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Episode 08

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:23:43 pm
by Mia Galeotalanza
Welcoem to ~tha merge~ icon_wub

Okay. Real talk. This is where the real game begins. Season after season, we see players squander a chance to win it all by playing safe and assuming they can follow their "surefire" path to the end all while playing quietly in the shadows. This is where the game is either won or lost, all while some realize and some don't.

While we aren't telling you to go batshit crazy, we're here to ask you: What have you done, or what can you do to leave your mark on this game in a way that you would expect a jury to award you with the win?

Next, let's talk numbers. We merged 5/4/3, therefore, if tribe unity runs deep, no single tribe can get a majority. On top of this, there are partnerships and secret partnerships. How do you plan to work through this complex web to make it through the next vote?

Let's talk allies. Who do you think you have on your side?

Enemies. Who is against you, and who do you want gone?

That's all for now. Talk to us and we will keep picking your brain for more!

Good luck players! Play smart, but don't forget to play hard! We're all rooting for you!

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:33:39 am
by Becky
Welcoem. icon_wub

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:41:35 am
by Becky
Kim P/Ciera

I think this is it?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:42:53 pm
by Becky
Ralph is such a fucking moron, I can't. He sent a "group chat" to Limici, which included Ibrehem, Coby and us. And then on the follow-up, it includes Shawn instead of Ibrehem. Idiot.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:44:15 pm
by Brenda Lowe
icon_laughing Ralph <3

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:45:09 pm
by Brenda Lowe
So what's the plan now you know the full story with Katie's dismissal and the amount of votes in the game to work with.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:50:06 pm
by Becky
I'm writing a confessional instead of PMing actually alol. Stay tuned to find out the answer to that.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:55:55 pm
by Brenda Lowe
I also want a follow-up to this from a few episodes back;

Becky wrote:But she does know Ibrehem is my connection and Ibrehem knows Laura is my friend, so he should want to work with her and she knows to kiss his ass too. If not, I will fuck him up next time we meet. That is a promise. But I think Ibe is a good man and will honor that so hopefully they're gelling well,

Becky wrote:Oh my god, Laura sent me a PM saying to throw the challenge and I didn't even see it until after the challenge. If she goes home because we won, I will never forgive myself. icon_cry

What have you learned since merge? Is there going to be a fallout from this or no?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:19:04 pm
by Becky

Alright, so I made it to the merge. Let's be honest, that's not that shocking. I was on one of the most dominant tribes in Stranded history and I felt good about my alliance with Ralph/Shawn and then I had a good thing going with Katie and then Coby too. So while it was boring as hell, it was safe. But like you said, this is where the ~real~ game starts and this is where the action happens because no one really cares about the pre-merge at the end of the day. With Katie being the first to go....I'm kind of mixed on that. My impression of Katie was that she could be cutthroat strategically, but personally, she was such a sweetheart. icon_wub Well, reading over those PMs....she seemed like she actually had a cold side to her? But so do I so I mean, more power to her! I think I had a good thing going with her so it sucks in that regard because I think we could have worked together for an extended period of time. But jury. icon_wub

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I also cleared up whatever happened on Tapoli with Ibe/Caryn/Semhar. Rachel explained her side to it too, and obviously they're all still shit for voting off Laura, but I told them I understand they did what they had to do, it's water under the bridge, and we'll move forward. So I'm just being fake as hell with them right now because it's pretty clear Cochran/Vytas need to be split up as soon as they're not immune. There is still that whole story with the idol that both don't want to talk about and Cochran is so tight lipped about Bracari dynamics that it adds a layer of mistrust between us. So while my intent may have been working with them initially, I'm kind of leaning against doing that right now. Obviously they are both immune this first TC, but the next one....we may decide to just go after them. Shawn is definitely down for that, and I imagine everyone else will be too, especially since it's common knowledge they're friends anyhow. With Vytas and Marissa though, I told them some bullshit about how Laura L O V E D them and therefore I am going to trust them, but that is clearly a lie although I do think Laura and Marissa liked each other? Don't quote me on that. But I'm just hoping I can get everyone on my side, and I'm also selling that I am partner-less and friend-less, so I am no immediate threat. And I don't think I am.

