Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:44:43 am

Will be updating this with the lengthy play by plays as seen in Namibia.
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Episode 00 - The Pre-Season

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:58:55 am

Well guys, we have ourselves a new season of Stranded that I'm very excited for. We decided to go all in on twists this season which is a departure from our usual, but what the hell, there are veterans here and the newbies are their friends. They should be able to adapt quickly I would think.

I kind of think the Friends/Partner twist will serve as background noise anyway so the 2 to 3 tribe split won't seem overwhelming. I'm hoping at least. And if it is, deal with it bitches this is Stranded.

I'm cautiously optimistic about this season. I, of course, always want to have a hit on my hands and do everything possible in planning to casting to make sure it is. However, the last Second Chance vs. N00b season was the first bomb of all the second chance vs. n00b seasons. That's not to say it was terrible, but... it was just unremarkable (barring that glorious merge TC). So following that season, I'm not expecting much to be honest.

That being said, I do think we have a very strong cast of returning players. We've peppered in some old vets in Becky, Coby and Skinny Ryan, all of which have not played stranded in over 2 years :o (maybe 3?). I think Becky will be hilarious as always, if not a bit UTR. Coby will be one to watch, he's been a Stranded superfan for years now, although he failed twice previously he's done some good things in other series. It'll be itneresting to see. I know he wants it badly. I think all three OG's want it really badly since they have sit on the sidelines for the past 10 seaosns and lurked. One that's really interesting is Skinny Ryan. Or 'Ryan the Rat' as he's more infamously known in Stranded lore. He asked continuously to play again and I always said hell to the no. Only because i think he was boring in his second run. But... he was in Peru (the 2nd best season of all time) so that's hard to compete agains the calibur of characters there). He did have a nickname and he obviously betrayed people so I htink he's going to be really great in this. I actually could see him winning. Especially since no one knows his reputation. Needless to say, he wants this terribly bad after thinking he would never get another shot. I think that's the beauty of Becky, Coby, and Skinny Ryan. They've been wanting their chance for YEARS and never thought they'd get it. Well here you go! Don't waste it!

We also have a bevy of new players. 3 of which are coming out of Stranded in Namibia. I think they all have the potential to be amazing (ralph and semhar in particular). But, they were subpar in their seasons. Most of them plagued with inactivity so that's really worrying. They have all said they would step it up and I definitely have faith they will, or they wouldn't be here... but they definitely have something to prove.

Then we have Caryn, Ibrehem, Kim P, and Peter. Peter, I'm not expecting much from other than the fact that he was screwed out early and he was active, we'll see he may surprise us. This season is for taking risks and I'm taking that risk. Plus his friend's app was SUPER entertaining so hopefully he'll bring some life out of him. Ibrehem was boring in his season, although he was purple rocked and that's epic for a second chance season. He's also gone on to host his own series adn is apparently super entertaining in other series so let's see what he does here with a second shot. Kim P is a firecracker who never really took off last season. Let's hope she does here. Finally: Caryn's insane and we all know it. Hoping she gets the chance to prove it yet again icon_lol

I think on the newbie side we have the same thing, some serious serious players mixed in with some wildcards. I do think all of their apps were entertaining which I'm excited about. I think we have a great season on our hands. It's harder to write about the new players based just on apps but I'll post some here maybe later if I have time before setting up :)
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:07:51 am

Episode 2201
-The Blind Leading the Blind-

We begin our journey with a fuckton of twists, but what the hell, it's season 22 and last season I was reserved as hell. I think the decision (albeit last minute) to make the partners someone other than their IRL friends was a smart one. For several reasons. It's really going to lead to intrigue and chains of alliances come the swap. For another, it quickly shed light on who was really close with whom. I think it's going to turn into a clusterfuck come merge time.

As always we split the tribes returnees vs. newbies. Just to lay the groundwork for the mix ups to come. I do think the more interesting of the two tribes is Limici just because of their plethora of alliances that have been formed just from day one. I think that Bracari has the more interesting characters though as of right now.

Just out of familiarity, let's begin with Limici.

Of all the second chancers, Becky did the best. She finished second, nearly winning her season. Some may ask why she was a second chancer and not an all-star to begin with. I think it's mostly because her impact on her season wasn't as big as it could have been. She isn't someone you would classify as an all-star just based on her performance in Madgascar. She's become more memorable for her participation in subsequent seasons. She's an all-star Lurker and a beloved member of the Stranded family. That, for me, made her an ideal candidate for Second Chances. Maybe now she can earn her stripes as a player and not just as a lurker. As an old school Stranded player, she knows the ropes. She quickly integrated herself into the tribe more so than any other player in this game. I think most players would tell you that they trust Becky. The fact that she is inbetween two alliances is no accident. I think she will become a huge threat in this game and will definitely earn her stripes. I don't think she will win because I think she will be everyone's favorite and too big of a jury threat.

I'm going to move on to another stranded veteran who is known more so for their lurking than their actual performance in the series. Everyone's favorite Stranded superfan™: Creepy Coby. Coby's always been a favorite because he just loves the game so much and he's also an amazing sport. He's embraced his monicker of Creepy Coby and we love him for it. Reading his opening blog and really getting an understanding of who he is and what he's about was really heart wrenching for a couple of reasons. For one, it made me mad at myself for not re-casting him sooner. For another, it really showed how much he's matured and grown over the past ~6 years~. He, along with all of the other long time veterans finally returning, are sentimental favorites of mine. I would hate to see them go out early just because they've waited so long to come back and they've wanted it so badly. I do actually think Coby has played a good game so far. He's made alliances, spoken to everyone. I think he might be a target, but it's hard to tell who is actually a target with all of the different alliances and positioning going on at Limici.

That brings me to Skinny Ryan. He's coming from season 3 of Stranded, returned in all-stars (season 4) only to suffer the same fate. He made around 7th both times I believe, and quickly earned the nickname: "Ryan the Rat" for betraying his alliance members willy nilly. It's been seven or eight years since Ryan has last played in Stranded. I remember him asking me several times to return and it just not being right. Not to mention, I don't think I really respected him as a player the first time after he missed out on every event only to come in and screw over some deserving all-stars. But he's gone on to play in countless ORG's and make a name for himself. It's been long enough that the second-chance name is justified. I think he's really one of the more interesting casting choices because of it. I'm dying to see how he fairs in this. So far, not so good. He's having a hard time making traction with the newer players and that's going to make him an early target as a result. Fortunately for him I think Limici will keep winning and buy him some time going into the 3 tribe swap.

