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PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:15:01 pm
by Mia Galeotalanza
Please use this thread exclusively for your official votes. They should be in the following format;

Episode 08


Please don't look at me. Or touch me. Or even breathe near me. icon_sick

-Make sure to put either the round number, day or date on them so we can distinguish between votes for this round and previous votes.

-You do not have to make a comment, but anything you write in your post is fair game to be revealed along with your vote. We won't say who said what, just the exact words, similar to a comment written on a voting parchment on the show.

-There is no penalty for not voting. You'll simply see one less vote appear at TC.

-If you think you are going to be absent for a voting period, you should leave a pre-vote. You are allowed pre-vote with one name only - no lists or alternatives.

-You can change your vote / comment as many times as you like up until the voting deadline. The deadlines will be clearly announced at the beginning of Tribal Council. As soon as that deadline hits, your vote is "locked in" and you cannot change it, so be certain it is what you want to do.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:28:34 pm
by Coby
Episode 08- Day 18


You remind me of a sideshow carnie that got kicked in the head one too many times. icon_no


PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:28:33 pm
by Coby
Episode 09-Day 19


My chains have broken, but yours still hold you down.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:37:31 pm
by Coby
Episode 10- Day 20


Not even a sudden rise of a planet of baboons taking over the earth would save you from this vote.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:14:33 pm
by Coby
Episode 11- Day 21


Oh hey, what were you doing inside Marissa's butt? Welcome to Ponderosa, we have mimosas for you. Today's topping is sea urchins. Ooh you look like twins. Did it prick you? I'm not peeing on you honey. Bye.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:41:22 pm
by Coby
Episode 12- Day 22


Your name is like the poison that killed me, bitch. Here's hoping for people with balls.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:40:07 pm
by Coby
Finale- Day 28


I actually went back and forth on this, but Cochran I'm voting for Ibe because not only did he play a good game, he played a better game and was willing unlike you, to go to the lengths necessary to prove that he did have a strong case to win. Congrats Ibe!