Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Where your fate is decided.

Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:30:16 pm

Ibrehem wrote:
Except it's not true at all.

I had a close partnership with Marissa since the beginning when we were paired together for the twist. And I voted Marissa out at Final 6, what are you talking about? Don't even say I didn't try, because I gave this game everything and it shows with my achievements. You achieved making yourself look undeserving of returning. There was a survey about it.

I mentioned how you only did that because you thought you were going home, and you wouldve fipped right the fuck back if vytas didnt play the idol.

You tried your hardest?? 've heard you didnt even talk to people for the beginning of the merge, two others to be exactly. So they didnt madder at all to you?? Fuck, I didnt either until you thought you we're going home.

I wish you and marissa we're the final two so everyone can see how much of a FUCKING GOAT YOU SHOULD BE
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:31:57 pm

I'm pretty sure everyone's going to leave a bitter speech, but I probably won't. Mainly because it's really hard for me to stay bitter under most circumstances. Besides, there needs to be some light in this game.

On a personal level, both of you guys are even in terms of relations during our time at the merge due to the fact you were on separate tribes from me and hard to get some deep relations such as Ralph, Becky,Coby, and even Caryn. But let's get to my personal thoughts on you two.

Cochran: At our first few conversations, you didn't seem bad at first especially since I've been hearing from Caryn during the swapped format that you and Vytas stirred a lot of shit going on on your tribe. There has been plenty of times when I felt I couldn't trust you even though you were being honest to me especially as my allies ended up leaving one by one. Heck, you even told me that Marissa was gunning for me when you could have easily not done that. It could be that everyone pretty much underestimated me for most of the game and I'm assuming you were on that wagon too. Overall, you were very complicated in terms of relation, I couldn't trust you, but at the same time you were mostly honest to me. Also your choice at the F4 Tribal Council was questionable since Vytas was prety much hated by everyone and yet you actually had the balls to screw him over. And no I didn't have time to read yours or Ibe's PM to understand the situation, but still thinking back right now, I would have still voted for Ibe over Vytas and the FIC showed why.

Ibreham: Again, same with Cochran, but you were more chilled out than him and at some points we joked a lot through our PMs. But we had a falling out as we didn't talk to each other a lot and for some reason we ended up being on opposite sides on the majority of the votes. You vote for one person, I vote for a completely different person. Despite those drawbacks, you were enjoyable to talk to in this game. Plus our little rivalry in challenges was pretty fun.

My question is pretty simple. You basically backstabbed the majority of the Jurors here and I'm sure many of them are pissed off at you. But I know you guys aren't heartless, but which vote did you think was the most heart-breaking to you personally when you slipped in that dreadful vote to eliminate them?
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:40:05 pm

Shawn wrote:My question is pretty simple. You basically backstabbed the majority of the Jurors here and I'm sure many of them are pissed off at you. But I know you guys aren't heartless, but which vote did you think was the most heart-breaking to you personally when you slipped in that dreadful vote to eliminate them?

Rachels. But not because of her, because of marissa.

She was right to call me out at that tribal, I was being a fuck like I was the whole entire game, and I blatantly backstabbed her, which I had planned to do all along. I didn't have to create the strong bond with her or make the ride or die attitude but I did and then I went behind her back and was planning to boot her if no talisman was there. She was the only person who's feeling I hurt who I thought genuinely took it to heart (and rightfully so), and I may be a rat but I'm not a monster.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:44:31 pm

Shawn wrote:Ibreham: Again, same with Cochran, but you were more chilled out than him and at some points we joked a lot through our PMs. But we had a falling out as we didn't talk to each other a lot and for some reason we ended up being on opposite sides on the majority of the votes. You vote for one person, I vote for a completely different person. Despite those drawbacks, you were enjoyable to talk to in this game. Plus our little rivalry in challenges was pretty fun.

My question is pretty simple. You basically backstabbed the majority of the Jurors here and I'm sure many of them are pissed off at you. But I know you guys aren't heartless, but which vote did you think was the most heart-breaking to you personally when you slipped in that dreadful vote to eliminate them?

Our challenge rivalry actually was really fun and you totally humbled me when you won the counting challenge. I posted non-stop, like I didn't even stop for a second... Ever. icon_lol I was trying to get to 3000. Kind of glad I didn't try since I ended up stuck at 1412. The sides we ended up on unfortunately meant you and I couldn't get that close, plus the activity thing set us back. I never got to actively converse with you, which I regret because you brought in this game and get a lot of my respect.

