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Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:04:10 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
Final eight!

Are you surprised you made it this far?

What are your chances of winning the game?

Who is the biggest threat to win at this point?

There was a lot of back and forth at Tribal Council up until the voting deadline. Any thoughts on this?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:24:13 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Vytas wrote:marissa is walking on thin ice
she wants ralph out, which is great for me since i keep coby/sem close and get shawn back. and then huge target on marissa/ibe.

Update me later if things actually work out like this or no.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:25:53 pm
by Vytas
let me say it again.
i suck.

i won`t go again through my journey through this game, but i wanted to have fun. and in the last few days i didn`t care about the game and i didn`t do anything. if i don't play to have fun, then i play to win. and this is not a winning game. if i'd be in the jury i'd never vote for vytas. no fuckin chance. i`m fuckin playing utr (lolololol, i never expected this) and i`m a little bitch who survives because of that idol.
i can make a good enough case at ftc. i`m godlike at this. but why do it when i don't think i deserve to win? if i make it to the end and my game is still shit i`m not joking, my opening speech would be "don't vote for me, i don't deserve it".

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:38:44 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
Have more faith! You kept saying before the game started that you'd be out pre-merge. So you already proved yourself wrong. icon_smile

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:47:02 pm
by Vytas
it's not about faith.
since i lost on that one second in the last tribal challenge i didn't do anything. that's a fact.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:57:44 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
Well according to some people I did "nothing" until Final 7 in Namibia (not true but w/e) and then I ended up winning cause I turned up my game at the right time.

There's still a lot of game left to be played and chances to make moves to impress the jury! <3

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:59:14 pm
by Vytas
Stephanie Valencia wrote:Final eight!

Are you surprised you made it this far?

What are your chances of winning the game?

Who is the biggest threat to win at this point?

There was a lot of back and forth at Tribal Council up until the voting deadline. Any thoughts on this?

i didn't expect to make the merge, so i am...
i think i already covered my chances. or i didn't? idk
sem is the biggest threat. everyone on limici will vote for her.
the tribal went as planned. but i was a little parannoid by all that talking. i wanted to play the idol on rachel. i think i would've if cochran didn't answer me at the end.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:41:08 am
by Brenda Lowe
Well there's still x rounds left between now and the end. So you have x rounds to convince people you are deserving. Same way no Juror gives a fuck about what happened pre-merge, no- juror will hold a spell of UTRness against you if you can say "I needed to do that at that point so I could do x later".

So how about instead of being a whiny bitch about it and moping around in here and writing your game off already; instead you realise we've not even had half a Jury yet so there is plenty of time to get out there and make a name for yourself sweetheart.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:36:38 pm
by Ashley Underwood
Self-pity Vytas is not nearly as fun as I expected ... Buck up! Listen to Brenda!

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:49:30 pm
by Vytas
i know how to convince a jury wtf icon_lol
and it's not self pity. i`m just saying what i see. when i`m brilliant i talk about it. a lot. now i`m not, and i won't pretend i`m doing anything awesome.

anyway, i have to go back home tomorrow :'( (FUCK THIS BTW. wanted to stay in bucharest more). that's good for the game. expect to see me back at 100%. as for tonight, i don't think i`ll be here.
and btw, reading marty's perfection and pete's drunk awesomeness worked. i`m winning this shit.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:05:39 pm
by Brenda Lowe
:o Good good.

What is this Marissa pre-vote? You got numbers to back that up?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:16:42 pm
by Vytas
i hope cochran and sem can do it. i don't have time for it.
had a fuckin late change of plans and instead of going home saturday morning i have to leave tomorrow. so i`m drinking with my roommate today

one more thing
i`m probably playing better than most of the cast, but worse than i did it before. that's not good for me. i set the bar high, and being just good doesn't feel good after being a god.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:43:00 pm
by Vytas

Yeah. Let's make our way to the end. I already know that Rachel/Ibe/Marissa are very dangerous more than anyone and I'm trying to rally everyone to realize the big threats in this game. I have Semhar, Coby, and Cochran on board. That's enough votes to take out Rachel since she was apparently the one who were trying to get me out in the first place so I'll like to finally ger her out and also try to scare Ibe and Marissa into flushing their Talismans out of this game.

I know we have the votes, now we have to make sure Rachel doesn't win Immunity. That's the last thing I wanted to see happen.

omg he thinks he's in control this is hilarious

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:58:03 pm
by Vytas
tribals immediately after challenges is INCREDIBLE
hate it as a player but i can see how good it is. don`t ever change this.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:33:30 pm
by Vytas
i`m horrible at tonight's tribal lol

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:36:53 pm
by Vytas
marissa is pised omg YES YES YES