We'll transition from the threesome of old-school veterans into the threesome of new-schoolers from last season. Let's begin with Ralph. Ralph hasn't changed. The one thing I would say is that he might be more into the game than he was last time. He was always an underestimated player because he was so goofy people just assumed he was a bumbling buffoon. Little did they know, he was a Baboon Savant. You just can't help but love Ralph. He, for me, is one of the all-time great Stranded characters and I think he was perfect for this season. I'm also loving his relationship with John, who we'll get to later in this blog. I think everyone's interested to see what Ralphy does here, he's such a fascinating character that you just can't help but watch him and be enthralled.

Already, we are seeing more from Semhar than we did in her previous season. She's everything we knew she could be and more. She's really giving this her all and proving that we were right in wanting her back. I'm not going to lie, I thought she was the biggest risk coming into this season. She wasn't incredibly active the first time, she didn't live up to her pre-season hype, and her emails to me were sporadic. But I'm glad we took the risk. She's playing this hard and giving me the sass we all love. I hope she can keep it up and do great things in this game because we all know she is capable of it. It's just time for her to finally prove it.

Last of the newest second chancers, but certainly not least is Cochran. All last season we spoke about his potential and the fact that he was actually a really good strategist but lacked the confidence of a veteran player to see that through. Sadly, our greatest fears were realized when he went too soon because he didn't have that killer instinct that comes with experience. Well finally, after a few games under his belt, the player we knew was in there has surfaced and he is fucking FIERCE. Cochran has already ingratiated himself into a majority alliance, but unlike last season, that wasn't good enough for him. He quickly saw the writing on the wall and informed Semhar and Ralph that an alliance was formed and it did not include them. This lead him on the war path to make an opposing alliance against them. I fucking love it. THIS is the Cochran we all wanted to see. He's going to be fucking dangerous in this game with his new-found confidence. I think having Vytas as a partner will also be a dangerous combo for Cochran and this will be his season, mark my words!!!

Unlike Cochran, Kim P is falling into the same trap she did last season. She needs to find that confidence and break out on her own as a player. She's feisty as fuck and we love her for it, but if she doesn't start growing a pair soon she will fall early-mid jury yet again. At best, she'll be in the final 3 without a prayer of actually winning. Fortunately for her, it's only the first episode, and even more, she hasn't even been to TC yet. So there's plenty of time for her to turn it around for sure. As for right now, though, she's just a backup vocal. I really want her to find her voice, because she is so hilarious and so cutting that she would really be dangerous in this game. I don't know though, so far not so good.

Peter is an odd bird. We all knew that, but jeez he's really gone off the deepend this season. I think he has a great sense of humor, seems like a really fun guy. I think he got too hung up on the fact that last season he went early because he teamed up with the wrong person and this time he wants to prove that he can be a player and he's going about it in all the wrong ways. He's been far too paranoid about what's going on. Fortunately it has actually paid off for him in that he's stumbled into an alliance with the newer players. I really like Peter, but I also like everyone this season so it's hard to root for any one person. I want them all to get their spotlight. I think he will do well because he's a paranoid mess and it actually seems to be working to his benefit. He will have to detox after this is all said and done though <3

Ibrehem is one to watch for sure, but I don't actually see him making a huge impact this season and that's a shame. I think he'll fall into the same trap he did in Costa Rica and that's relying on a stronger more social player and kind of eeking his way into the end without any real shot at winning because he played too UTR. I hope that's not the case but at this point in time it's not looking good.

Which brings us to everyone's favorite cranky Jewess: Caryn. I think this season will solidify Caryn's spot as a Stranded Legend and resident hagress. We all know stranded loves it's hagresses and has a long history of successful ones. I honestly think Caryn can bully her way through this season and play an integral part in the whole deal. I know she's being written off as an early boot because her "schtick" it to be grouchy and that might rub people the wrong way. However, she's really active this season, she has connections, and again for some reason that strategy seems to work in these seasons. I think this season will be all about Caryn. I could be wrong, but I hope I'm not. She came into Costa Rica as a fucking bitch who was kind of disinterested. Well now she's a fucking bitch who is in it to win. I think that will pay off for her in a way that it hasn't before. As long as she can tone down the "act" and up the social game, she will do very well. If she cant, people will see through it and get sick of it, find it repetitive and not funny. Hell, she even made up blatant lies that people were targeting other people and everyone kind of just shrugged it off as "that's just caryn being caryn"... WTF!

On Bracari, the newbie side, we already have a lot of promise in the players that are just joining our dysfunctional family.

I'll start with Hayden because he actually has deep ties with the second chancers. He's a bit of a second chancer hisself being a mid-game replacement that only was in the game for 2 days because of his predetermined boot. I told him he'd get another shot regardless so I decided to let him play with a new rep, giving him a new fair shot at the game. Can I just say, he's fucking amazing? I really love his personality, I think he's got the right amount of bitchiness and just likability that makes him one of my favorites right off the gate. His relationship with Rachel is fucking hysterical. Kind of bumbling through that first challenge only to have her YELLING at him swearing to get him out. He found out about that and htat wasn't cool. It was his first challenge and at least he showed up. His crusade and standing up for himself solidified him as a favorite of mine.

Which brings us to Rachel. What a fucking lunatic. At first she really annoyed me because she tried to do that heavy schtick thing that works in other series but never translates well into Stranded. However, after a heads up from me she really turned it around and just gave us some sass that was much appreciated. Her passionate abuse of Hayden in public was just epic and cunty and just fucking real. You can't fake that. She was furious with him and even later apologized for how she acted. There's actually something really likable about that fact. To know that you fucked up and to apologize for it shows that she's a bigger person. She's entertaining as hell and i hope to see her lose control more often. It actually makes her a more real player and I think it makes her more involved in the game. I expect big things.

Another player with a schtick that quickly faded into being a real player who was invested in this game is Marissa. I just love when players embrace Stranded for what it is. They play as themselves and really get involved in the game and I'm so happy Marissa and Rachel both did that extremely quickly. Within the first few hours of the game they adapted and that's great. I really think she's a level headed player that will go deep in the game. I hope she can step up and call some shots or she's just going to be a pawn for the returning players. She cracks me up on the forums, and I cannot wait to see what she does further in the season.

Laura I had high expectations from and she's not met any of them. I think she's probably burnt out from just coming off her first win. Either way it's a wasted opportunity and really disappointing. I think she could have been really epic in this season as that character. There aren't many other huge characters on her tribe so she could have easily taken control like Vytas. Instead she's really floundered and gone with the flow. The only hope for her is that she changes that in the swap, or she's just cannon fodder.