Truth is, it's hard to choose just one vote. They're all heartbreaking to me because you're taking away somebody's chance at winning and this cast was for the most part very active when it came to events, even Frank pointed that out at one point. Some were bittersweet, because yes my objective was to be well-positioned and survive, but I always felt bad -- it's the kind of player I am. If I had to choose one vote in particular it's the Marissa vote. I had brought up the idea to Vytas and Semhar a round or two before, but it didn't happen until Final 6. I was close to Marissa and she seemed to be somebody definitely on track to win, so that one made me feel extremely sad. 6th Place was where I was eliminated ...(not voted out, I've never been technically voted out of Stranded in my two seasons of playing)... the last time I played and to give it to somebody I like a lot made me feel like an asshole.

Thanks, Shawn.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:45:10 pm

brought it*
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:47:01 pm

Thank you, Shawn!

Next up: Marissa.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:47:03 pm

Cochran wrote:
Ibrehem wrote:
Except it's not true at all.

I had a close partnership with Marissa since the beginning when we were paired together for the twist. And I voted Marissa out at Final 6, what are you talking about? Don't even say I didn't try, because I gave this game everything and it shows with my achievements. You achieved making yourself look undeserving of returning. There was a survey about it.

I mentioned how you only did that because you thought you were going home, and you wouldve fipped right the fuck back if vytas didnt play the idol.

You tried your hardest?? 've heard you didnt even talk to people for the beginning of the merge, two others to be exactly. So they didnt madder at all to you?? Fuck, I didnt either until you thought you we're going home.

I wish you and marissa we're the final two so everyone can see how much of a FUCKING GOAT YOU SHOULD BE

I had brought up the idea to Vytas and Semhar earlier than Final 6, but I didn't think it was the right time.

I spoke to everyone at the merge. icon_confused

Well, I agree to that, against Marissa I would definitely have to fight a hell of a lot harder. She's amazing.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Marissa » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:47:34 pm

Firstly Ibe, you were one of the most loyal allies I could have asked for. I didn't know how we would interact with one another when we were paired but I'm thankful for that very moment because you were one of my most trusted people in this game, even if you did stab me in the back. I feel you did the absolutely most right thing doing so in my honest opinion from a strategical stand point because look at you now in that Final 2. You pretty much took the most hated person, well one of the two most hated people, to the end and really played for yourself. You had the BALLS to vote out your own partner, which was a great move if I may say soo myself. Big Kudos to that because it was a very risky move trusting a psychopath and a rat. Although you may have started out slow and basically been me and Rachel's BITCH, you played a really good game that I can't fault. You proved to be a very intelligent and aware person so for that my hats off to you.

Next I will Address Cochy the Rat. You made some of the stupidest moves I've ever seen putting unnecessary targets on yourself and if you actually were as good at the game as you thought you were you probably would have found yourself right out that door. Unfortunately, everyone knew the truth. You weren't as good as you think you were. We all saw through your pathetic attempts of playing the field. You didn't really do a good job of covering your tracks considering everything you were doing ALWAYS seemed to find it's way back to me. FUNNY. From the moment I met you, I didn't trust you. I was just waiting for the right opportunity to strike, now I didn't expect Ibe to turn on me so quick but that has less to do with your game-play and more to do with Ibe's Intelligence. One of the best things about this game was I got to tell people how much I hated you and you thought "I was testing the waters". Bitch please this snake noticed the rat. And she almost got the chance to eat it...I guess the snake beside you will be getting that opportunity tonight. I think you are absolutely delusional that you think Ibe was in my ass since he voted me out and his most opportune time when in reality he didn't really need me...when you voted out Vytas at the absolute STUPIDEST time as he was the worst of the MERGE. I do have a bonus question for you, since everyone things you are delusional and the stupidest person of the cast here is your time to own up to your game and stop with the pathetic non nonsensical bullshit. Since you described yourself like Todd Herzog. Do you actually think you strategically played a good game? Or were you just as stupid as we all think you are?

Now if I'm being completely honest with the both of you, I think I play a very key role in both of your games not only as an ally but as "Big Move". I think the both of you would have had a MUCH tougher time getting to the end without me. Do I think you could have did it? Probably not, but we'll never know now. Anyways my first questions for you both is OTHER THEN eliminating the me, what was the biggest move you made in this game without major assistance by me?

