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Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:01:30 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
Final eight!

Are you surprised you made it this far?

What are your chances of winning the game?

Who is the biggest threat to win at this point?

There was a lot of back and forth at Tribal Council up until the voting deadline. Any thoughts on this?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:12:23 pm
by Coby
I. DETEST. COCHRAN. That's my first thing.
There is still a very small chance that I can win this game, I just have to keep on surviving on. Anyway I can, whether that's winning immunities or helping shift the votes onto biggest targets. I think now that the Namibia trio has been cut down to two, Cochran and Semhar are going to try and get Shawn, Vytas and myself to go after one of Ibe, Marissa or Rachel, probably Rachel since Ibe and Marissa have those talismans now. The focus of the game right now I believe now lies on voting blocks, doesn't matter if it's tribal, pre-existing relationships or public pairs, whoever is voting together will probably be deemed threats. Although I still feel that people are going to see me as potentially dangerous due to my outbursts and potential to win immunities. I'm very paranoid about this next vote but I've never made it this far before (Also single digit placement yay!). Basically I'm playing each round by ear and seeing what is going on.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:16:58 pm
by Coby
Some goals:

1. Go under the radar a bit.

2. Find people willing to cooperate with me.

3. Wreak havoc doing it.

4. Never say no to options.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:32:03 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Talk to me about voting blocs Coby, and where people fit in with each other.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:27:29 pm
by Coby
Well we have Cochran/Semhar (though Ralph's vote might've forced them closer or torn them apart, not sure if there's a middle ground there)
Ibe/Marissa/Rachel (not quite sure where they stand with each other but I wouldn't be surprised if Marissa/Rachel is the strongest bond especially after I called them both out for Rachel following her)
Coby/Shawn (Not too sure, I think we could go into survival mode and try to throw the other under the bus)
Cochran/Vytas (not quite the same anymore but they could be downplaying it)

But they are apparent pairings in the game and how they come into play will be vital.
I think Marissa's doing that thing where she builds up everything I say like yeah your ideas are really valid, I really need you. icon_lol So cheesy. But I'm guilty of that too. If I don't win immunity Shawn/Cochran would need to be the people that I push to stay in the game a bit longer. I'm hoping to win immunity again but I can't count on it.

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:32:14 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Coby wrote:If I don't win immunity Shawn/Cochran would need to be the people that I push to stay in the game a bit longer.

Sorry minor confusion on this. You mean you would push their names as the target or you would push for them to stay?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:33:19 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Also there was a minor subtext to that previous question of who does each group want to see leave and who are you most likely going to vote with and against?

Re: Episode 11

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:35:21 pm
by Coby
Brenda Lowe wrote:
Coby wrote:If I don't win immunity Shawn/Cochran would need to be the people that I push to stay in the game a bit longer.

Sorry minor confusion on this. You mean you would push their names as the target or you would push for them to stay?

Push them as targets. Unless I convince Shawn, Cochran, Vytas and Semhar to all vote for Rachel with me.