Episode 08

15th Voted Out | 3-1-1 Vote | 5th Place | 7th Juror

Re: Episode 08

Postby Semhar » Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:37:06 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:So Semhar, we all know your problem in the past was settling for just going along with the ride. Are you trying to avoid that this season? ALSO, how do you plan on standing out so that if you do make final 3, you have a shot at winning?

I'm gonna make waves when I need to. I do realize that I gotta break the pack up eventually and rustle some feathers, but this first round I will need to improve what people think of me and I need to lay low.

The problem I have is that I merged without a partner or a immunity duo, at the bottom of my tribe, with very little people I can trust. If I scheme too quickly, it won't be the best label I could have on me. For this first round, I need to lay low because if I do get caught scheming hard, I have no one who would defend me. I gotta find the numbers first, and see who I can trust the most.

People want Cochran gone, so when the day comes when Cochran is getting the spotlight on him and he might get voted out, that'll be the day I change the game. Promise. Or sooner if things change from that plot.
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Re: Episode 08

Postby Semhar » Sun Jul 13, 2014 3:42:03 pm

I'm actually thinking Coby or Becky needs to go next round. We'll see if I can get that formulated.

They trust me, but they're running this game a bit too much. Plus, whomever stays will have the mindset that Cochran/Ralph/Shawn/Vytas is owning the game and want them out next. Perfect bubble point for me to bounce between.
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