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Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:42:59 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Another round, another unsuccessful move. But you are still here, which is a hell of a lot better than where Marissa is right now. How are the trust levels with the other players right now, particularly Cochran?

Map out the boots from here to the end. Who is gonna target who to leave you with the F3 you most want, and what exactly is that?

Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:43:03 pm
by Shawn
Uh yeah I'm taking over this round in Confessionals. So yeah, that plan went bad as planned and Marissa ended up leaving, but good news is, the main path of this game is all clear since Cochran will be screwed next round. I'm trying to make sure neither Duos get the upperhand. As long as it's just one of the two duos in each pair is left in this game, the path is all clear to me.

And I think it's obvious I HAVE to bring Vytas to be my F3/F2 partner. There's a realization that Semhar might be the dark horse of this game even more than me, so I'm not taking any chances, but I have to get rid of the big threats first and then handle the rest later on.

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:43:43 pm
by Shawn
GOD DAMN IT! I just posted my Confessional for Episode 14 just now!

Sniped in the balls <_<

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:46:46 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Behold, my magic wand.

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:46:56 pm
by Brenda Lowe

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:00:48 pm
by Shawn
I was about to be concerned until you posted the next post.....

Anyways since all that confessional I wrote is gone, I'll just start all over again. <_<

Despite Marissa leaving and that idol vote off backfiring badly, the good news is that no more idols, but only Immunity. My only hope right now is to bring Vytas as my Final Tribal Council Partner, I really do not believe Semhar's a goat anymore. She's pretty much hiding some dark horse material in her and I really think that's going to be bad if I underestimate her.

Now me and Vytas made a deal to start picking off Ibe and Cochran, bad news is that Vytas does not want Cochran gone because he's apparently hated by everyone, but let's be real here, most hated does not mean he ain't winning. There's been backstabbers who were hated going into the Final Tribal Council, but then they release their magic at the FTC and charm everyone with how well he was able to sway the Jury and knowing how each player felt. That's the main concern I'm havnig right now.

Luckily I'm planning on getting Ibe and Semhar on board to get rid of Cochran and no doubt they'll be flipping. And if that plan backfire and Cochran wins Immunity, then Ibe will have to go and I can sway Vytas and Cochran easily. As long as I'm not the main target and it's the other big threats, then I'm fine with either Cochran or Ibe leaving.

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:12:27 pm
by Brenda Lowe
No it's two posts up silly. I did not just vanish it icon_lol

Who are the biggest threats to win here in order in your opinion? Include yourself in the list.

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:07:28 am
by Shawn
Oh Yeah, I didn't see that until now.

Shawn's Threat List

1. Ibrehem: Not only is he good in challenges, but he seems to have this charm that can easily impress the Jury. He says he's not a threat, but that's kind of making him my biggest threat

2. Semhar: Her gameplay might not have been steller, but honestly she probably has a really good social game and even though me and her don't talk much she does seem to be very talkative with everyone else in a good way that makes her pretty likable.

3. Shawn: Despite not doing much, like I said, I play more of the UTR game and make myself not look threatening. Make it look like I'm jst taking orders, but I have multiple options to take and I follow what I think fits my path to win. When something goes wrong, I have to adapt to this situation and move on.

4. Cochran: Good player, but pissed off a lot of people. But the reason I put him below me is pretty much because he's pretty much a snake/rat and everyone knows it which could be a good thing. However, I'm not taking the risk of bringing him to the end game if he starts to smarten himself up.

5. Vytas: He's crazy, psychotic, a lair, a smartass, and a backstabber. The majority of the people don't like him and I think he's my go to F2/F3 PArtner. It's better if it's a F2.

Re: Episode 14

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:06:47 pm
by Shawn
I'm in a huge position right now. I'm the perfect swing vote to vote off either Cochran or Ibe. I know either of those 2 leaving are fine since I know both will be a bunch of trouble near the end. But I have to make sure Cochran DOESN'T win Immunity or things will get a bit bumpy and flipping to vote off Ibe and causing a lot of anger which is what I want to avoid near the end.

As long as Cochran doesn't win Immunity then this round should be failly easy with me. Then again there has been a few suspicions that I could be played by both sides since I am fucking with both sides and trying to find a really good spot for me if I want to win.