Now for my second question as much as you guys put in that WERKK to get to the end and you guys are fighting to prove to us you played the better game. I just would like to know Is their any particular person you think is more deserving of the spot you are sitting in? I know alot of the cast feels like they deserve it more then you but you CAN ONLY SELECT ONE!!!! and If you feel you deserve it tell me Why BITCHES?
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Marissa » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:48:41 pm

Some how this was also left out from my question

Well what can I say. Congratulations you two on making the finale. No easy feat especially in a game full of allies, partners and friends. So great job on that you should be very proud of that. So...I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet and as less bitter as I can make it since you both ROBBED this DIVALICIOUS beut.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:58:15 pm

Marissa wrote: Do you actually think you strategically played a good game? Or were you just as stupid as we all think you are?

Now if I'm being completely honest with the both of you, I think I play a very key role in both of your games not only as an ally but as "Big Move". I think the both of you would have had a MUCH tougher time getting to the end without me. Do I think you could have did it? Probably not, but we'll never know now. Anyways my first questions for you both is OTHER THEN eliminating the me, what was the biggest move you made in this game without major assistance by me?

Now for my second question as much as you guys put in that WERKK to get to the end and you guys are fighting to prove to us you played the better game. I just would like to know Is their any particular person you think is more deserving of the spot you are sitting in? I know alot of the cast feels like they deserve it more then you but you CAN ONLY SELECT ONE!!!! and If you feel you deserve it tell me Why BITCHES?

If you want me to be completely honest yeah I think I did. I guess I'm as stupid as you guys think I am. I thought I made my decisions, and as for everything getting back to you I told people my intentions that I didnt necisarily 100% trust because I wanted to earn some trust. I'm glad you enjoyed telling everyone how much you hated me though, atleast I get to feel good about knowing I made someones game suck a little bit less.

I decided to vote out Becky when I could've easily stayed with her and Nu Limici. Chose to vote out Coby over you because he hated my fucking guts and I thought would've tried to vote against me.

I'm not gonna say you because you probably would take it as sucking up to you. So I'd have to say Caryn deserves my spot. Why? Because Caryn got screwed early by losing someone who was prepared to be completely loyal to her in Katie. If Katie had been around I think she had enough pull to get caryn past the first vote and once she got her footing i'm sure she would've done more damage.

I truly think that those who make it to the end deserve to be there unless something not game related hinders there placeing, and I feel like that counts and it hindered Caryn the most.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Marissa » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:02:44 pm

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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:03:07 pm

Marissa wrote:Firstly Ibe, you were one of the most loyal allies I could have asked for. I didn't know how we would interact with one another when we were paired but I'm thankful for that very moment because you were one of my most trusted people in this game, even if you did stab me in the back. I feel you did the absolutely most right thing doing so in my honest opinion from a strategical stand point because look at you now in that Final 2. You pretty much took the most hated person, well one of the two most hated people, to the end and really played for yourself. You had the BALLS to vote out your own partner, which was a great move if I may say soo myself. Big Kudos to that because it was a very risky move trusting a psychopath and a rat. Although you may have started out slow and basically been me and Rachel's BITCH, you played a really good game that I can't fault. You proved to be a very intelligent and aware person so for that my hats off to you.

Now if I'm being completely honest with the both of you, I think I play a very key role in both of your games not only as an ally but as "Big Move". I think the both of you would have had a MUCH tougher time getting to the end without me. Do I think you could have did it? Probably not, but we'll never know now. Anyways my first questions for you both is OTHER THEN eliminating the me, what was the biggest move you made in this game without major assistance by me?

Now for my second question as much as you guys put in that WERKK to get to the end and you guys are fighting to prove to us you played the better game. I just would like to know Is their any particular person you think is more deserving of the spot you are sitting in? I know alot of the cast feels like they deserve it more then you but you CAN ONLY SELECT ONE!!!! and If you feel you deserve it tell me Why BITCHES?

Thanks, Marissa, that means so much to hear you say you understand why I did vote for you. There's only one winner and I had to put myself in a position where I would, and I excelled. It was a little tight at the end there, but I tapped into my inner strength and pulled through. Cochran and Shawn were like two mini-challenges behind me still when I won the final immunity challenge.

