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Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:52:46 am
by Cochran
Alright Thanks Jeff. I'll try to make it quick.

And I got way too ahead of myself in my last post. I'm just gonna work on getting the votes for becky right now,

Everything past that obviously wont work unless I get her booted. icon_lol And idk if thats gonna be as easy as I thought.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:11:54 am
by Sophie P Clarke
Wait what? Why is your target for the merge vote Becky?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:32:35 am
by Cochran
Sophie P Clarke wrote:Wait what? Why is your target for the merge vote Becky?

She's a threat, I already knew that. Plus she was questioning my closeness to vytas, she had Ralphie ask me about him, im almost positive on that.

Also, vytas is a very convincing guy, I can tell why you guys wanted him. Whether hes being truthful with me or not is questionable

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:38:00 pm
by Cochran

Would using this be considered IDing myself, Vytas seems to think so but it was cool when i had the idea before hand, so just making sure

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:49:49 pm
by Jeff Probst
Cochran... are you serious right now?

Why are you trying to even go there right now? You saw how this ended for Katie and Caryn are you really going to put yourself at risk right now? Do you really need an advantage that badly that you have to even come close to bringing up other series?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:58:07 pm
by Cochran
Jeff Probst wrote:Cochran... are you serious right now?

Why are you trying to even go there right now? You saw how this ended for Katie and Caryn are you really going to put yourself at risk right now? Do you really need an advantage that badly that you have to even come close to bringing up other series?

I just know that I posted it over on Bracari and noone said anything so I figured i'd have it clarified yknow??

I'll leave it be, I figured it was ok to talk to vytas about it because we both actually know who eachother is, but It wont happen again.

Sorry Probst!

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:02:47 pm
by Sophie P Clarke
Did you say your goodbyes yet before we remove you, or are you leaving without saying anything to anyone?

But on a more serious note, there are many things left to consider in this game:
-Jury Threats
-Challenge Threats

Who do you identify as the biggest ones left for each of those categories?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 5:11:28 pm
by Cochran
Sophie P Clarke wrote:Did you say your goodbyes yet before we remove you, or are you leaving without saying anything to anyone?

But on a more serious note, there are many things left to consider in this game:
-Jury Threats
-Challenge Threats

Who do you identify as the biggest ones left for each of those categories?

Sophie dont scare me like that icon_cry

Alliances- Becky. She has a lot of people following her (pretty much all of new Limici and maybe even caryn)

Pathnerships- Not really sure, Marissa and Ibe? I dont really see partnerships as much of anything besides alliance startes at this point.

Friendships- Me and vytas icon_lol I'm pretty sure were on of the last, if not the last ones left in the game so.

Jury threats- Vytas. If he makes it to the end I would definitely vote for him over anyone else for the most part.

Challenge threats- Ibe and vytas. Vytas is open about his challenge prowess, and I'm pretty positive Ibe is a monster in challenges himself so. Those two definitely

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:34:17 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Cochran wrote:Friendships- Me and vytas icon_lol I'm pretty sure were on of the last, if not the last ones left in the game so.

Not impossible. Buuut, with nine out and eleven in, you have to have booted exactly one of every single other pairing to pull this off. Good work I guess? icon_laughing

I see your deal going down with Caryn, what are you hoping to come out of that? Will she vote with you this round?

I also see you confirming a Rachel boot with a lot of people, and the opposite with others.. so where you at really and what happens with the people you're lying to rn next round?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:52:23 pm
by Cochran
Brenda Lowe wrote:
Not impossible. Buuut, with nine out and eleven in, you have to have booted exactly one of every single other pairing to pull this off. Good work I guess? icon_laughing

I see your deal going down with Caryn, what are you hoping to come out of that? Will she vote with you this round?

I also see you confirming a Rachel boot with a lot of people, and the opposite with others.. so where you at really and what happens with the people you're lying to rn next round?

We didnt, Ciera and Kim were partners.
So theres one more out there. Which is good cuz no extra targets on me and Vytas icon_biggrin

Not exactly sure about Caryn, gonna see if shed be on board for voting for Becky. I dont really trust caryn, but hopefully she beileves my plea, its not a bad one to be honest.