Ciera is someone who I had high hopes for. She had the most potential of anyone and it hasn't been realized due to bad timing. I think she could have been a huge force in this game if she could have just gotten her footing. Unfortunately she had a poorly timed vacation and some other games going on, but when she was here, she was great. This isn't the end of her Stranded storyline, I have a feeling.

Brad who?

John is one of the most honest and kind players this season. I really think that will be a huge plus for him going forward. Who wouldn't want to work wtih him. I don't think he would lie or backstab anyone. He's just a really great guy and sometimes that's refreshing. It's much more interesting to see someone who is honest and it's harder to come by in this game. Really a big sweetheart and I hope to see him go far just so we can whitness more of that. Plus his friendship with Ralph is the cutest thing ever.

Shawn's someone to watch out for. He's an entertaining player and i think he will really shake shit up in the game. He'll be here for a while. For now though, there's just not much to report on. But I'll definitely keep my eye on him as more develops.

I think one of the most likable players off the bat is Katie. She calls it like it is, she's funny, she's well engrained in the tribe. I think she could very easily win this season. She is a huge threat and a likable one at that. I'm very entertained by Katie and I can't wait until she's given some material to bounce off of because right now there's just not that much to write about her. But I promise you, she's gold!!!

Last but certainly not least is everyone's favorite wrecking ball, Vytas. The irony of Vytas and Caryn being partners is certainly not lost on me. The greater irony of them both being connected with Cochran is even funnier. Vytas is an asshole. He'll fuck with people just cuz, he'll start a hundred alliances just cuz, and he has no problem verbally eviscerating his tribemates just cuz... and i'm loving every minute of it. Probably one of the biggest personalities we've seen in Stranded, the guy is just a huge troll. Everything is a joke to him and it's really entertaining. It's like being in on the joke and that's so fun to be apart of. I think the best part of this season is that he's going to have a huge impact on Cochran and really bring out the inner player we've all wanted to see. I think Vytas should be okay for a long time in the game, but even if he isnt... the guy's already an All-star. Legend.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:27:55 pm

Episode 2202
-I Want to Hunt His Ass Down and Punch Him in the Face.-

Well, if you thought the original Deadly Sins challenge was cruel, the new ranking challenge might just be a little too influential? It single handedly pissed everyone the fuck off, and maybe ended Cochran's amazing game in one felt swoop. I actually feel bad about it, but then I remembered just all the good drama it gave us and I can't help but love it. Plus Cochran should look back at this moment with pride because he went from a good player to an all-star in one challenge! I mean the pure vitrol and anger that was spewed from Caryn... I think it solidified that her schtick wasn't so much schtick as it is a therapeutic release of anger. Good god, I've never seen someone so pissed off in all my life. The sad part is that Cochran was building a strong counter-alliance to Caryn/Becky/Ibrehem/Coby/Ryan with Kim P/Semhar/Ralph/Peter. A bit of old vs. new school. In the long run it didnt matter because the tribes are swapping next episode (spoiler alert).

That's kind of the beauty of this cluster fuck aftermath of the challenge, it's setting up a glorious mess of a swap. This entire episode really was all about setting up the messy swap.

On Bracari there wasn't much to talk about because Brad was the obvious boot there. I actually kind of feel bad for Brad because he was on vacation like Ciera was. I think in another circumstance they would've done really well here.

The Rachel/Hayden feud gets hashed out, although they both still secretly hate one another and are working to get each other out. Unbeknownst the the tribe, Vytas is actually a troll who is fucking with people for fun. He turned Marissa against Hayden and vice versa just for shits and gigs. A lot of parallels between Vytas and Caryn's games. I wonder whose will win out in the end.

Katie randomly was pissed at Laura who ranked boringly like she does fucking everything in this game. I almost wish she would just tank this and be an über cunt to everyone just cuz. What's the point of her making it far in the game? She won't be invited back for this performance, she's already won another series, she just wants to be UTR and float the the game for what?! I don't fucking get it can someone explain?! But Katie <333 Her rant against Laura was adorbz and pointed.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:15:50 pm

Episode 2203
-You Legitimately Hurt Me-

This season is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I was a little worried that the 3 tribes of 6 might not work. On paper it seemed like a good idea, but I've done it one time before and it bombed horribly. This was a litmus test of sorts and I can safely say it worked! Yay!

The tribes are amazing in my opinion and it really lets you focus on all the different characters and what they are doing in the game individually which is something we didn't get from the large tribes of 10. There's no where to hide anymore.

One of the players that has stood out the most to me is Ibrehem, on the new Tapoli tribe. At first I was really worried that he would become very predictable and team up with his allies and just glide smoothly until the end of the game. That may be the case but one thing is certain, he is definitely stepping it up in terms of gameplay. He's into everyone's ear, making sure even the people on the outs are comfortable and he's really really good at it.

That leads me to someone else who has a lot of connections, even some with Ibrehem, but is playing horribly. I mean, I think she's in a great spot and will go far and she's entertaining as hell and will be a huge part of this season, but... Caryn's just not playing this smart. Talking to her in confessionals she has her set plan of her ideal final 2 and her alliance that's going to take her there and there's no deviating from their plans. That's just unrealistic. I mean, let's say your allies get voted out on their other tribes, and that's completely plausible given the situation of 3 tribes of 6. Let's say you get blindsided by one of your alliance members going rogue... again with such large alliances and shrewd players that's entirely plausible. She's just making it so that it's impossible for anything to go wrong and her not be fucked. She needs to create some back up plans or she's going to be in trouble. Unfortunately she's her own worst enemy because she's just too stubborn.

Laura's still acting lame as hell, I don't understand for the life of me why she's being so boring. What the fuck is the point of playing it so safe and just being UTR? She's going to have to step it up like CRAZY in teh merge to even stand a chance in hell of winning at this point. I see her going to the final three easily and just being booted as quickly. She's in the clique by default so that's good for her, but terrible for the season. I hope she shows us what she's really made of but right now... nothing.

