Episode 2201
-The Blind Leading the Blind-
We begin our journey with a fuckton of twists, but what the hell, it's season 22 and last season I was reserved as hell. I think the decision (albeit last minute) to make the partners someone other than their IRL friends was a smart one. For several reasons. It's really going to lead to intrigue and chains of alliances come the swap. For another, it quickly shed light on who was really close with whom. I think it's going to turn into a clusterfuck come merge time.
As always we split the tribes returnees vs. newbies. Just to lay the groundwork for the mix ups to come. I do think the more interesting of the two tribes is Limici just because of their plethora of alliances that have been formed just from day one. I think that Bracari has the more interesting characters though as of right now.
Just out of familiarity, let's begin with
Limici.Of all the second chancers,
Becky did the best. She finished second, nearly winning her season. Some may ask why she was a second chancer and not an all-star to begin with. I think it's mostly because her impact on her season wasn't as big as it could have been. She isn't someone you would classify as an all-star just based on her performance in Madgascar. She's become more memorable for her participation in subsequent seasons. She's an all-star Lurker and a beloved member of the Stranded family. That, for me, made her an ideal candidate for Second Chances. Maybe now she can earn her stripes as a player and not just as a lurker. As an old school Stranded player, she knows the ropes. She quickly integrated herself into the tribe more so than any other player in this game. I think most players would tell you that they trust Becky. The fact that she is inbetween two alliances is no accident. I think she will become a huge threat in this game and will definitely earn her stripes. I don't think she will win because I think she will be everyone's favorite and too big of a jury threat.
I'm going to move on to another stranded veteran who is known more so for their lurking than their actual performance in the series. Everyone's favorite Stranded superfan™:
Creepy Coby. Coby's always been a favorite because he just loves the game so much and he's also an amazing sport. He's embraced his monicker of Creepy Coby and we love him for it. Reading his opening blog and really getting an understanding of who he is and what he's about was really heart wrenching for a couple of reasons. For one, it made me mad at myself for not re-casting him sooner. For another, it really showed how much he's matured and grown over the past ~6 years~. He, along with all of the other long time veterans finally returning, are sentimental favorites of mine. I would hate to see them go out early just because they've waited so long to come back and they've wanted it so badly. I do actually think Coby has played a good game so far. He's made alliances, spoken to everyone. I think he might be a target, but it's hard to tell who is actually a target with all of the different alliances and positioning going on at Limici.
That brings me to
Skinny Ryan. He's coming from season 3 of Stranded, returned in all-stars (season 4) only to suffer the same fate. He made around 7th both times I believe, and quickly earned the nickname: "Ryan the Rat" for betraying his alliance members willy nilly. It's been seven or eight years since Ryan has last played in Stranded. I remember him asking me several times to return and it just not being right. Not to mention, I don't think I really respected him as a player the first time after he missed out on every event only to come in and screw over some deserving all-stars. But he's gone on to play in countless ORG's and make a name for himself. It's been long enough that the second-chance name is justified. I think he's really one of the more interesting casting choices because of it. I'm dying to see how he fairs in this. So far, not so good. He's having a hard time making traction with the newer players and that's going to make him an early target as a result. Fortunately for him I think Limici will keep winning and buy him some time going into the 3 tribe swap.
We'll transition from the threesome of old-school veterans into the threesome of new-schoolers from last season. Let's begin with
Ralph. Ralph hasn't changed. The one thing I would say is that he might be more into the game than he was last time. He was always an underestimated player because he was so goofy people just assumed he was a bumbling buffoon. Little did they know, he was a Baboon Savant. You just can't help but love Ralph. He, for me, is one of the all-time great Stranded characters and I think he was perfect for this season. I'm also loving his relationship with John, who we'll get to later in this blog. I think everyone's interested to see what Ralphy does here, he's such a fascinating character that you just can't help but watch him and be enthralled.