If I dont get the numbers for the Becky vote, i'll tell everyone that i've been talling about voting for becky that its not possible because we dont have the numbers and rachel will go home. If we do have th numbers for becky then I'll vote her out and Tell Ralph that vytas played me or made me feel nervouse about her or whatever. Coby i'll say that we hadnt talked much and I would have told him but I didnt know where his head was at. Idk about shawn really... he'll probably go running to vytas or ralph, and i'll work on him accordingly.

Not sure about Semhar... maybe i'll tell her before the vote starts? OBviously Becky wont be a problem because she'd be gone icon_biggrin

I'm pretty sure ralph and coby will still be with me. Hopefully ralph will still have shawn, then we work on semhar/Caryn and if one of them is with us then we have half of the tribe. Then we can work on the next vote from there.

If Ralph and Coby are NOT with me, I will stay with the other 5 and ride it out for a vote or two untill more people will be open to move making.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:51:35 pm
by Cochran
Looks like Ralph is the one thats gonna be the flipper icon_mml

So itll be Ralph, Me, Vytas, Ibe, Rachel, Marissa for becky, sending her packing.

I wont be able to target vytas right afterwards I dont think. But, I will try and bring Coby over to my side.

Also, shawn's main ally left would be Ralph, so shawn would be with us also icon_mml if shawn isnt too betrayed that is,

The only thing I dont like about this is Ralph and Vytas are getting much closer, I dont need vytas having more alys than he already does...

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:24:27 pm
by Cochran
How come everytime I message Coby he goes offline?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:08:35 pm
by Cochran
So I soldified something with Ralphie.

I'm doing a lot of big talking, making a lot of "i'm gonna go with you till the end" kinda deals... And I can tell its gonna backfire, I'm gonna betray some people and lose there vote just because I broke a promise.

Right now, I plan to go as far as possible with Ralph and Coby. If I can take those two to the end I may have a shot at winning this whole damn thing.And I think those two would have my back, so it may not be a terrible idea.

Getting a little ahead of myself though.

Ralph said caryn tried making a returnees alliance,, but didnt include me in it,

FUCK YOU CARYN icon_lol IO dont really believe it yet, we'll see how that goes tho.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:45:54 pm
by Cochran
I'm so happy to have immunity icon_biggrin This tribal may very well be completely insane. So the targets are Becky and Rachel.

Kind of. Rahcel is being thrown out of sight a little bit, Caryns name is being brough up, people are still thinking becky maybe.

Theres so much talking going on that im not a part of and i'm sure the vote is going to be NOWHERE near where I think its going to be.

I'm gonna try and push giving Caryn the boot, Keep both sides happy for the most part, and get rid of the big player who is Caryn.

Also, I Took a risk in telling Ralph that we are going to eventually blindside Vytas, Hopfully he doesnt run and tell him. I just wanted to build some trust there, and it seems to have worked, he said he understood so.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 6:50:34 am
by Brenda Lowe
Cochran wrote:How come everytime I message Coby he goes offline?

17 Days out here and no floss or deodorant, well.. icon_no

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:54:42 pm
by Cochran
Brenda Lowe wrote:
17 Days out here and no floss or deodorant, well.. icon_no

Wait I smell bad?? icon_cry

Completely unrelated, Ralph mightve ruined the whole plan, Looks like Rachel is going home. Or Caryn maybe?? And noone is answering my messages now, I'm really freaking worried. I did say some things that mightve been a little intrusive to some people, hopefully noone got bothered by stuff I said, I need these people on my side icon_chaos

Ralph opened a group PM with sem, who didnt know any of this shit was happening, and now shes upset that becky mightve been on the table and she didnt know. She thinks rachel is the best bet and right now she's probably right...

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:37:34 pm
by Cochran
theres a lot of shit going on right now that i'm not being included in.

I think this vote is gonna be nothing close to how i think its gonna be.

As long as it's not ralph or coby i'm fine, but Id rather be in the know about al this shit

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:25:24 pm
by Cochran
Caryns not going home.

Fucking Vytas.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:27:31 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Cochran wrote:Caryns not going home.

Fucking Vytas.


Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:29:50 pm
by Cochran
Hes not going home obv, Im upset cuz I think he fucked me.

Gonna check my voting thread, yknow, to make sure i voted