That brings me to Rachel who is actually one of my favorite characters this season. She's spunky and entertaining, but still far up the cliques asshole. She's going to need to take a step out on her own in order to do anything successful here, and it's not happening as long as Ibrehem is still in the game. Still she has the potential to be one of the great villains of Stranded if she keeps up this crusade against Hayden. She's definitely adding something to the season though, which is more than i can say for some poeple *cough* Laura *cough*

Hayden and Semhar :'( Two of my personal favorite players this season. I really really really want them to succeed her. I just don't see it happening unless Tapoli goes on a miracle immunity run to the merge and they make it by default. It could definitely happen, it's just not likely. Semhar I feel brought her A-game this season and was really making good progress in the game. Giving us her personality and being very active. She's still that way and she is actually forming bonds, but she's always being targeted and on the outside of a clique. That's not to say given enough time she could work her way out of it, but it's unlikely. I'm rooting for her secretly though!

And not so secretly I and the rest of the hosting staff are rooting for Hayden. He's the underdog with a feisty personality while still managing to be a good guy at the same time. He was fucked last season and he started this one really well and he was into it and super interesting. Then, the first challenge happened and he was partnered with über cunt Rachel, and from that point forward he had a sworn enemy in this game. Unfortunately for him, his enemy was friends with one of the biggest threats and puppeteers this season: Ibrehem. And even more unfortunately he's now stuck on a tribe with both of them!

The one hope they have is that Semhar and Hayden are both friends, Rachel and Ibrehem are friends, maybe the four of them could team up and do serious damage. Will it happen? Probably not, but it would be awesome if it did!

Limici's the tribe I've paid least attention to, but I am glad to see Coby, Becky, and Skinny Ryan all being on good ground there. I think this gives Skinny Ryan new life in the game and hopefully a fresh start in order to play harder. I think it kind of fucks Katie, but something tells me she'll make it out okay. Ralph's still a sentimental favorite.

I have to comment on this, Ralph is possibly the greatest character in online gaming history. He's such a fucking amazingly interesting person. He would make a great contestant on a real reality show, but you just don't get people like that in online games. You just don't. Every thing he says is so adorable and hilarious I can't stand it. It's just earnest, that's the best way to describe it. He's funny because he's like dumb in some ways, but mostly it's just cute and funny (probably intentional). Not in a trolly way, sometimes self deprecating, but mostly just a great person. I want him and John as friends because they're just such awesome people and you can tell that. He's always talking about his kid that you can tell he loves more than anything and I don't know... he's just a great person, a hilarious character, and just... just... RALPH!

Shawn who?

And now to the main event...0

New Bracari... some new faces, but same old story. John fucks it up and back to council they go!

I'll just start with John since I kinda mentioned him and he ties in directly to Ralphie, what a great guy. Again, it's easy to find people who are cunts in online gaming. It's hard to find someone who is genuinely sweet and not out to fuck anyone over. That's John. He's a sweetheart and super honest, almost to a fault. It's worked out well for him though, he will make the merge I think. He should do pretty well overall and I'm happy to see a good guy prevail without having to get his hands dirty. It's refreshing.

It's hard to talk about anyone else without bringing up the elephant in the room so maybe we'll just get this out of the way:

So the tribe was split. We have Cochran and Vytas who are friends. You have Cochran who is in an alliance with veterans, but kind of torn with Vytas. It's so confusing I don't know what is going on here.

I do know that Cochran is losing his ever loving mind and it's amazing to watch. He's an evil genius this season and it's so fun to see someone develop into that. He's becoming one of the biggest villains ever. I mean his partner is Vytas who is known for being wreckless in other series, but... Cochran is making him look like John here. He's so far gone against his main alliance on Limici to form a separate alliance and is now joining Vytas to break that new alliance he formed (that's two backstabs right there). Then he decided he wants Vytas out sooner rather than later and is actually double crossing him two. That's three backstabs. I don't know how long he can keep it up but I definitely know he's leaving a path of destruction all around him and it's glorious. I hope he makes it far so his story can continue. If he keeps this up through a majority of the game, he will go down as one of hte biggest villains in Stranded history.

Vytas and Cochran both had the plan to befriend Kim P, at this point Vytas thinks he's pulling the strings and in control of Cochran. Little does he know that Cochran has gone completely rogue and we may actually see him betray his friend that he entered the game with. Which is even more fucked up because Vytas was the whole reason Cochran was cast in the first place, he wanted to play with him! Vytas is a lying snake, but we always knew that and I think a lot of the players in the game may know that too. Maybe not and he's better at concealing it than I'm giving him credit for. I just don't see him getting blindsided by Cochran this early. I think he'll be around for a while. At least I hope so.

Peter is a fucking train wreck. Going into Tribal Council I thought 100% he would be going home. He's an amazing character but wow is he terrible here. He's just awkward and bless him for trying, he's making a great season, but he's so out of touch. Kim P was literally yelling at him and showing him the writing on the wall and he was so snowed by Cochran/Vytas that he wouldn't bite at all. I think he'll regret that in the long run, but that's something he might have to learn the hard way. Maybe not though, he would be the best goat to drag through the game.

Marissa is growing on me as an underdog favorite. She's a lot like Kim P was in her original season. She's feisty and she's trying to shake shit up but knows she can't push too hard without getting in trouble. I think she'll make the merge and flip very quickly, probably get caught in the crossfire somewhere and go down early jury. :( LOVE HER THOUGH <3333

Oh Kim P, gone too soon. But wow what a blaze of glory. She finally stepped out of her comfort zone and shook shit up. Unfortunately, she did it on her way out the door. I would say she needs to be more aggressive throughout in her next season and she would be on fire. If she could call shots and form alliances she would be so fricken dangerous. She fought hard, tried to get something going and gave us one hell of an epic final curtain call. I love her for that and I love her in general so I'm glad she got to at least fight for the game. <3 Hope she had fun.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:41:49 pm

Wait Hayden was here last Season? Wat?
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:49:04 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Wait Hayden was here last Season? Wat?

Yea gurl, he was NuRick who was in the game for ~3 days.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:57:13 pm

Episode 2205
-That's the Truth-

And alas, we say goodbye to one of my favorite new comers ever, Hayden. He added so much to the season. the good thing about his departure is that it really really vilified Rachel even further, if that's possible. I mean what a cunt, she was basically taunting him on his way out. classy.

I'm happy that Semhar stayed, because i want her to succeed in this, but damn I'm sorry Hayden had to go. I do think it was probably the smartest move for some people though. Semhar really needs to step it up. She's falling back into her UTR comfort zone and that's going to get her a premerge boot yet again. She needs to be making huge moves, talking to Rachel, Ibrehem, Caryn, being sassy and funny. That goes a long way in this game when you're surrounded with boring people. I think hse could make a strong case to stay over Laura if she does.