Already, we are seeing more from
Semhar than we did in her previous season. She's everything we knew she could be and more. She's really giving this her all and proving that we were right in wanting her back. I'm not going to lie, I thought she was the biggest risk coming into this season. She wasn't incredibly active the first time, she didn't live up to her pre-season hype, and her emails to me were sporadic. But I'm glad we took the risk. She's playing this hard and giving me the sass we all love. I hope she can keep it up and do great things in this game because we all know she is capable of it. It's just time for her to finally prove it.
Last of the newest second chancers, but certainly not least is
Cochran. All last season we spoke about his potential and the fact that he was actually a really good strategist but lacked the confidence of a veteran player to see that through. Sadly, our greatest fears were realized when he went too soon because he didn't have that killer instinct that comes with experience. Well finally, after a few games under his belt, the player we knew was in there has surfaced and he is fucking FIERCE. Cochran has already ingratiated himself into a majority alliance, but unlike last season, that wasn't good enough for him. He quickly saw the writing on the wall and informed Semhar and Ralph that an alliance was formed and it did not include them. This lead him on the war path to make an opposing alliance against them. I fucking love it. THIS is the Cochran we all wanted to see. He's going to be fucking dangerous in this game with his new-found confidence. I think having Vytas as a partner will also be a dangerous combo for Cochran and this will be his season, mark my words!!!
Unlike Cochran,
Kim P is falling into the same trap she did last season. She needs to find that confidence and break out on her own as a player. She's feisty as fuck and we love her for it, but if she doesn't start growing a pair soon she will fall early-mid jury yet again. At best, she'll be in the final 3 without a prayer of actually winning. Fortunately for her, it's only the first episode, and even more, she hasn't even been to TC yet. So there's plenty of time for her to turn it around for sure. As for right now, though, she's just a backup vocal. I really want her to find her voice, because she is so hilarious and so cutting that she would really be dangerous in this game. I don't know though, so far not so good.
Peter is an odd bird. We all knew that, but jeez he's really gone off the deepend this season. I think he has a great sense of humor, seems like a really fun guy. I think he got too hung up on the fact that last season he went early because he teamed up with the wrong person and this time he wants to prove that he can be a player and he's going about it in all the wrong ways. He's been far too paranoid about what's going on. Fortunately it has actually paid off for him in that he's stumbled into an alliance with the newer players. I really like Peter, but I also like everyone this season so it's hard to root for any one person. I want them all to get their spotlight. I think he will do well because he's a paranoid mess and it actually seems to be working to his benefit. He will have to detox after this is all said and done though <3
Ibrehem is one to watch for sure, but I don't actually see him making a huge impact this season and that's a shame. I think he'll fall into the same trap he did in Costa Rica and that's relying on a stronger more social player and kind of eeking his way into the end without any real shot at winning because he played too UTR. I hope that's not the case but at this point in time it's not looking good.
Which brings us to everyone's favorite cranky Jewess:
Caryn. I think this season will solidify Caryn's spot as a Stranded Legend and resident hagress. We all know stranded loves it's hagresses and has a long history of successful ones. I honestly think Caryn can bully her way through this season and play an integral part in the whole deal. I know she's being written off as an early boot because her "schtick" it to be grouchy and that might rub people the wrong way. However, she's really active this season, she has connections, and again for some reason that strategy seems to work in these seasons. I think this season will be all about Caryn. I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not. She came into Costa Rica as a fucking bitch who was kind of disinterested. Well now she's a fucking bitch who is in it to win. I think that will pay off for her in a way that it hasn't before. As long as she can tone down the "act" and up the social game, she will do very well. If she cant, people will see through it and get sick of it, find it repetitive and not funny. Hell, she even made up blatant lies that people were targeting other people and everyone kind of just shrugged it off as "that's just caryn being caryn"... WTF!
Bracari, the newbie side, we already have a lot of promise in the players that are just joining our dysfunctional family.
