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Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:55:05 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Final Nine. icon_chaos GJ you!

But it only gets tighter from here. WTactualF just went down at TC? How does it feel to be called a rat/puppet/w/e it was?

How does Becky leaving affect your game? Who is now on which sides?

And the million dollar question, who is next to leave, if you get your way?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:54:55 pm
by Cochran
Brenda Lowe wrote:Final Nine. icon_chaos GJ you!

But it only gets tighter from here. WTactualF just went down at TC? How does it feel to be called a rat/puppet/w/e it was?

How does Becky leaving affect your game? Who is now on which sides?

And the million dollar question, who is next to leave, if you get your way?

Oh thanks icon_blush

Coby thought he was going home. He was in a good spot because vytas mentioned trying to work with him and vytas s the kingpin around here. But he fucked that up pretty bad icon_lol I will be extremely suprised if hes not gone tomorrow, even though i'm sure he'll try.

As far as becky leaving, it's less then ideal, but i didnt have a choice really.

The tribe breakdown is like this






Right now the top 6 names are gonna hopefully vote together on coby. Then hopefully the bottom 5 names will vote together against rachel/ibe/marissa?

Atleast thats what I see.

If I get my way, then Coby obviously goes next. I've been on the right side of evey vote so far, and I dont expect that to change until its the vote i go home on (or, hopefully not to change at all)

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:58:54 pm
by Jeff Probst
So are you and Vytas just frienemies? How does that work? Explain your rleationship in detail for me plz, it's fascinating XD

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:26:54 am
by Cochran
Jeff Probst wrote:So are you and Vytas just frienemies? How does that work? Explain your rleationship in detail for me plz, it's fascinating XD

icon_lol Ok, so he's a huge threat, but he also wants to work with me. I think its cuz he thinks he can beat me but, hey i'll take it. Pretty much I'll target him whenever I think the votes may fall that way because he DOES need to be dealt with, but I mean if it isn't in the cards he's pretty much my #1 ally icon_biggrin

I'm kinda surprised we're still as close as we are, I figured the minute he thought hed get a target because of me he'd try and boot me, but it doesnt seem to be looking that way as of yet. I guess I'm just worried of him getting me before I have the chance to get him, yknow??

Frienemies is the perfect word for it icon_laughing

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:43:40 am
by Cochran
So once again the problem with my plans is Semhar.

Shes extremely over the top worried about a noobies alliance all of a sudden. I mean she has a right to be worried, but She hasnt picked up on the fact that i'd like to keep shawn around yet icon_biggrin

I mentioned rachel to her, and I think she may bite. And vytas already said it was a thing so that might be the vote right there.

Obviously literally everything is going to change about halfway through tomorrow, but yknow what, maybe this one time it wont.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:49:19 pm
by Cochran
Gonna boot Coby now it looks like. MArissa was really bent out of shape when rachel was mentioned. But were gonna go for Coby, and rachel tomorrow. It's no big deal really. I'll try and smooth things ver with sem, hopefully she wont be too mad.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:09:01 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Why is Marissa so protective of Rachel? Why is what Marissa wants more important than what Sem wants?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:21:49 pm
by Cochran
Brenda Lowe wrote:Why is Marissa so protective of Rachel? Why is what Marissa wants more important than what Sem wants?

Marissa has much more pull in the game than Sem. And Sem's mind is changeable, I tried with MArissa and it didnt work.

Marissa is more important because I want her to trust me when it comes down to it. She promised me that she'd be ok booting Rachel next, and if shes not come tomorrow then we'll fucking go to rocks because fuck her.

I need sem on my side also though, I'm gonna play the whole she told me to vote becky and I think Coby is our best shot card and hope she bites. If not i already have the majority so tough shit for her icon_biggrin

Marissa is protective of rachel because she runs that trio, they'll all do whatever the fuck she wants them too. It's sad, really. But marissa does have to let one of them go, she's starting to get too powerful and people are noticing.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:17:21 pm
by Cochran
Semhar wrote:OK don't think I'm paranoid. I'm talking to you about this before I talk to anyone else...

But at work I had a sudden realization that you/Ralph could team with Vytas/Shawn and leave me in the dust, considering they're both your partners and all.

I really think it would quell my mind if Shawn leaves.

Really?? You dont straight up tell someone you think theyre going to blindside you with no facts besides a hunch. Im actually pretty upset that she thinks this because that throws a GIANT wrench in my plans. I may have to tell her about the Vytas blindside. I thought shed fucking trust me a little more.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:00:18 pm
by Cochran
So Sem stopped talking to me, Marissa is being weird. And Vytas has been weird all fucking day.

I think your Boy cochran might be going home tonight icon_chaos

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:09:03 pm
by Brenda Lowe
So whatchu gonna do gurl?

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 7:19:46 pm
by Cochran
Brenda Lowe wrote:So whatchu gonna do gurl?

I may have overreacted. Sems just a bitch and Vytas is fine I think.

Sems getting everyone worried about me vytas shawn and Ralph. I NEED shawn for my plans to work Why cant we just fucking boot Coby and then "get rid of shawn next vote"??

I'm gonna try and win the challenge anyways. Probably wont but I definitely wont feel safe otherwise.

Fucking Coby got to Sem and he's spreading.

Re: Episode 10

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:18:55 pm
by Cochran