I'm glad that Laura is getting the hate she deserves here, she needs to GTFO yesterday. Caryn is really becoming a quintessential part of the season. She's in the middle of all the alliances and really stepping it up in terms of gameplay. I knew she would well in this, I think she's just going to have to learn a lesson in flexibility. I think she'll learn it the hard way. She seems so dead set on her alliance with Ibrehem and honestly It's very one-sided. I think he's much closer to other players in the agme like his friend Rachel, his partner Marissa, his alliance member Laura, etc...

That being said, Ibrehem is playing very well. I love love loved him tonight in Tribal Council despite being annoyingly slow. God playing a game of his must be torture. :P That being said, he really asked the right questions and made the right decisions for his game. He showed a lot of good judgment there, didn't rush the decision and took full advantage of his position. He's impressive and he's got all the cards at this point. It's just a matter of playing the right ones and folding the right ones. Can he do that? we're about to find out. I hope he steps up and is a little more showy in his moves though, he'll need that at FTC.

While Limici is relatively stagnant at this point and thus, hard to comment on. There have been some standout moments.

For one, Katie has become a huge threat and character since the swap. She's clearly the odd woman out, but after some intense intense idol hunting, finally someone was able to crack the hard clues that Ashley and Frank have created. She's now in a good position because she's bought herself some more time.

Another underdog that I'm really rooting for here is Ralph, he's really becoming my favorite player and possibly one of my favorite OTTP players of all time. He's so fucking loveable, everything he says is genuine, adorable, and makes me laugh out loud. Love this kid. I can't say enough just how much gold he spews on a daily basis. I mean where does he come up with this shit?! I don't know but I hope he never changes. He's also really underestimated. i called him an idiot savant in his season because he had this doofy persona but then his strategy was on fucking point. Infact he might have been the strongest strategist on his tribe. tHe only one able to see through all the bullshit. I really think he could do extremely well in teh merge if he's able to hone his ability to read situations and use it to his advantage. That coupled with the fact that he's not threatening and has an Individual idol for the next council? Ralph could be looking at a deep merge finish here, potentially final 2. Nothing would make me happier than to crown Ralphie as the winner.

Limici Who? Sorry to Ryan, Becky, Coby and Shawn, there's just not much to write with them winning Immunities. I'm ready to see them have to play the game hard though.

And now on the main event as usual, Bad News Bracari. Wow what a glorious #StrandedTrainwreck. I mean where the fuck to begin. Of course they're the most intriguing tribe because they have lost so many damn times and we know the most about them.

Honestly, of every scenario to go down tonight, Peter leaving was the best for Stranded. He certainly wasn't boring here, I think he just added the least on top of epic failing a lot. That being said, I think watching his repeated failure would've been fun. At the very least, Peter definitely outdid his previous performance and definitely played the game MUCH harder. He was finally trying to make a vote happen so kudos to him. Id say by his next outing he will be a bonified solid player! Thank GOD Peter went out on a high note and offered us more things to add to the Stranded Lexicon such as "That's the truth." and posting idol clue #2 to Ibrehem as if that was something revolutionary when Idol Clue #3 had been posted earlier.

Vytas of course shined through this episode clawing and scratching his way out of certain failure. He really lucked out that Cochran pussied out of making a decision because i think this could have been a huge turning point in the game. Luckily for Vytas he prevailed and his Stranded journey is not quite over yet. I think he's a great player mainly because of his confidence here. He's so sure that he wont be going home even though he should be scrambling hard. That actually lead to some great game play and probably made him a more attractive alliance member for players in the game. His show down with Peter where he verbally and physically eviscerated him was the stuff of legends and solidified his place among the Stranded greats. Cant' wait to see what else he brings us here. Vytas is becoming a thing and I'm digging it.

Tonight was the first night in the game that Cochran's epic reign of terror was threatened in a big way. It was the first time where I saw him as a toddler with a gun in this game. He's dangerous for sure, he's got the skills, he just doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and is going to end up killing everyone in the process. That's not necessarily a bad thing in terms of gameplay or character. I'd much much much much much rather that than the playing it safe, Cochran we've seen in the past. If he can quickly learn to control his aim and fire the weapon with skill, he's going to win this game. If not, he'll probably still end up doing very well just with a slew of really pissed off people coming after him or hating him from the jury. Either way, it's epic and he is by far the focal point of the entire season. He's the one making the decisions. he's the one in the middle of all the alliances and with his hand in all the cookie jars. Sure, he's getting caught, but that's not stopping him from still making the decisions. He really was doing great in this game and in this round in particular. He "accidentally" (was it an accident though?) framed John into everyone thinking he was the one planning on booting Vytas. He successfully strung along Vytas and Marissa into thinking he was with them and not being threatened by him. Then he got to decide who to vote out. Perfect! He can decide and still keep his hands clean. Except... he didnt decide. By not deciding he made the worst mistake of all. Of course he probably thinks it was a good strategic move to remain clean, except that's not what happens. Now his alliance member John thinks he can't count on him to come through for him. So why would he stand up for Cochran? He definitely pisses off Vytas and Marissa who are still fucking in the game. He's lost Peter. who would've been very loyal to him. I don't know, it was just reckless and stupid. He set up the perfect game ploy, and then smashed it to bits... so dumb. That being said, he's still here, he's still in a powerful position and he wild definitely still wreak havoc on this game and it's epic as shit. THE most compelling person this season bar none.

John stepped it up this episode and really staked his claim in the game and tried along with Peter to really make the Vytas boot happen, bless him. I maintain that he's the sweetest guy here along with Ralph. The fact that they are IRL friends is adorbz and I really want to know them outside of this. john's just a stand up guy. His confessional post-Peter is fucking heart wrenching. I feel so bad for him, he put his heart and soul into this and it ended up not working for him and now he's fucking depressed to the point of being physically ill. That's awful and we've all been there. That being said, he's still in the game, he remains the most genuine and probably honest guy here. I think that'll work itself out. If kharma has anything to do with it, he'll be just fine!

While Vytas, Caryn, Ibrehem and Cochran all had huge parts for this episode, I think the breakout star is Marissa. She has really become an underdog hero in this. She's making waves, breaking through despite her #1 ally going home. Calling shots, working hard with Vytas to make a vote happen. I mean, she's owning this shit hard and she's hilarious doing it. I really really like her. She's feisty and she's kind of picking up where Kim P left off. She's carrying the torch so to speak. It'd be hard to imagine a merge without her Vytas, John or Cochran, but with their terrible Challenge performances it might happen. Her ties to Ibrehem are going to help her in the merge. I definitely can see her in the final 5. She's a fighter and i cannot wait to see her grow into the game. She's already adapting very nicely.
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:41:41 pm

Episode 2206 & 2207

This blog will probably be shorter than most because A. my opinions have not changed much and B. I've been insanely busy, clearly by me not hosting anything this week icon_lol

I'll post what I do remember though.

