Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:57:57 am

Posting this so we can all discuss what we think will happen before tomorrow D:

Also posting my lengthy blogs in the other thread.
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Re: Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:17:55 pm

I honestly think this is going to be a great season, and the thing I like is that this isn't as FIXED as Blood vs. Water in the sense that the "loved ones" are just as likely to turn on their partner to get to the end. Right now I think that there are certain partnerships that I think are going to do extremely well AS a partnership, and then others that will be gone pretty early. That being said, the three tribe shake-up is going to be where things get interesting. The fact that these people can communicate with their partners while playing their own game on the tribe they were assigned is what is going to make this so fun. But anyway, I'll start with the partnerships and just rank them in terms of how far I think they as a whole can go. 1 being greatest, 10 being lowest.

10. Raph & Isaiah-In my opinion, these two are going to have the toughest time out here. I think Ralph is someone very charming and that was proven when he was awarded the title of the mole very early on, but his kryptonite is that he can be pretty oblivious and I think that's where he will faulter. Unlike Namibia, he probably won't be on a tribe that wins nearly every challenge before the merge. His partner seems alright, but the problem with him is that he won't be available for eight hours of the day. I want them to prove me wrong since I like Ralph a lot, but I just don't know if they can.

9. Caryn & Shad0wknight-I don't like this couple. Something about them makes me seem like they won't be getting very far in here. I can nearly promise that they BOTH won't make merge, since I think shad0w can be a bit oblivious at times. Personally, I just don't have any attachment to these two yet, but I WANT to similar to all the other duos. I hope they can prove me wrong and everything, but I think Shad's application was pretty bland and that bland type of talking could prove to be his demise in the game.

8. Semhar & Usuck-I hate ranking Semhar so low since I love her and loved her last season, but new rick is going to struggle if he has any form of the old-new rick from the last season. I think Semhar is a big wildcard for me, and I think she has the ability to lay low and yet still be very friendly and social with people. If she gets in a good alliance like she did in Namibia, she could easily get to the merge and get in an alliance that will help her get far. Do I think the winner is in this group? Absolutely not. I think there is something missing in Sem's game that will always be missing, but I don't want to count her chickens before they hatch since they could prove me wrong. Usuck I think will be a very early boot, and that's why this couple is ranked so low.

7. Peter and Bamboozler-Yeah this is another couple that I don't know much about at all, but I am deciding to rank these people not last since I think they both have a good chance of going far if they play their cards absolutely right. I don't think they both can make the merge, and I think based on the application that Bamboozler has it may seem like sociability may be his absolute downfall. That being said, he seems to have a good grip of how he wants to play and if the NEWBIE can direct the loved one on how to stay in the game, they could be a formidable force.

6. Ryan S and Dancecab-Dancecab is someone I've always wanted to see in action, but so far everything I've seen from him has led me to believe that he is not that great of a player. I know Frank would disagree, but ultimately I think he can be too clueless in a game where intelligence and awareness are extremely important. Skinny Ryan however I Think will get to the merge if I have judged his past seasons correctly. he's played this game two times before, and he can definitely be a major force if he forms an alliance with other people on his returning tribe. Wishing these two the best of luck, but I don't know if it's in their cards to win this game.

5. Cochran & Pete-I adore Cochran and think he is a very underestimated player. He got screwed over bad in that last two seasons he played, but in Stranded everything worked out well for him and the only reason he went home was because of me and papa bear. He could be a threat in the sense that he can be very aware and quiet, which can work for his advantage. He just needs to make sure that he never gets too comfortable in a game like this, and he needs to be aware that he is playing with very intelligent players and even more so than last season. Pete on the other hand is someone who will either make it extremely far or be out fairly early. I don't think he can do that well here, but I am hoping his drive to impress his obvious girlfriend Ashley will make him go far. Him and Cochran as partners is brilliant though.

4. Ibrehem & Bowserboy-I LOVE this duo, because Bowserboy had a brilliant application and I think they both can go very far in this as long as they both just commit and submit the time that this game deserves. JayJay has been brilliant in his past games when he does end up helping out and everything, and so I think he could be someone that is a force to be very well aware of. Bowserboy as Rachel is a great match, and he can be very sassy if he wants to be but he also can be well-aware. How he will do in a group of very talented newbies is up to him, but as of right now I am thinking this could be a very good come-from-nowhere group that ends up doing extremely well.

3. Kim P & PsychoARB-I don't know either of these two actually, which worries me, but at the same time I think Kim's loved one is going to do fantastic in this. His application shines, and I agree with Steph that it is probably the best one out of all of them in here. I don't know much about Kim P's gameplay, but I do think that if they can balance each other out and keep each other in the loop they can end up doing very well in here. They are very big wildcards, but I've always been a fan of the devil i don't know compared to the one I do, so I am wishing them the best of luck for sure.