I'll start with
Hayden because he actually has deep ties with the second chancers. He's a bit of a second chancer hisself being a mid-game replacement that only was in the game for 2 days because of his predetermined boot. I told him he'd get another shot regardless so I decided to let him play with a new rep, giving him a new fair shot at the game. Can I just say, he's fucking amazing? I really love his personality, I think he's got the right amount of bitchiness and just likability that makes him one of my favorites right off the gate. His relationship with Rachel is fucking hysterical. Kind of bumbling through that first challenge only to have her YELLING at him swearing to get him out. He found out about that and htat wasn't cool. It was his first challenge and at least he showed up. His crusade and standing up for himself solidified him as a favorite of mine.
Which brings us to
Rachel. What a fucking lunatic. At first she really annoyed me because she tried to do that heavy schtick thing that works in other series but never translates well into Stranded. However, after a heads up from me she really turned it around and just gave us some sass that was much appreciated. Her passionate abuse of Hayden in public was just epic and cunty and just fucking real. You can't fake that. She was furious with him and even later apologized for how she acted. There's actually something really likable about that fact. To know that you fucked up and to apologize for it shows that she's a bigger person. She's entertaining as hell and i hope to see her lose control more often. It actually makes her a more real player and I think it makes her more involved in the game. I expect big things.
Another player with a schtick that quickly faded into being a real player who was invested in this game is
Marissa. I just love when players embrace Stranded for what it is. They play as themselves and really get involved in the game and I'm so happy Marissa and Rachel both did that extremely quickly. Within the first few hours of the game they adapted and that's great. I really think she's a level headed player that will go deep in the game. I hope she can step up and call some shots or she's just going to be a pawn for the returning players. She cracks me up on the forums, and I cannot wait to see what she does further in the season.
Laura I had high expectations from and she's not met any of them. I think she's probably burnt out from just coming off her first win. Either way it's a wasted opportunity and really disappointing. I think she could have been really epic in this season as that character. There aren't many other huge characters on her tribe so she could have easily taken control like Vytas. Instead she's really floundered and gone with the flow. The only hope for her is that she changes that in the swap, or she's just cannon fodder.
Ciera is someone who I had high hopes for. She had the most potential of anyone and it hasn't been realized due to bad timing. I think she could have been a huge force in this game if she could have just gotten her footing. Unfortunately she had a poorly timed vacation and some other games going on, but when she was here, she was great. This isn't the end of her Stranded storyline, I have a feeling.
Brad who?
John is one of the most honest and kind players this season. I really think that will be a huge plus for him going forward. Who wouldn't want to work wtih him. I don't think he would lie or backstab anyone. He's just a really great guy and sometimes that's refreshing. It's much more interesting to see someone who is honest and it's harder to come by in this game. Really a big sweetheart and I hope to see him go far just so we can whitness more of that. Plus his friendship with Ralph is the cutest thing ever.
Shawn's someone to watch out for. He's an entertaining player and i think he will really shake shit up in the game. He'll be here for a while. For now though, there's just not much to report on. But I'll definitely keep my eye on him as more develops.
I think one of the most likable players off the bat is
Katie. She calls it like it is, she's funny, she's well engrained in the tribe. I think she could very easily win this season. She is a huge threat and a likable one at that. I'm very entertained by Katie and I can't wait until she's given some material to bounce off of because right now there's just not that much to write about her. But I promise you, she's gold!!!
Last but certainly not least is everyone's favorite wrecking ball,
Vytas. The irony of Vytas and Caryn being partners is certainly not lost on me. The greater irony of them both being connected with Cochran is even funnier. Vytas is an asshole. He'll fuck with people just cuz, he'll start a hundred alliances just cuz, and he has no problem verbally eviscerating his tribemates just cuz... and i'm loving every minute of it. Probably one of the biggest personalities we've seen in Stranded, the guy is just a huge troll. Everything is a joke to him and it's really entertaining. It's like being in on the joke and that's so fun to be apart of. I think the best part of this season is that he's going to have a huge impact on Cochran and really bring out the inner player we've all wanted to see. I think Vytas should be okay for a long time in the game, but even if he isnt... the guy's already an
All-star. Legend.