Welcome! Tonight's challenge is of course, a puzzle and will require
3 members of your tribe to participate.
Each tribe will be given the same slide puzzle and will have to solve it in the designated thread.
You will do this taking turns in a pre-established order. So you are going to give me a list of 3 people in an order and you will stick by that.
Person #1 copies the slide puzzle from the main thread into the designated thread to start off
Person #2 Makes the next move, by sliding a piece into the gap like this:
Then Person #3 goes and they make a move as well
The puzzle is now complete, but of course your puzzle won't be 2 by 2.
The fastest two tribes to finish the puzzle win immunity, the slowest goes to tribal council.
Here are the rules: You are not allowed to reset your puzzle from the start. If you mess up an image tag OR make an illegal move, you have to go again from the last legal post. So if Person #3 messes up a post, you have to go back to that post and have Person #3 re-do the move until it's legal and posted correctly. A legal move means moving an adjacent tile into the black "gap" tile and switching the two images around.
You are allowed to discuss/plan ahead in your own separate thread. Do
NOT clutter the official challenge attempt thread I made with any of that. I can't stress this enough,
if you are sitting out, you cannot help or guide the people participating in the challenge.