Final Words

12th Voted Out | 5-3 Vote | 8th Place | 4th Juror

Final Words

Postby Ashley Underwood » Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:36:12 pm

You made it the Final 8, and that's more than 12 other people can say this season. icon_smile I know a number of people who loooooooooooooved you and your contribution to this game! icon_wub icon_laughing

Would you like to leave any thoughts or reflections on your game as your played it? Do so here, we'd love to hear it!

In the meantime, be fierce on the jury =]
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Ashley Underwood
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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:04:05 pm

Re: Final Words

Postby Rachel » Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:10:54 pm

(I couldn't see this forum till today lol)

Well shit can't say I expected to go out the way I did, but at least I can say I had fun here. I mean that was my main goal out here, and since I was able to do that, at least I can leave this game happy with myself ^_^
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