Final Words

17th Voted Out | 1-0 Vote | 3rd Place | 9th Juror

Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:48:39 pm

So close.. and oh so faaaaaaaar. icon_cry

Leave some private final words in here away from the Jury eyes till later. Some kind of reflection on the game and your place in it. What you would do different, what you learned, who you enjoyed most and so on.

Also you still owe me fallen comrades when you get some time. Doesn't have to be huge, but somewhere between a sentence to a paragraph for every person you met would be nice for posterity. icon_smile
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Re: Final Words

Postby Shawn » Tue Jul 22, 2014 11:49:44 pm

This was a game I was quite surprised. This was my first time playing an actual Survivor contestant and based on Shawn of course. This was something that was quite refreshing to play into. And yeah I started off slow and it showed with my lack of activity on the main boards, but my go to were the PMs since that would be were all the action would take for me.

And my PMing focus made a huge impact gaining lots of allies and giving me a great chance in this game. Maybe my biggest regret is not trying hard to find the idol and that would have saved Marissa from elimination, but when she left, this gave me a few good chances to start making my moves all the way to the end. I was so close to making it to the F2 and I guess that F2 twist really screwed me over, even though I knew it was coming. My main goal was to make myself look like a non-threat and surprise them at the end. Just guess the surprise came too early when Semhar got eliminated and forced me to win back-to-back Immunites (which is the first time I've ever pulled off in all 25+ of my ORG career <3)

Overall, this game may have not been my most strategic performance compared to Anime Wars Rebecca or PUS Golem, but my best games will always be the UTR game. And damn that plan worked almsot perfectly. I can't wait to see who my allies were with Vytas and Marissa. But I want to hear the reactions from Becky especially to see my reveal. <3 It was a nice start to playing Survivor with actual survivor players.

Special thanks to Caryn (TheOneSurvivor) for recruiting me. She made the perfect choice, even though it did get her eliminated at the Jury since I easily had Caryn, Ralph, Becky, Coby, and Marissa's vote which was enough for a win. ;____;

Also thanks to the hosts for putting up with me and my shennanigans/stupidity throughout this game.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:41:30 am

You were a bit quiet and hard to root for for a large portion of this, but I think by the end you grew into a pretty good player as reflected by your increasing chances of winning. Taking out threats gave you more room than you otherwise would have had to play and you definitely ran with that!
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