by Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:46:34 pm
by Kim P » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:46:51 pm
Laura wrote:Kim P wrote:Wait, I just realized something. Why does my username say ChrisClay? That isn't me... I'm Parvati LoweAmour/ Black Beauty from sucks...
Wait, really!?
by Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:47:08 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:Becky, you had the hearts of all the admins. You were loveable as ever. However, not particularly exciting because I think you were leagues above and beyond your competitors in terms of gameplay and probably your experience level has a lot to do with that. What was interesting to see was to have you be in such a power position and be so far out in the open as a huge target. I don't think i've ever seen you play in that position and it was different to see you in it here. I don't think you'll find yourself in this position again, but if you do, I think you need to play a bit more aggressively because ignoring your target here did you no favors. <3 you as always booboo.
Mia wrote:Oh Rebecca. You're always so modest, but you already know how great you are. I think Poody was saying this, but it was hard to root for you in this game because you didn't really need the second chance. I disagree with that, but there WAS something about you that didn't quite fit with the rest of the cast, and that was that you were TOO good and TOO polished. I get that this probably sucks to hear because that's like the worst thing to say to someone, but you played well and you were a huge threat, and yeah. I'm jut rambling now because I feel like I've already said all of this, but I think that if you had survived the round you left in, the claws REALLY would have come out and you could have barreled your way to the end. You're a star <3 Congrats on pulling off the double dip, too. If anyone can handle it, you can!
Ashley wrote:I thought you were great, even if you were never really someone I was actively rooting for. I did say at a few points that you were probably going to win the game and even though you weren't one of me baes I wouldn't even be at all upset with that result. Very solid.
Sophie wrote:I think you were the first person that was BRUTALLY robbed in the game. You deserved to go so much farther than you actually did, and your elimination was tragic and actually set the stage for a lot of favorites and a lot of fantastic players to get eliminated soon after. I loved how cunning you were and how you managed to have a great social relationship with every single person in the game. Over on Limici you 100% ran the show from day one, and it was funny how not many people realized it. You had Ibe and Katie firmly attached to your hips, and it was great story telling when Ibe ended up removing himself from you and voting out his "master." I loved you in this game, and your type of gameplay is always great to watch even if it isn't as flashy as some other people. It's intelligent and great to watch, so thanks for being such an influential player in this season of a LOT of influential people.
Frank wrote:UGHHHHHH. I made the draft thread, I picked you instantly, this game was so set up for you to dominate. You were great on Limici but they were too aware of you, and you were kind of doomed by merge and weren't gonna last long. You delivered so much in jury though, and I still love you so it was hella nice to have you in this game Goddess.
Teresa wrote:My fingers hurt which sucks cause I love you sooooo much. You were my favorite until you didn't exist anymore. You know I love you! But you should have fucking owned these cunts. Why didn't you Becky? :( I'm so sad.
Steph wrote:Becky <3 Several hosts compared your game to mine last season and I saw it too. What a compliment for me. :D Very UTR and kind of the silent HBIC. I was rooting for you from the beginning but in a way I was also excited to see you leave just cause it was a big move. But there's no shame in being a big threat. It was a pleasure watching you play. :)
Brenda wrote:lol at Steph making that about her^
Effortless. Were you ever in danger until the merge? Playing straight down the middle on one tribe and then the other. Open-ID hurt you more than anyone else despite how distant this series is from your usual games. People know you and are rightfully scared. One of my fave quotes from the game was "If you get on the wrong side of Becky she'll start a riot against you" I kind of wish there had been a failed attempt so we could have seen that side of you in-game instead of just in the Jury. I think we only got a little glimpse of it when you and Vytas met up and there was just an instant two-way hate. You were fuming at his short blunt style and didn't believe his idol. He was fuming at your lengthier style and that you had the gall to not take him at his word I just wish that had spilled out into public. They were right to take you out when they did of course, and I think it was a big turning point in the game. From that point on Nu and old Limici toppled one-by-one without you there to keep it all together. Bitches be running scared, but with good reason so can you blame them?
by Ibrehem » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:47:46 pm
by Becky » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:48:59 pm
by Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:49:00 pm
by John » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:49:02 pm
by Kim P » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:49:48 pm
by Rachel » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:49:55 pm
by Katie » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:49:59 pm
by Frank the Tank » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:50:21 pm
Jeff Probst wrote:I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are probably the most unique person to ever play Stranded. You are so loveable and hilarious and every post of yours makes everyone laugh and smile. You are just a great person and I loved watching you here. I think you played much much better this season to the point of becoming a threat. Your biggest downfall is probably your PM flubs which Brenda had much joy in pointing out. Also I think people started to notice that you were smarter than you let on when you were betraying people and double dipping in alliances. But still it was so much fun watching you <3 Legend.
Mia wrote:I can't even remember why I didn't enjoy you in Namibia now because you were just so great here. You were a gift that kept giving and giving, and everything about you was so fun, genuine, and super fucking likeable. You really came back here for the experience and the fun, and you pulled it off so nicely. Congrats Ralph on becoming one of the rare instances where I will admit I was wrong about someone I strongly disliked. You earned it. #likeanapple is still trending!
Ashley wrote:Here's the deal - you are so entertaining. It is absolutely UNREAL. What I love the most about it is that you are such a sweet arch angel goddess about it - none of your charm comes from bitching out anyone else, it all comes from you being a genuine lovely human being who is super off the wall unorthodox and sweeter that caramelised sugar. Your gameplay this season was streets ahead of your last performance as well and I hope it's even better the next time you play!
Sophie wrote:By FAR the biggest sweetheart in this game. I don't think you have a mean bone in your body and I think the worst thing you ever called someone in this game was like a "stupid head" or something like that lol. I also don't think you have a strategic bone in your body either unfortunately, which is why you most likely ended up being eliminated very early once again. You did manage to be loved by practically everyone in the game, and I also think THAT contributed to your demise as well. You were even more of a hoot and a lovable guy in this season than you were in the last season Thanks for being the Stranded's Sweetheart that we needed.
Frank wrote:You give the best one liners and random phrases. You do not disappoint in the entertainment department and you did much better in the game department, glad to see you were writing good PMs now. Like an apple.
Teresa wrote:lmfaooo I have an org crush on you <3
Steph wrote:Ralph my Ovambo buddy! <3 It was great to have someone from my original tribe play again! :D I think you were a perfect choice. Definitely an improved performance on Namibia, congrats on beating your placement!
Brenda wrote:I just want to point out again how this is Ralph's second game ever. This guy was taking social advice from Frank pre-game and nobody worked the PMs like Ralph did. Everybody Loves Ralphmond. Come the merge Ralph was the single player talking deep with everyone who would answer. If I have one criticism it's that too many of these conversations were nothing but fluff, bring a little more strat talk in with people, give them reasons to think you are not just on their side, but that they need you in the game. There's no harm being a huge social threat, so long as you can have people thinking they need to keep you around for a few more rounds. There are more than enough compliments in the blogs for Ralph so I'll cut this short even though I could rattle on for hours. Just an absolute joy to host. Jumanji love <3
by Semhar » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:50:25 pm
by Shawn » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:50:27 pm
by Jim » Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:51:22 pm
Frank the Tank wrote:[center]CARYN
Most likely to Headline the Evening News for all the Wrong Reasons