Final Words

14th Voted Out | 3-0 Vote | 6th Place | 6th Juror

Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:41:26 pm


You were one of my favo's forreal.

Please spill all the tea on what you thought about the experience as a whole. If you would do it again. What you would do differently. The friendships you made, the enemies you made. What you're looking forward to about ftc. Who you want to be there and who you don't. EVERYTHINGGGGG
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:42:44 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:NOOOOOO

You were one of my favo's forreal.

Please spill all the tea on what you thought about the experience as a whole. If you would do it again. What you would do differently. The friendships you made, the enemies you made. What you're looking forward to about ftc. Who you want to be there and who you don't. EVERYTHINGGGGG

The whole experience was absolutely incredible. This is one of my favorite games I've ever played. I have yet to master ORG games but this is the first time I feel like I had a VERY GOOD handle on this game. I pretty much feel like I had the best feel for the ENTIRE tribe and was never really blindsided. Even this vote was a bit expected since Cochran's a sneaky sneak. But no for real for real. This has been my favorite game to play. I've loved everything from the avatars to the separate forums. It's just so completely top notch.

I would defiantly play again. I would hope you would have me wither as a new character or Queen.Marissa again. I would try to control the game BUT maybe allow a couple targets to slip through the cracks and vote out some goats. This is probabbly one of the better games I've played but I think letting the threats go so early because i felt I could outplay the ones in my alliance was a huge OVERSIGHT on my part. Although....based on that vote...there was a good chance that would have worked if Vytas or Cochran didn't win immunity and had an extra immunity in their corner. SOOO FUCKING CLOSE.

fuckign hate Vytas. He's fucking terrible. He's done nothing and now that bitch gets credit for my elimination. NO DICE!!! He is fucking the worst. I will not VOTE for him ATTTTT ALL!!! No way.

I made some pretty great friends in this though in Ralph, Rachel, Ibe, Semhar, Shawn and Laura. I'm really looking foreward to talking to them after the game because I know I have never played with Ralph, Ibe or Semhar before.

All in all this was a great experience. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take my back. Even if I quit Orgs....I think I will play this series till I die.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:44:15 pm

I really want Shawn, Ibe and Semhar there but I know I probabbly won't get that. I don't want Cochran because he's an overcochy cuntbag who has no reason to be Cochy. I don't want Vytas in the finale but I kinda do so I can just berate him. <3
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:03:49 pm

You were amazing gurl. You will be back not a doubt in my mind. And sixth really is the Goddess position.

Becky speaks good sense about not getting rid of all of the threats too early. You were sticking out like a nail that needed to be hammered for a while now :P Never any shame in getting taken out for being a threat though.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:04:42 pm

Personally I like to take the threats all the way to the F3 so the win is all the sweeter but that's probably not advisable as a solid tactic icon_lol
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:13:41 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:You were amazing gurl. You will be back not a doubt in my mind. And sixth really is the Goddess position.

Becky speaks good sense about not getting rid of all of the threats too early. You were sticking out like a nail that needed to be hammered for a while now :P Never any shame in getting taken out for being a threat though.

Thanks boo, I tried really hard. I know this is my first game you have seen me so I'm hoping I somewhat impressed. I hope I will be brought back although my only worry is I'll have a huge target on my back. Really...who else finished sixth? I'm not familar with Stranded history of placements.

It is very true. And I completely regret it at this point obviously. I guess I just thought everyone was stupider then in reality.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:01:42 am

Let me see.
S14 Malaysia Fabio (my fault this one icon_cry I was too cocky to see what was really happening me and him misvoted (played idols & Immunity wrong) and I left soon after)
S15 Greece Rob C. (3-2-1's himself out lol - not a god)
S16 Refuge, Me icon_cry (idolled, goddess obvs)
S17 Costa Rica, Ibe (I think there was idols involved? Like his bff had one and played it on himself instead of on Ibe)
S18 Patagonia, Jolanda (goddess)
S19 Venezuela, Sean (idol-faking god)
S20 Legends, Willard (this is Yope - no comment :P from me )
S21Namibia, Julie (hag goddess)
S22 Marissa (idolled goddess)

Which reminds me, I need to update some threads on the community board for when y'all get there post-Season.

The first 13 Seasons are before my time but I can find em I'm sure.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:03:35 am

This is like, only your fourth game amIright?
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Re: Final Words

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:09:24 am

I love having you and I'm sure we'll find a way to get you back sooner rather than later :P

We'll talk more after the season when we can divulge everything but no doubt you were a huge character here from the first day until now. Even so far as being apart of Bad-news Bracari and losing so much really meant you were at the focal point of the series.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:35:48 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:This is like, only your fourth game amIright?

Back in like 2010 i "played" two games no idea what I was doing and pretty much was the most inactive person between college/part time work. So let's not consider those two games. icon_lol

So this year I decided to try my hand at it again and made a come back. This is my 5th game actuallly playing for real. i've played waaay too many this year. icon_lol I also learned the hardway I can't play two or three games at once. I don't have the time or attention span. I was playing Card's Big Brother Canada (I Don't consider that in the 5 games I've actually played) at the same time and this completely sucked my attention from that. The one's that i feel I actually played were Gnarls 3 (my return to ORG), Mega 5, Ultimate Game: Supernatural, Music War and this. But I also was in My Ordinary org as the 1st boot because of traffic from work.....the worst experience ever. icon_cry

TBH though I wish I never played those original two games back in 2010 so I could be considered a newbie for 2014 awards. icon_cry
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:37:05 am

Jeff Probst wrote:I love having you and I'm sure we'll find a way to get you back sooner rather than later :P

We'll talk more after the season when we can divulge everything but no doubt you were a huge character here from the first day until now. Even so far as being apart of Bad-news Bracari and losing so much really meant you were at the focal point of the series.

