The delicious Semhara Dessert is here to give her 2 cents on this finale!!!!!

Everyone hates this finale, but I don't hate it!!! I think you both played so well at certain points in this game, and others played... not as well.

Cochran, I personally believe you played the better game at the BEGINNING of the merge. You were never a target, weren't ever called out for anything until Coby's departure, and from what I understood, you had a fair grasp on the game. You knew when Ralph was leaving, and how legitimate it was. You knew when Vytas had the idol and he even played it on you, proving how solid of a relationship you built with him, and FURTHER, you managed to convince Ibrehem to vote ME out at final 5. A move that I think, to this night, was a huge mistake on Ibrehem's part (but he made finals, so what do I know).
My point is, Cochran, up till the final four I think you were playing a solid (despite hated) game, and you were on your way to a final 2 with Vytas and potentially winning it all.
Then... well, then you voted out Vytas. The most hated contestant that this jury can manage to feel hate for. The fact that you thought Vytas earned this jury's respect might just actually show how little in touch you were with this jury. Cochran, you remind me of a roller coaster. You started on a high, and then plummeted fast with no brakes. Like all roller coasters, we ride on them intentionally. Just like how you rode the roller coaster of voting out Vytas intentionally. You could have offed Ibrehem, someone who played this game solidly but not perfect, yet managed to not be hated by the jury. You chose to vote for Vytas, sending him to a immunity challenge tie breaker. Vytas, four friend, the man that this game hates, and the man that debatably brought you out of the final 6 tribal council and into the finals. WHILE GARNERING TONS OF HATE, DID I MENTION THAT?

Ibrehem, I'm going to go on the opposite end of the spectrum. I personally feel that you started on a low and brought yourself to a high in these last few rounds.
It helps that on Tapoli, you were blessed by every god. Not just Allah, not just Jesus, but every god from Mohammad to Cernunnos, the horned celtic-pagan god. You were blessed. You had your partner, and you had your friend that you knew from real life aiding you. Instant majority. Some people, like Hayden I'm sure, would have loved to be in your situation. You could've given Laura aids and still gotten to merge without even trying.
Not to mention, you got an idol. You claim that this idol was useless to you, so you threw it away. A bit of a convenient excuse for a finalist, is it not? I seem to remember you telling me that you were really paranoid and decided to play it. You messaged me minutes before tribal saying how scared you were. I remember that too.Regardless, for someone who claims to not want an idol, you still got one. Then you threw it away, showing people how little you trust them. This was probably not the greatest nights in the life of Ibrehem.
While Cochran garnered little to no attention upon himself until the Coby vote, you did Ibe. You gained the immunity amulate (something I'm guessing you didn't want, either?) and you were blessed yet again to have merged with your partner AND your amulate buddy. I just can't help but feel that Cochran outplayed you in these early merge rounds, by simply not playing too hard.
While Cochran is a roller coaster, you remind me of one of those strength games at carnivals. You jumped up to impossible heights by talking Cochran into a Vytas vote, saving your ass, and then winning immunity to ensure finals. Seems kinda polarizing, doesn't it?
Question Time!!!I have two questions for each of you. My first one is to disprove my paragraph I wrote about you. Tell me that you played better during those rounds where I said that you played shittily, and please don't hide some details. I don't know every facet about each of your games. Don't accept the fact that I said you had terrible rounds. Tell me otherwise. I wan't you to prove me wrong, because I KNOW that I make TONS of mistakes and I want you to out my viewpoint of you both tonight. I won't take "well you made some good points Semhar! I can't disprove it" as an answer.
My second question is slightly personal. The round I was voted out, you both mentioned how it was 'an end of an era' and 'now there can no longer be female winners', yet it seems kind of... insane that you would think of tradition breaking as a criteria for a vote. So what if women won every season of stranded. Disprove it by playing a winners game, not by voting out every female so that a man wins by default. So tell me legit and keep it honest, since we see the confessionals at the end of the game... how much did that female winning stranded tradition have an impact on my departure that night?
Thanks, and good luck :)