but That doesn't mean you get my vote. Honestly it all depends on who gives a better speech. A lot of the jury dislikes you cochran but Your fine by me. You made it to the end so you must've done something right. Ibe we were never tight in the game so if I were to base my vote off of social interactions with me you would lose.

So anyway I'll stop beating around the bush and just ask my question.
It's A standard one but I need it to be answered. Why should the person sitting next to you not WIN? don't tell me why your so great just tell me why the other person is total shit. If I'm still unsure on who to vote for the cruelest of you two get's my vote

will most likely add more on later.
this speech thing est hrd
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Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:49:42 pm

Pre vote.


I may get into a little shit for voting for you but It just feels better. The hate towards you seems to just stem out of you being boring. But at least I had A relationship with you in the game. I'm hoping you pull out the win But I think It's Ibe's game at the moment.
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Postby Ralph » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:30:56 pm

switching my vote


hooooooooome schoooooooooooled
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Postby Ralph » Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:49:26 am

Switching vote for the person to win to


hoooooooooooooome schooooooooooooooooled
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Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:56:38 am

A little late methinks.
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Postby Ashley Underwood » Sat Jul 26, 2014 7:18:11 am

This. changes. everything!!! (Jks I wish)
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