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But Survivor is all about allowing yourself to have options. The worst thing that can happen is you being forced to make moves because you have no other options. So I am trying to treat each of these people as pawns on a chess board and getting people out which allows me to have a more flexible strategy going forward where I don't have to be sold to just one alliance...I can have my pick every round of where I want to fall. As far as enemies, I don't really have any at this point. Rachel is probably the person I'd be most comfortable with going because I have no connection to her. There was the whole Ibrehem tie but based on what happened on Tapoli, it seems like they don't even give a shit about each other and I already told Ibrehem in our "group message" I heard Rachel's name, and I think that could be an easy merge boot for all of us. Rachel hasn't put in any effort with me when she's around so I don't give a shit about her. Caryn's name was also thrown out there, but I think I can use Caryn for just a little. But I do not trust her, and I won't be in any rush to save her. She is untrustworthy and makes up stupid lies about people. For instance, I heard she actually told people Laura was her partner early on..... icon_lol and then there there was the whole thing where she told Cochran Ralph hated him or something, which wasn't true. So those little lies will catch up to her stupid ass at some point, but I think it's too early to get rid of her. So as of right now, I'm pushing Rachel as are some other people, so let's hope it sticks. But we still have two days.

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So, let's just track what alliances I do have at the moment:

Becky/Shawn/Ralph/Coby (nuLimici)
Becky/Coby/Ibrehem/Cochran/Semhar/Ralph/Caryn (oldLimici)

I think that's the ones that have at least been discussed since merge. At this point, my *closest* ally is probably still Ibrehem? But it could also be Coby, but I actually need to talk to Coby about some stuff in terms of finding out which alliance we're sticking too because I think we have three chats going on right now? icon_laughing Don't ask me which I put more stock in just yet, because I need to PM a bit more before forming a long-term plan here, but as of this moment, I trust Coby and Ibrehem the most.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:22:40 pm
by Becky
I guess I touched on that a little bit above, but to further elaborate, Ibe told me that Laura didn't really PM him much so it was pretty much a unanimous decision until Rachel went out of her way to save Laura. That matches what Rachel, Semhar and Caryn told me too. I still think Ibrehem is kind of stupid for not utilizing my friend since it was an extra vote on his side and how does he know what Semhar's loyalty is going to be long term? But at the same time, if Laura didn't put in any effort with him, that's on her and I can't really blame him. I'm still -annoyed- with him, but I'm not going to let it show. Ibrehem is a nice guy, and I can easily break him later on if need be. As for as Ibe/Rachel is concerned, Ralph told me he is like 100% convinced that Ibe/Katie were actually loved if Ibe was pulling a long con on me... icon_lol icon_lol, but I dunno.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:30:49 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Is this the same Ralph that PMd two different people the same alliance PM?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:35:01 pm
by Becky
Mhmm girl, and I just told him he did that. And he was like "Omg, I'm an idiot." No shit.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:29:04 pm
by Becky
Vytas is quite possibly the worst social player I have ever come across. Yikes.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:03:32 am
by Becky
I questioned Vytas about the idol and he said "It's in my pocket."

I'm willing to call that bluff.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:47:52 am
by Jeff Probst
Hey girl, just wanted to talk to you really lol.

Okay so I thought you and Ibe were tight, but apparently you've drifted apart after the swap? Anything shady you noticed going on there?

Also, spill the tea, what's Caryn like? Is she calling the shots on who she wanted voted out?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:33:44 am
by Becky
Were you drinking?

What makes you think Ibe and I have drifted? I've probably PM'd him the most so far since merging. His name did come up as a target from Ralph (and apparently Coby), and I've just been placating them by saying we can boot Ibe after Rachel, but that's just me trying to push his boot off. I guess people think he's too much of a threat but he isn't. I think Ibe is harmless. I don't know if I've noticed anything shady with him...yet?

As for Caryn, she is just her own brand of crazy. I don't trust her but we're working together for now. She isn't the greatest person to talk too but at the same time, that's probably a good thing. The only thing I'd say she has been pushing is a Limici/Tapoli alliance but replacing Cochran with Shawn cause she hates Cochran lol. She's stupid but that's Caryn lol.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:48:51 pm
by Becky
Omw, yall. I think Vytas is declaring war on Becky Lee. icon_wub

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:23:59 pm
by Becky
You guys must read my PMs with Vytas. He is acting like such a little bitch right now. It's really pathetic. Caryn told me he is out to get me because he thinks I'm the ~head honcho~ running shit and Caryn lies 1/2 the time so she could be just fueling shit, but Vytas is not doing a good job deflecting that at all. Like I said before, I'm not afraid to call his bluff with an idol either. Him continually telling me he has it and he's playing it to lessen his target makes me think he's not even being serious. Plus, he is such an abysmal social player that even if he were to squeak a round or two out because of that, there's just no way he'd be in this for the long haul because everyone knows he sucks. Even the original Bracari tribe members have talked major shit on him already. The only caveat is that he is partners with Caryn who is absolutely out of her mind so it's like two batshit people working together which is NEVER a good thing.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:33:21 am
by Becky
Alright, so I guess I will update you all on what is going on because this merge is definitely heating up! Anyway, I noticed I had some of those pairs messed up above, so this is my ~final~ list.