You did play a big role in this game to me, you were my partner assigned to me at the beginning. Combine that with you being active, tough and intelligent and we're a match made in heaven. Er, Jannah?

I mentioned this before, but the biggest move I made in this game completely without major assistance from you was feeding Cochran with bullshit that I was on bottom and Vytas needed to go, and not me. That's it. Cochran's 1 vote. That's what kept me in this game at Final 4 and let me fight in a tie-breaker to stay alive.

Aside from you deserving it, I think Semhar was very social, likable. She proved to be good at challenges, specifically puzzles. She's a smart cookie and I'm happy I didn't give in and vote her out earlier because she deserved a good placement and I always thought so. She's sheik and pimpin'.

Thanks, Marissa. icon_wub

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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:04:46 pm

Thank you, Marissa.

Next up: Semhar
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Semhar » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:05:13 pm

The delicious Semhara Dessert is here to give her 2 cents on this finale!!!!!


Everyone hates this finale, but I don't hate it!!! I think you both played so well at certain points in this game, and others played... not as well.


Cochran, I personally believe you played the better game at the BEGINNING of the merge. You were never a target, weren't ever called out for anything until Coby's departure, and from what I understood, you had a fair grasp on the game. You knew when Ralph was leaving, and how legitimate it was. You knew when Vytas had the idol and he even played it on you, proving how solid of a relationship you built with him, and FURTHER, you managed to convince Ibrehem to vote ME out at final 5. A move that I think, to this night, was a huge mistake on Ibrehem's part (but he made finals, so what do I know).

My point is, Cochran, up till the final four I think you were playing a solid (despite hated) game, and you were on your way to a final 2 with Vytas and potentially winning it all.

Then... well, then you voted out Vytas. The most hated contestant that this jury can manage to feel hate for. The fact that you thought Vytas earned this jury's respect might just actually show how little in touch you were with this jury. Cochran, you remind me of a roller coaster. You started on a high, and then plummeted fast with no brakes. Like all roller coasters, we ride on them intentionally. Just like how you rode the roller coaster of voting out Vytas intentionally. You could have offed Ibrehem, someone who played this game solidly but not perfect, yet managed to not be hated by the jury. You chose to vote for Vytas, sending him to a immunity challenge tie breaker. Vytas, four friend, the man that this game hates, and the man that debatably brought you out of the final 6 tribal council and into the finals. WHILE GARNERING TONS OF HATE, DID I MENTION THAT?


Ibrehem, I'm going to go on the opposite end of the spectrum. I personally feel that you started on a low and brought yourself to a high in these last few rounds.

It helps that on Tapoli, you were blessed by every god. Not just Allah, not just Jesus, but every god from Mohammad to Cernunnos, the horned celtic-pagan god. You were blessed. You had your partner, and you had your friend that you knew from real life aiding you. Instant majority. Some people, like Hayden I'm sure, would have loved to be in your situation. You could've given Laura aids and still gotten to merge without even trying.

Not to mention, you got an idol. You claim that this idol was useless to you, so you threw it away. A bit of a convenient excuse for a finalist, is it not? I seem to remember you telling me that you were really paranoid and decided to play it. You messaged me minutes before tribal saying how scared you were. I remember that too.Regardless, for someone who claims to not want an idol, you still got one. Then you threw it away, showing people how little you trust them. This was probably not the greatest nights in the life of Ibrehem.

While Cochran garnered little to no attention upon himself until the Coby vote, you did Ibe. You gained the immunity amulate (something I'm guessing you didn't want, either?) and you were blessed yet again to have merged with your partner AND your amulate buddy. I just can't help but feel that Cochran outplayed you in these early merge rounds, by simply not playing too hard.

While Cochran is a roller coaster, you remind me of one of those strength games at carnivals. You jumped up to impossible heights by talking Cochran into a Vytas vote, saving your ass, and then winning immunity to ensure finals. Seems kinda polarizing, doesn't it?

Question Time!!!

I have two questions for each of you. My first one is to disprove my paragraph I wrote about you. Tell me that you played better during those rounds where I said that you played shittily, and please don't hide some details. I don't know every facet about each of your games. Don't accept the fact that I said you had terrible rounds. Tell me otherwise. I wan't you to prove me wrong, because I KNOW that I make TONS of mistakes and I want you to out my viewpoint of you both tonight. I won't take "well you made some good points Semhar! I can't disprove it" as an answer.