2. Coby & Trojan-This duo is absolutely fierce and spectacular. I think that Coby overall is going to do fantastic, since he has a lot more to prove coming back again, and after seeing him as Steph I believe he will definitely be capable of pulling out a win. That being said, of the returnees I don't know if he is in the absolute Top 3 so imo he will not win this game. But Trojan though....now he can win this game if he really desires to. I know the times may be wonky for him and he may be mad that he is Katie, but damn he was great as Chris in CC when he SHOWED UP and was also great in Looney Toons from what I can tell. AS long as he doesn't make himself a goat anytime soon, I think he will do absolutely fine here surprisingly. I'm rotting for these two to win actually, since I think they would make phenomenal winners.

1. Becky & Krypton-Oh god, this duo is number one because they are going to be the powerhouses of this game as long as they both end up showing up. Krypton obviously will, but I don't know about Jate, but I assume he will as well. They are both extremely experienced players, and when combined they definitely have quite a few wins under their belt (even if Krypt "only" has one). Jate ended up finishing second in his season I believe, and Krpyton just finished a game and won as did Jate (Cagayan). This duo is going to be absolutely fierce as Laura B and Becky, and I think the winner has the greatest chance of coming from these two right here.
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Re: Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Postby Frank the Tank » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:48:22 pm

Hmm ok, I'll bite. I'm gonna rank people based on how far I predict they'll go, trying to be as unbiased as possible.

20. Isaiah
Sorry Ralph's friend but you just reek of early boot.

19. PsychoARB
You don't quite inspire confidence either..

Yeah, not betting on you because of your app and less than successful attempt at integrating Nama.

17. Ralph
As lovable as Ralph is, he's a bit clueless and if he doesn't get the right group of people...I don't see him surviving long.

16. Peter
I don't know much about P-P-Peter other than the funny bits, he was a bit of a mess in Venezuela, who's to say he isn't going to be one again.

15. Caryn
For fuck sakes, you keep telling me you're done playing for since like 4 games ago. I will root for you but god damn you can be clueless sometimes. I have no idea what happens to you once you get in a game but it's like you put on blinders.

14. Cochran
I saw him in 3 games, and he doesn't quite get his foot in the door with people and just becomes irrelevant.

13. Bowserboy
I played with him only once but didn't quite inspire confidence that he'll do well. His description of himself was "I'm that drunk that wandered in off the streets into this game". Pretty accurate.

12. Kim P
Kimpy! I hope she does well but I'm trying to stay unbiased here and I don't think she'll go that high up. She could be that one that sneaks through round by round, gets a high placement but has no chance to actually win.

Oh him. I will be rooting for him but he's still kind of learning how to do things. He's getting better though, he could pull off a good performance.

Semhar was wtfrobbed last season, I remember it being the round I was handling on my own with Sarah and Poody came back later and said "WTF Happened, SEMHAR?" icon_laughing She could do better, if she stays active. She kinda didn't stay on top last season, which is why she got blindsided in the first place.

9. Coby
Coby! Yay! He could do well, he really could, I see him as more of a mid-merge boot than anything else though. I don't see him winning.

8. Ibrehem
Eh...maybe could have a chance. Definitely will make it far if he can just be active and stuff. If.

7. Bamboozler
Just based on his app, I think he could do well for a newbie. He gives me a good strategic vibe.

6. Dancecab
Dancecab has this magic ability to draw people to him, his only downfall is he tends to be busy IRL a lot and can miss out on events sometimes. If he keeps on top of the game, he could really go far and even win. He definitely has it in him.

If he doesn't double or tripple dip this, he can do well. He's good in challenges, though has a tendency to freak out and crack under pressure, he was a mess in duels in my game. Strong socially, he will have the main alliance up and running on that tribe guaranteed.

Oh Pete. He's got the talent for challenges even with his minimal number of games, and he's pretty good strategically. He'll definitely make merge and if he makes it through the mid section with the really stupid challenges and gets to the better ones late game, it could definitely pay off for him. Now...he does have serious competition now, unlike that ausstranded season he played.

3. Krypton
Coming off a win can be confidence boosting and Krypton definitely knows what he's doing. He will come into this with knowledge and I feel he's gonna gravitate towards some of the returnees. Definitely one to watch.

2. Ryan S
I only played once with him but he was real good in PMs, he's played these games for ever and I think he's a serious contender to win it. I hope he can end the female streak once and for all, really rooting for him or Pete to do it.

1. Becky
Becky is the best. icon_wub That's all I have to say really, she's going to be godlike and just stomp over all these mortals like they are nothing. 50% chance she wins, 50% chance anyone else does.
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Re: Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:33:47 pm

I've posted my pre-game analysis here: viewtopic.php?p=350#p350


Final 3: Becky, Kim, Ciera
Late Jury: Ibrehem, Ryan, Laura, Marissa
Early Jury: Vytas, Katie, Shawn, Coby, Brad
Pre Merge: Ralph, Cochran, Semhar, John, Peter, Caryn, Hayden, Rachel

I'll pick Becky as my winner too. icon_smile Frank can share. You and Mia both picked me to win pre-game last season and it worked out fine. :P

Vytas better win tho. <3
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