On Bracari, it's gotten down to the 4 characters that I like the most, and by them going to Council the most, it's also the characters that I've gotten to know the most. John is a sweetheart, but probably did not have as much game as other players so out of the 4, he was the one I wanted to leave to most. I'm so glad that Marissa made it to the merge. It's just obvious that her story is not done yet and I'm dying to see what she brings there. So I'm glad it came down to that.

For some odd reason, Cochran's backstabbing was given a pass by Vytas either through some fancy backtalking or just underestimating him? I don't know but I still maintain that Cochran is the biggest character this season.

On Limici we FINALLY got to see more of them all and it was refreshing. In a way I was sad that Skinny left, but also glad because he wasn't the most active and was kind of bumbling around not doing much.

The only opinions that changed here were of Coby, who I now think is more independent than I initially did. He considered cutting Becky which was a great idea, and probably smart of him not to do actually because he would have been targetted by the ohter vets i think if he had. So kudos to Coby I hope we see that side of him more in the merge. And the other one was Shawn who I'm actually starting to like more only because of his SPP likability via Ralph. But that's about it.

Well Tapoli blew the fuck up and it was glorious and HA-LE-FUCKING-LU-JAH Laura was eliminated. What a boring bitch, what hte fuck Krypton. I love you normally but ew.

Semhar went up a couple of pegs in my books and finally got her hands dirty yay! And hse will make the merge<33. Ibrehem is calling the shots but I like that he's kind of been exposed now. He iwll be in trouble I think in the merge.

Caryn surviving <333333 What an epic cunt. I hope she gets her head out of Ibe's asshole though.

Rachel furthering her villainhood <3 More on this in my next blog.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:01:36 pm

Episode 2208 & Episode 2209

So... the merge happened and SHIT. GOT. REAL.

Right off the bat we are faced with a completely unnecessary and awful decision to make: Katie goes ahead and cheats. But not like last time where she kinda broke a rule unknowingly (and it was more Coby)... it was like a forealzy cheat. Like a... Rule breaking, big time, game altering cheat. She decided to confide in Caryn that they had played in another game with one another. Not only that but then she tried to cover it up by telling Caryn to keep her mouth shut. NOT COOL BITCH?! DID YOU THINK WE WOULDN'T READ THAT SHIT?! Plus, it's fucking Caryn, she has the biggest mouth on earth. AND on top of that, why teh fuck did you even need her vote, you were set to win!!



...But seriously, people fuck up, and as such we couldn't allow her to continue after an exhaustive 24 hour debate that went on, seriously we went over it ad nauseum. Sucks too because she was a big character, she had an idol, and was a threat to no one.

Right off the bat, two large power players emerged and just as quickly were somehow outed to everyone? Ibrehem vs. Becky. It has officially become a thing. Both targetting one another, both having huge armies to fight with. So hot. I really like Becky and Ibrehem as huge threats here. Much more so than UTR strategists in their original seasons. They were forced out in the open here and targeted for it. Who played better? Probably the person who embraced their new found fame better. Personally I think Ibrehem has handled it great.

I don't think Ibrehem is a ballsy enough player to handle this well, but I do think he handled it better than Becky. A great instance of this was when he was talking to Vytas and going around in circles without committing to anything... so annoying. When you're a huge target, you need to start agreeing and making moves nad I think it's something he's not comfortable with doing. That's going to hurt him ultimately because in this he is a threat and everyone sees that. he needs to start playing as such. However, it's gotten him further than Becky, so clearly he's doing something right.

Someone who does play correctly given their threatening status is Vytas. I mean he's made himself a huge target, but at least he's knows how to play as a target. That's refreshing. I think Becky and Ibrehem need to take a tip from Vytas. When you're in a position where you are the biggest target, you need to make bold moves, do things to freak people out or else they'll just get rid of you. In this Vytas is amazing, delivering as we knew he would. I think it's funny watching him freak people the fuck out. Glorious!

Can I also say how hot his hatemance is with Cochran <3 Who is quickly becoming my favorite train wreck rat of all time. I just love that these two epic frienemies are stuck together forever <3 I hope they both end up in the final 6 together because it would be hot as hell (especially considering Vytas' Idol <3 should he hang on to it until then).

Can I also say how fucking glorious Marissa is and I'm in love with her and Vytas as a hot duo. So fucking epic. Goddess winning Immunity <3 and stirring up all kinds of shit.

This was also an important two episodes for Coby who emerged as someone who does NOT put up with bullshit. Him calling Vytas out on his shit was so fucking hot <3 and then again calling out EVERYONE in his Tribal Council rant. <33333 Seems he learned a thing or two during his time in India. I really want to see Coby going down in a blaze of glory calling everyone the fuck out and being epic as shit. His fight with Rachelcunt <3

Rachel is another one that has emerged as one of the all-time great characters. She's a cunt most-high. I mean shit, how unlikable can you get. Pretty fucking unlikable if you ask Rachel. And i'm loving every single miserable minute of it <3 I hope she stays and does some really unspeakable shit, not sure how, but I'm glad she's lasted this long.

Unfortunatley Caryn had to leave because people were too afraid to target Becky first. :( She played hard and well, but she unfort wasn't flexible enough and her schtick made it too easy for people to just target her out of convenience :'(

Shawn, is still yawn.