Coby/Katie (He confessed to me but I figured this anyway after reading that transcript from Caryn/Katie, which I think was a Crashcourse reference)
Kim P/Ciera
Caryn/Shawn (lol)

These pairs are not only important to figuring out who is tied to who, but there could also be a "pairs" alliance where the pairs team up to protect each other. That's what I would do if I was in their position to be honest. That's also part of the reason why I'm OK with Rachel going this round.

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So as previously said, it seemed like everyone was agreeing to vote Rachel out first, including Ibrehem? That's kind of odd, but whatever. Apparently they have some fucked up relationship. Anytime an entire tribe agrees on one boot, you know shit is bound to get cra-hazy. But of course Rachel found out so she is now trying to save herself, and the fact that old Limici wants to work together has now leaked out. Vytas found out and he also heard people wanted to flush his idol, which he might or might not have. Didn't Frank say the last clue was one that could be used for all three tribes? So if Vytas figured it out, why wouldn't he help Rachel out that way? I dunno, fishy. But if he has an idol, fine. If he doesn't, fine. I'm not threatened by him. I come from the Stranded school of players like Jenna, Erinn, Teresa, Kelly, and Catalie. Men are nothing but stepping stones to the finals, and will be eviscerated at the proper time. If Vytas needs an idol to take me out, he's not that great. I'd be much more impressed if he was able to convince people to do it. Also, I do think Caryn is somewhat fueling this pending rivalry because she is the one who told me Vytas is trying to gather some alliance to go after me, but Vytas is just being a stupid asshole anyway and made the comment "You sure know how to keep a tribe together." <3 And he has just been hella passive aggressive with me. But I L I V E for this shit. I did in Madgascar too and had a rivalry all the way from start to finish there, so I can do it again no problem. Only Vytas isn't half the player Sundra was. As for Caryn, she is just an idiot and I know deep down she'd love to be the one to get me out of this game because she definitely wants the kudos for that. That's the type of player Caryn is, so I'm not even buying into a lot of her bullshit. I'm just playing along with her for now.

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But I have been working hella hard on getting people on my side. Cochran told me he loves me and cared more about my safety than Vytas'. LOL, right? Like, I don't believe that for a second, but it's still cute. He said he wants to run the game together, but his connection to Vytas is an issue for me. He also told me that he trusts me because I know what I'm doing. Which duh, I am the only person in this game to have made the ~finals~ in Stranded and Cochran probably knows that, so he knows the right things to say at least. Marissa told me she wants me, her, and Shawn to be a thing and then I still have the thing with Ralph and Shawn. Coby and I finally talked just the two of us and I asked him which alliance he wants to put more stock in, and he said he prefers the one with Semhar, which is fine because I like Semhar. She's just so inoffensive and I dunno, I don't pay her any mind. I also have been trying to stay on good terms with Ibrehem, but him being so willing to vote Rachel out makes no sense to me. Like, what is he doing in this game? Is he really attaching himself to Caryn of all people? He should know better, because she will cut him by the balls when the time comes. I mean, I would too, but would you rather lose this game to Caryn or me? Like, losing to will be made fun of for the rest of your life Ibrehem. And JayJay is not stupid, but I don't even know what his strategy here is. And ugh, Ralph is such an enigma for me. There are times when I think he's playing stupid, but then times where I just think he is stupid. He was denying being approached about an old Limici alliance, but that's not true? wtf, of course you were approached. We talked about it, idiot! He has a good heart, but a good heart only takes you so far, especially when you are playing with vultures. Come on, Ralph! Work with me here or you will be chewed up in no time.

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That all said, I expect things to heat up today for sure. I do think I am going to be a target if Vytas (and/or Caryn) start this "Becky is the ringleader" shit they are doing right now. I wasn't even the one who threw out Rachel's name. I think it was actually Shawn? lol, but whatever. If people in this game want to credit me with things, that's fine. They are just making my case to win this game easier if I make it to the end. ^_^

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 10:38:45 am
by Becky
Oh and Coby told me that Katie had the idol so fuck her even harder for being stupid and getting kicked out of the game because that would have been glorious to have on our side. The Tapoli idol is still up in the air...I'd probably assume Ibrehem or Rachel have it if it was found.

Marissa also told me she would feel more comfortable with an original Limici going first before she committed to anything so this will be fun.