My second question is slightly personal. The round I was voted out, you both mentioned how it was 'an end of an era' and 'now there can no longer be female winners', yet it seems kind of... insane that you would think of tradition breaking as a criteria for a vote. So what if women won every season of stranded. Disprove it by playing a winners game, not by voting out every female so that a man wins by default. So tell me legit and keep it honest, since we see the confessionals at the end of the game... how much did that female winning stranded tradition have an impact on my departure that night?

Thanks, and good luck :)
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Marissa » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:06:24 pm


I guess I'm satisfied. Good luck hos.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Cochran » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:19:17 pm

Semhar wrote:
Cochran, I personally believe you played the better game at the BEGINNING of the merge. You were never a target, weren't ever called out for anything until Coby's departure, and from what I understood, you had a fair grasp on the game. You knew when Ralph was leaving, and how legitimate it was. You knew when Vytas had the idol and he even played it on you, proving how solid of a relationship you built with him, and FURTHER, you managed to convince Ibrehem to vote ME out at final 5. A move that I think, to this night, was a huge mistake on Ibrehem's part (but he made finals, so what do I know).

My point is, Cochran, up till the final four I think you were playing a solid (despite hated) game, and you were on your way to a final 2 with Vytas and potentially winning it all.

Then... well, then you voted out Vytas. The most hated contestant that this jury can manage to feel hate for. The fact that you thought Vytas earned this jury's respect might just actually show how little in touch you were with this jury. Cochran, you remind me of a roller coaster. You started on a high, and then plummeted fast with no brakes. Like all roller coasters, we ride on them intentionally. Just like how you rode the roller coaster of voting out Vytas intentionally. You could have offed Ibrehem, someone who played this game solidly but not perfect, yet managed to not be hated by the jury. You chose to vote for Vytas, sending him to a immunity challenge tie breaker. Vytas, four friend, the man that this game hates, and the man that debatably brought you out of the final 6 tribal council and into the finals. WHILE GARNERING TONS OF HATE, DID I MENTION THAT?

Question Time!!!

I have two questions for each of you. My first one is to disprove my paragraph I wrote about you. Tell me that you played better during those rounds where I said that you played shittily, and please don't hide some details. I don't know every facet about each of your games. Don't accept the fact that I said you had terrible rounds. Tell me otherwise. I wan't you to prove me wrong, because I KNOW that I make TONS of mistakes and I want you to out my viewpoint of you both tonight. I won't take "well you made some good points Semhar! I can't disprove it" as an answer.

My second question is slightly personal. The round I was voted out, you both mentioned how it was 'an end of an era' and 'now there can no longer be female winners', yet it seems kind of... insane that you would think of tradition breaking as a criteria for a vote. So what if women won every season of stranded. Disprove it by playing a winners game, not by voting out every female so that a man wins by default. So tell me legit and keep it honest, since we see the confessionals at the end of the game... how much did that female winning stranded tradition have an impact on my departure that night?

Thanks, and good luck :)[/center]

I think I did actually play a great game with a big blunder at the end of it. You pretty much summed it up perfect, but the thing is that noone seems to respect the game that I played BEFORE I voted out Vytas. I had this image in my head of Vytas being this huge threat literaly the entire game. I honeslty would've never guessed he didn't have respect. I trie outing him 5 or so times and the fact that I finally had the chance, It just felt so right. I dont think that means I didnt have a glimpse on where the game was at, I just didn't and couldn't get out of y head that I was letting this huge threat, who ended up being a goat, take the game from me. IF any of you we're in my position and had played the entire game the way that I had you might understand.

And ofcourse Ibe gets to take all the fucking credit for a move he didn't make. I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH That the Vytas vote had nothing to do with what Ibe said to me, or anything Ibe did. It was a blunder by me. Not a move by Ibe.

The only thing I can argue about what you said is that if My Mindset was right, then I would've pretty much dethroned a king, which is what I thought I was doing. Which isn't even an argument, it's just a hypothetical which was dead fucking wrong.

