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Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:27:32 pm
by Ralph
holy shit,
I hjust wrote up a hour long thing and it was all delted because or servers???
honestly pretty mad...

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:28:50 pm
by Ralph
Is there any way you guys could get it back/I could get it back?
I hit preview and then it said I wasn't logged in?

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:38:41 pm
by Ralph
Gaaaaaah okay I'll do Ciera to John Later today and finish it tmrw. god dammit this sucks. I wrote a fuckton

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:57:13 pm
by Ralph
Okay so I actually have a lot of time on my hands right now so I'm going to finish these.
There going to be worse than the first draft since I had more energy then btu what the hell.
Ciera-john will be first

Ciera I was never able to meet you. I thought you were going to be a crazy player since you were given the character of Ciera. But that being said it's not like who your playing makes how you play it was just A thought. I'm guessing you were and inactive turd but if you were dying and couldn't play or whatever maybe you'll get a 2nd shot

Look above. All of that. same to you. the turd part and the if your dying part. and the avatar part. thought whoever played Brad would've been a huge character. I liked brad in show. im so tired. why did these have to get broken and not post

I'm not going to beat around the bushes Kimpy. We were never tight. we talked in a very minimalisitc fashion where we only said "Ralphie!" "Kimpy!" and that type of stuff. I'm sure your a nice gal and you most likely just had A lot on your mind or whatever. I did like your Shite and Blue shirt doe. Thas a niiiice shiiirty.

Hay-train you seemed cool. I was telling John day 1 to get you out cause i thought you were going to be a threat. this was all based off you being assigned hayden so It was just me assuming. I think YOu got Swap fucked? You were loved ones with Semhar and she lasted pretty long but I think Caryn wanted you out and so that happened. I bet you get brough back so don't be to sad about getting the boot early. Have fun on your 2nd chance season.

Petey Pirhanna you were fun. I thought you were a loveable little goof but according to Becky you were not that. I think you came out guns ablazing and people were freaked you by that. I was fine with you but I don't think some others were. I do like you though and it was very fun to talk about you r lakehouse and The world cup! Thank you for voting with john on that one vote. If only Ibe voted out Vytas over you </3

Ryan I'm never going to be able to write something nice enough for you here. You were a sweetheart who was caught up in some Family/friends thing and It sucks. I really liked you and trusted you and your Pm game was off the chain and stuff. You were fun to talk to and easy to talk to ! I had to vote with the rest of Limic though because I didn't want a target on my back and others wanted you gone! I hope we can talk some more after this game!

Idon'tknowwhoyouarebutyourhusbandwascuteinthepearlislands. butthenhegotAreallybigegoandtriedtobemayororsomethingsothathappened. ireallydon'tknowwhattoputhereI'msorryboutthat.

John your a sexy hot piece of ass and I wish You could've stayed longer in this game. I hope you had a good time playing in this game. Your amazing and I think you were a little to sweet for this game. When/If/When/make it happened you get put back in A season I hope you win! me and you didn't talk as much as I wish we did But as long as you were talking to others I was happy. We also seemed to of had A very cute Pm which Brenda and Ashley really love so that was cool! Love you bae.

I'll do the rest later and also add onto these maybe or stuff.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:39:05 pm
by Ashley Underwood
Lazarus Form Recovery browser addon.

Yw icon_wub

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:48:35 pm
by Ralph
gaaaah it isn't working on my computer ash.
I'm gonna mess with it A bit.
thank ya for your help

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:14:58 pm
by Ralph
also mad props to Ibe and shawn.
they did very well in that challenge! good on ya both

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:48:47 am
by Ralph
holy crap Cochran and Ibe both wanted to vote shawn over me.
I think If I didn't have dinner then I honestly might of stayed in.
one of you hosts needs to confirm if I can be depressed or not when this game ends/if you can know

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:24:39 am
by Ralph
this thread is practically my blog now.
I'm so tired. I have to go on a car drive in like 2 hours.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:28:56 am
by Ralph
I'm just going to keep a Journal here now.

3:28 am
- Watching Brooklyn nine nine
- tired af
- drnak some water
- it hurt
- how?


Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:31:12 am
by Ralph
hehehe the hosts are switching to whos on and whos not
birst it was brenda
and then it was mia
and now frankie is online!

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:34:03 am
by Ralph
now Ashley is online.
hi ash.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:41:34 am
by Ralph
3:41 am
-forgot when I last did this
-i think it was before earlier
-hahaha I haven't done this in a while
-holyfuck I wish I wasn't vote out
-I remeber when I watched the show and thought I was hot shit.


Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:47:14 am
by Ralph
one time I went to the store and accidentals stole two packs of gum.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:11:05 am
by Ralph
one time my bud rolled A bible joint

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:14:52 am
by Ralph
one time I almost killed my grandma.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:38:44 am
by Ralph
I have a NSFW one but It's NSFW

but one time in highschool this thing happened that was NSFW and I don't know if I can share it

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:39:11 am
by Brenda Lowe
So long as there's no images to go with it I think you could get away with it.

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 1:48:54 pm
by Ralph
I'm awake and happy I did not share story

Re: Final Words

PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:21:56 pm
by Ralph
guys do you wanna see A picture of my dog
too late here she is

She's so cute icon_wub

I miss her.