Sounds awesome!! icon_wub Well I'd be down to co-host if you ever need a ratchet chick <3

Sounds good. I can't wait to see your write up and cover of the season icon_wub
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Re: Final Words

Postby Ashley Underwood » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:19:06 pm

*gets protective of her hosting spot*....... oh wait I'm the sadistic beauty queen I'm safe :)

You are so great! <3 :D
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:21:46 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:*gets protective of her hosting spot*....... oh wait I'm the sadistic beauty queen I'm safe :)

You are so great! <3 :D

Hunnney. It's better if we work together. icon_wub icon_wub

Thanks boo. Glad for the love at least. icon_wub Would you say the star of the season?
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:14:16 am

oh and since the cast list is out. I tried Triple Playing "Odysey 2", "Card's BBC 2" and this at the same time. It's safe to say that didn't go well as I played ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLY in BB Can 2 and quit Odyssey 2 because I wanted to devote my time to this. I'm glad to see it wasn't completely in vain as you guys seemed to like me.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:51:02 am

Ew @double-dipping. It seems so easy but it's really not. Something always suffers.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:52:39 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Ew @double-dipping. It seems so easy but it's really not. Something always suffers.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:38:06 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:Ew @double-dipping. It seems so easy but it's really not. Something always suffers.

Omg yes. Especially since I basically ruined the one character who owns my heart. The Joker. I'm a huge comic book nerd so this completely mortifies me. never double dipping again. Well atleast on the bright side I can be proud of this game right? icon_cry
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:32:16 pm


All my favourite characters were single-dips. I did quad dip one time and won. But I was in the first five boots in the other three games so.. icon_whistling
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:56:04 pm

real feelings on the final 4.

Cochy - Knew he was a snake from day one. He's a complete tool and completely insincere. I could read him like a book. i never really fully trusted you although you were a fine ally to have. I knew you always had other things going on and I could tell when you were playing both sides. Especially when things got back to me. I don't think you've really done anything big other then getting me ya kudos but let's face it you were always in my shadow. Oh and your not as clever as you think you are.

Vytas - your a completel nut-case with the social graces of a bull in a china shop. You wouldn't have gotten anywhere without me because of the very fact that I put out sooo many fires for you. The only reason you got further mid-late merge was the fact that you were so awful everyone knew they could beat you. You may have thought Shawn was the GOAT but in reality it turned out to be you. so glad i don't have to put up with your short as shit pms.

Ibe - i love you man. You could have turned on me, and you probabbly should have turned on me, and you probabbly were going to eventually turn on me. But you always stayed true. I respect that. You were one of my closest allies in this game and for someone i didn't know before this game It's been absolutely MAGNIFICENT to be your partner. It's a shame Cochy and Vee are awful human beings. I don't think I would have gotten this far without you or vice versa. You were actually intelligent and had a good head on your shoulders. Your the Robin to my Batman.

Shawn - I love you too. From the moment we started talking I clicked with you and I fucking loved you. Now I don't know what happened but you seemed to fall apart socially during the merge and It's ok you turned on me it was for the best, although I do feel like you wouldn't be in this game still if it wasn't for me saving your ass. But regardless you an absolute delight to play with when we did converse. Maybe if I tried to bring you in a little closer things would have turned out different from us but I did really like you.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Marissa » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:25:12 pm

Fallen Comrades -
You were truly a blast to talk to. I knew you were something special. Too bad everyone else was lame.


Absolutely awesome girl. Completely robbed by the stupid boys. Keeping Peter around was the lamest.

Hot!! But completely MEH!!!

Image were pretty horrid. You can take your brolliance and shove it.

The most upseet I didn't get to play with you. I was sooo looking foreward to playing open ID with you since we've got along in the past but never really fully worked together. Just fucking lame.

Your a good guy. Naive as all hell...fucking awful at challenges...but a good guy.

MY FOXY MAMA!!!! I fucking loved you. You have no idea. You are my favorite person in this cast. I would have betrayed EVERYONE for you. Soo crushed when you left.

I pegged you as someone to worry was all for the wrong reasons as you ended up being your own undoing. You completely were fun to talk to when you actually graced me with your pressence. CUNT

Didn't really talk to me. Your pretty funny though you complete Psychopath.

Maybe in another world we would have been partners but I saw you as a legit threat. You were quite a fun girl though.

Fun FUN FUN GUY!!! Although I never fully trusted you. But I did love talking to you.

I was very skeptical of you at the beginning but you grew into a beautiful flower and someone I absolutely loved in this game. Your a stone cold killer <3.

Regret not working with you. Although you were my biggest threat. You were just tooo likeable and waaaay tooo intelligent.

You were a complete Queen.

Godess. We may never have been on the same page fully but you were very good at this game. From being at a distinct disadvantage you made it all the way to final 5 on your own. In game full of pairs and friends, that's how much of a baller you are.

Your ok as a person I guess...but seriously FuCK YOU in the game. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FuCK YOU!!! You absolutely useless game player.

Shawnny.Boo! icon_wub. You were absolutely amazing in this game. The way you almost got to the end from being someone that watched his entire alliance crumble is something absolutely incredible. Hands down you had my vote to win. I wish I relied on you more and used you as a talking stick. Maybe we would have made the end together and you wouldn't have turned on me.

Such a loyal partner. I didn't know what to expect being partnered with you but I'm thankful for it. You had a good head on your shoulders unlike Cochy and Vytas and was a very good wall to bounce ideas off of. Wish we could have ran to the end together.

I said from the beginning you were a rat and boy was I right. FUCK YOU!
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