Ralph, however, has become an All-star in this. he's such a fucking character. I love his last minute plan to try to save Becky by throwing the vote onto Coby. The fact that Coby caught wind of it and was PISST was HULARIOUS. <3 Love when b-characters do things to become stars. Coby vs. Ralph is just so fucking cute I can't stand it <333333 Baboon if you know what I mean. Ralph doing hijinks is just hilarious. The fact that his fellow Namibians do not take him seriously at all to the point where it had no impact on the vote was even more hysterical. "Ralph... are you sure that's true my man?" icon_lol icon_lol icon_lol

Semhar has REALLY stepped her game up this season. Or rather, we're finally getting to see it. I think she needs to do a few more power moves and make it known publicly in order to win though. She's still seen as a background player and needs to fix that quickly if she wants any chance in the end.
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jul 14, 2014 11:26:21 pm

Put this gif in your blog

Thanks Soph... still editing in everyone, just posting every now and hten to make sure it doesn't get erased if I post incorrectly or something. Hate when you type a novel and it gets erased :(
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:12:44 am

Character ranking:

12. Shawn
11. Semhar
10. Coby
9. Becky
8. Katie
7. Ralph
6. Caryn
5. Marissa
4. Ibrehem
3. Rachel
2. Vytas
1. Cochran

Player Ranking:

12. Rachel
11. Caryn
10. Shawn
9. Ralph
8. Cochran
7. Semhar
6. Marissa
5. Katie
4. Coby
3. Becky
2. Vytas
1. Ibrehem

Favo Ranking:

12. Shawn
11. Ibrehem
10. Semhar
9. Katie
8. Rachel
7. Becky
6. Caryn
5. Marissa
4. Coby
3. Vytas
2. Cochran
1. Ralph
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:27:36 am

Filth Before the Finals
-The Merger Thus Far-

So I'm going to start this off unusually compared to the past blogs and first talk about why I've been so absent to catch up the players reading this and wondering. I've had a very important few freelance jobs come up that are very lucrative, and also very time consuming, unexpectedly. Of course, this comes before the game as real life often does and luckily for the first time in a long time i have the means and the supporting hosting staff to be able to do so.

Each one of the hosts I am so very grateful for. I cannot even begin to thank all of them. I just love the support and community that this family continues to bring to myself and each other. It really makes it all worth it for me. I get joy from seeing my players go on to do their things in other games and start other series and I love to help them be as successful in those endeavors as they can be. I began hosting a long time ago and it's not until I matured that I can appreciate players in my series creating their own games. Ever since helping to produce other series I've gotten that help back tenfold, which is a lesson in Karma for myself.

They've all been truly amazing this season from long-time legends like Brenda and now Mia who has got quite a few seasons under her belt to the newer All-stars like Frank and Sarah to the newest batch of hosts: Ashley, Sophie and Stephanie. Those three have REALLY helped me out in a way that I haven't had help in a very long time. I cannot say enough great things about them.

Especially Sophie who we gave a hard time to for messing up, I've encouraged to get back on the horse. I'm entrusting her and Sarah with another series, Isolated, and so I want her to grow as a host and I've given her free reign this season to practice on and made her keep trying until she perfects it. I love that she is willing to keep trying and accept that she makes flaws and move on from them.

Mia and Sarah, both experienced hosts but nevertheless helped me a ton in both confessionals and challenges/hosting duties. I've entrusted them with spin-off series and of course have helped Crash Course and take great pride in that. I hope to continue helping them develop and cast and everything and they're both my feisty vixens that always add a dose of personality to everything that is much needed (whether I ask for it or not)

Ashley and Frank have been phenomenal in both challenges but mainly in the Hidden Immunity Idol department. After witnessing the idols being found round after round very quickly last season (damn you Steph!) they were determined to make them much more difficult. Since that is a weakpoint of mine I gave them carte blanche and god damnit if they didn't make some of the hardest clues I've seen. Not too hard obviously because the idols were eventually found, but they really struck a perfect balance and took pride and had fun with creating the clues and truly added a lot to the experience this season.

And of course, Brenda, who took over for me countless times despite having said she wouldn't have the time this season has just been a God-send. It really will never be enough but I thank her so much for all she's done for the series and this season in particular from helping me with casting, to fleshing out concepts and twists. This has become as much her series as it is mine and I think that shows in the way everyone respects her and she's just amazing. Love love love.

-On to the Main Event-

When i think back to the season as a whole, it didn't feel like a second chance vs. new players season. It really felt like a season full of completely new players. By that I mean, everyone was super enthusiastic, incredibly involved and we saw COMPLETELY different sides to everyone playing, I think. The characters this season were all all-stars worthy I think. I mean that. It was certainly one of the most entertaining and ecclectic groups we've had in a long time.

I mean just thinking of characters like Caryn interacting with characters like Hayden, Cochran, and Marissa is amazing. You all know i love a good story and this season was chocked full of story-lines. LOVED. Furthermore I think each character had their own individual storyline of growth and that's equally amazing. That's ultimately why we play games isn't it, to get a story out of it.

I'm extremely story-based vs. strategy based when it comes to these things, that's just who I am. I've based the entire philosophy and dynamics of Stranded to bring out the best stories possible. I feel like we come into this game, we aren't playing for money, at best we're playing for bragging rights, but to whom? I think what we really want out of it is an experience and a story and i try to make sure everyone has one that they remember fondly (sometimes negatively) when they leave.

One of my favorite stories this season hands down, is Cochran/Vytas. I think it's also the one that has shaped the entire season completely. When people think of Namibia, they will think of Grant, Ashley and Sophie and their stories that affected everyone else. When people think of Portugal, I think they'll remember Vytas, Cochran and the way their journey has affected everyone else. It's so fucking interesting. First off, the fact that they are secret friends is interesting enough. But then layer on top of that the fact that Cochran completely went rogue and betrayed Vytas early into the swap. Then add to that the fact that Vytas saved him and also kind of threw him under the bus in the merge. Then you throw into that the fact that Cochran saved Vytas who later used his idol on him and they both became huge targets and frienemies that have to keep each other in, but also secretly want to get the other out to beat them. It's so fucking fascinating. I just love that they also have this brotherly competitive dynamics that you can tell Vytas is like the older brother that Cochran desperately wants to be but just cant live up to. Still, in his own way he's made serious damage in this game and I think could probably win against Vytas in the final 2. Several steps along the way he has stumbled ass backwards into outplaying Vytas, but all along I think has looked up to him and strived to become the player that Vytas is.

Adding yet ANOTHER layer to this complex relationship is Marissa who started out on Bracari with Vytas and later ended up on bad-news-bracari with Cochran and the three of them were the only remaining members of Bracari to make the merge. Amazing. The fact that they all made the final six was incredible, but then you had Marissa's side dealings and she was a fucking boss in this. She came across as super strategic, extremely likable, constantly playing the game hard and ultimately that made her a huge jury threat, for good reason. I think she really grew as a player. This was not the same person that came in on day one with an obnoxious schtick. She very quickly became one of my favorite characters this season and that showed. The fact that she had such a great time is just the cherry on her beautiful black cake. <3 I expect great things to come from Marissa in future seasons, this will surely not be her last! She wasn't afraid to call a spade a spade yet at the same time had her finger on the pulse for every decision which is not easy to do.