The whole woman thing didnt affect me voting for you. You had a ton of friends on the jury, were particularly social and I thought you we're a threat. The woman winning thing was just a way to gather the troops. Idk kinda solidify that you should go. Idk it didnt madder to me at all.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Semhar » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:20:50 pm

your friend, not four friend* woop!
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:27:40 pm

Semhar wrote:

Ibrehem, I'm going to go on the opposite end of the spectrum. I personally feel that you started on a low and brought yourself to a high in these last few rounds.

It helps that on Tapoli, you were blessed by every god. Not just Allah, not just Jesus, but every god from Mohammad to Cernunnos, the horned celtic-pagan god. You were blessed. You had your partner, and you had your friend that you knew from real life aiding you. Instant majority. Some people, like Hayden I'm sure, would have loved to be in your situation. You could've given Laura aids and still gotten to merge without even trying.

Not to mention, you got an idol. You claim that this idol was useless to you, so you threw it away. A bit of a convenient excuse for a finalist, is it not? I seem to remember you telling me that you were really paranoid and decided to play it. You messaged me minutes before tribal saying how scared you were. I remember that too.Regardless, for someone who claims to not want an idol, you still got one. Then you threw it away, showing people how little you trust them. This was probably not the greatest nights in the life of Ibrehem.

While Cochran garnered little to no attention upon himself until the Coby vote, you did Ibe. You gained the immunity amulate (something I'm guessing you didn't want, either?) and you were blessed yet again to have merged with your partner AND your amulate buddy. I just can't help but feel that Cochran outplayed you in these early merge rounds, by simply not playing too hard.

While Cochran is a roller coaster, you remind me of one of those strength games at carnivals. You jumped up to impossible heights by talking Cochran into a Vytas vote, saving your ass, and then winning immunity to ensure finals. Seems kinda polarizing, doesn't it?

Question Time!!!

I have two questions for each of you. My first one is to disprove my paragraph I wrote about you. Tell me that you played better during those rounds where I said that you played shittily, and please don't hide some details. I don't know every facet about each of your games. Don't accept the fact that I said you had terrible rounds. Tell me otherwise. I wan't you to prove me wrong, because I KNOW that I make TONS of mistakes and I want you to out my viewpoint of you both tonight. I won't take "well you made some good points Semhar! I can't disprove it" as an answer.

My second question is slightly personal. The round I was voted out, you both mentioned how it was 'an end of an era' and 'now there can no longer be female winners', yet it seems kind of... insane that you would think of tradition breaking as a criteria for a vote. So what if women won every season of stranded. Disprove it by playing a winners game, not by voting out every female so that a man wins by default. So tell me legit and keep it honest, since we see the confessionals at the end of the game... how much did that female winning stranded tradition have an impact on my departure that night?

Thanks, and good luck :)

I wasn't blessed, I CHOSE to bring Rachel with me to Tapoli in the pick'em and other people like Caryn and Laura were aware of us being friends. It was completely my choice to choose my friend, and that's something other people didn't feel confident enough to do (i.e. Laura). Not to stereotype, but I've been "high" this whole game. From Limici winning to Tapoli mostly winning to the merge to the end, I've been high as hell.

In my opening statement I said I was worried that first merge vote, information about my idol was out there. Like I said at the time I played it, it wasn't to show distrust, I wanted to put myself out there and remove that "reason" to target me. I felt much more comfortable without the idol. I didn't say it was useless, it kept me safe for a round. icon_laughing

I wanted the amulet, but I also wanted to get rid of it the first time I was vulnerable to stay true to what I said, and I said I would play it right away. It's true, staying under the radar was difficult early on in the merge, but I was able to subtly work things behind the scenes to get my way, without being UTR.

By the way, Cochran didn't need to convince me to vote for you... I hope you take that as a compliment.

You're TOTALLY right, it shouldn't have been a big criteria to vote you out and it wasn't, the truth is you're a fantastic player and you had a WINNING game of your own, that's why you were voted out. Not because you're a girl, because you're a winner.

Thanks, Semhar.
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Semhar » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:28:59 pm

Ibe... who wouldn't choose their partner to bring to their tribe. You WERE blessed to have been picked by Laura, though :P

OK no more questions!
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Re: Day 28 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Ibrehem » Wed Jul 23, 2014 10:29:48 pm

Semhar wrote:Ibe... who wouldn't choose their partner to bring to their tribe. You WERE blessed to have been picked by Laura, though :P

OK no more questions!

She told me it was because she heard good things about me from Becky.
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