I'm actually starting to turn the corner on Shawn and his ~existence~ in this game as minuscule as it may be. He's really a favorite of the jury and the fact that they see him as something much more than what we do tells me something. He's actually a really likable person and I think that's playing to his advantage in the game. That doesn't excuse the fact that he's been somewhat invisible the entire game, but at least i'm giving him SOME credit here. He is not a bad player, just a dull one.

Ibrehem, unfortunately I think his performance here has gone down since the premerge. I really felt like he was playing a much better game this time around and sadly he's fallen into the same trap i think as last season (of his). He's just a bit boring at this point. I don't know that a jury would award him the win with his game play this season. I just don't see it. I mean it's good that he's taken the foot off the gas a bit and slowed his target down a bit since booting Becky, but... too much. To the point where now I'm not even sure if he could beat Shawn in the finals, it's that bad.

Semhar on the other hand I think has struck the perfect balance of playing hard and lying low. I mean i hate to say that because she would be such a cliché stranded winner. She's essentially playing the same game as Stephanie and the jury even agree she'd probably win against one of Shawn/Ibrehem in the final two and that would be good, but just good. Unlike Stephanie though, I think she's relied on being likable whereas Stephanie actually had game. Not that Semhar doesn't, but... her game is strategic/social. Stephanie's game was like... finding 4 idols and winning immunities and leading an alliance. Just different but same perception on the outside I think. I think she's the most likely winner here, but also would be yet another safe female winner for Stranded's recordbooks.

I've covered the final 6 and now I'm going to talk about the merge characters leading up to this point. Starting in backwards order with the legendary, Creepy Coby™. He's certainly changed his Stranded Legacy for the better. I think he most reminds me of Carl in Stranded with Rivals. He came into the game as the superfan and turned into the socially awkward super lovable outcast underdog! His rant followed by being the biggest target only to win immunity and then push that target onto someone else to survive until the final 7. i mean I NEVER thought I would see that coming from COBY. He really made himself into a fan favorite which was his story all season. He was just such a great guy and a loveable person. He didn't take any bullshit and started the game on a great note talking about how badly he wanted this and his passion showed. I think this will go down as Coby's best outing in ORG's and I think it's All-star worhty. Which, yes, he was in All-stars 2, but this is the first time i htink he's gone from lurker/second chancer to a full fledged All-star and I couldn't be happier for him. He now has a great legacy in Stranded and one that is legendary. Way to go cobe!!! <3

I think it's fitting that we're following someone who turned into an underdog sweetheart with someone I was equally enthralled with for the complete opposite reason. It's been a while since we've had someone so outwardly evil with actually zero fucks given. Of course i'm talking about none other than Rachel. She made a huge impression from the get go and went out with an equally big bang. I'd like to think that towards the end we actually saw a much softer side from her. I don't know if anyone will get this reference but while I'm currently watching Big Brother UK she really reminds me of Helen this season who is this huge outspoken bitch who argued with everyone over everything and destroyed them publicly in arguments. But as time went on we got to see a much softer side to her and realized, okay she's not really this huge cunt, but just really really honest. i think we witnessed a little bit of that when Rachel was coaching Coby on his confidence and telling him to calm the fuck down because it's her and that was okay. She's such a secure person and to see her opening up and helping other people be a bit more confident was great. She's a huge villain but for sure a complex one and I cannot wait to see the future for Rachel because I think she has a lot more to offer us. Definitely a huge character this season and a big part of what made it so fun to watch.

Then of course their Ralph. I really think he was gone too soon here because he was such an integral part of the fabric of the season. I think a Shawn boot right here would've have been so ideal and wouldve made this season much much better. Not that it was bad by any stretch of the imagination, but imagine a final 8 with Ralph, Coby, Rachel, Semhar, Vytas, Cochran, Marissa, Ibrehem... right?! There are suddenly very few if any weak links. I've said enough about how much I love Ralph and everyone knows just how loveable, unique, and amazing Ralph is so I'll spare everyone my gushing. However, towards the end we got to see Ralph's more devious and fun side which is always great. It reared it's ugly head and of course got him booted, but it was fun none-the-less. We wouldn't expect anything less from Ralph and I think he really made everyone's experience better. How can you not be happier just being around that guy <3

Then we have everyone's favorite sneaky asian <3 Becky goddess. I'm not saying that I didn't like Becky here because of course I did, but I'm glad she left in the early merge and here's why. She was too polished and too good this time around. Of all the second chancers, she's the one who's changed the least. In that sense, she really didn't need this season. She came in 2nd place on her original season and has since been in countless ORGs and played well there. We know her game, she's a UTR social boss. That's exactly what she delivered here. I was kind of hoping she would be forced into an OTT roll and have to be out of the shadows. She was forced there but unfortunately she didn't know what to do in that position and just got the boot for being too large of a target. For that reason, I'm glad she left early because otherwise we'd be declaring her the winner of the season adn she would have just waltzed her way to an easy victory and that's no fun. Love her though and she added a lot to the season so I'm glad she was here <3

Last, but certainly not least is Caryn. Man Caryn played a strong game and was another character that really shaped how this game panned out. The problem with Caryn was that she was too one dimensional. By that I mean, she just could not get out of her bubble of who she thought she would be in the finals with. I guess it's one thing to be extremely loyal and I totally admire that, but at the same time you can be loyal and still know when its best to go on your own. For instance, she was extremely loyal to Ibrehem, but the entire season in confessionals she was telling us that Ibrehem was closer to other players. When we asked her about this, countlessly, she always replied with "ibrehem is my number one and i trust him implicitly." Meanwhile she would be telling us that Ibrehem is super close with x and x person and they're giving him information and he's telling them things. It's like... girl, if he's so close with these other players what makes you so special. Maybe she was just too self centered to see it, but I really think its more so that she was just so loyal to him outside the game and in that she could not fathom that she wasn't as important to him as he was to her. That bit her in the ass hard. I think if Caryn plays again she needs to keep in mind that she can use anyone to her advantage and that she should not get locked into one set of friends. Try to explore every avenue whether you like the people or not. Use them and throw them away gurl!

So that's it. one crazy wild adventure full of some great stories that I cannot wait to see come to a close. I hope all the players have had fun playing, I've had a blast watching them play. I'm just so excited to see how this all pans out.
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Jeff Probst
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Re: Jeff's Blog - The Captain's Log

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:49:44 am

That post <3
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Mia Galeotalanza
Posts: 431
Joined: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:00:59 pm

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