Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:25:11 pm

8th Place

Fuck girl you were not my fav at all. You gave me the shits pre-merge with your slut schtick (and coming from me that is extremely rich and prolly says something tbh) and your WAY OVER THE TOP blow up at HayGod was kind of the nail in your coffin with me tbh. Don't diss one of my baes </3 icon_redface Having said that, reading you two bitch each other out was amazing especially since Hayden never seemed to get angry over anything else except when he was ranting about you. So congratulations on that I guess icon_laughing

Post-merge you annoyed the shit out of me again with your playing the victim at every tribal. WAH I'M GETTING VOTES ugh so fucking what grow some balls, bitch. Nobody needs to hear that shit all the time, and the truth is, everyone claims "saw it coming" at every single tribal on the off chance they get blindsided so they can pretend that really did see it coming. You likely DID see it coming, but my point is really just that you gotta keep that shit to yourself, not advertise all the time. It's irritating and it actually makes it look like you don't trust your allies. Why will they want to continue to work with someone who is perpetually convinced you are going to backstab them? Think about it!

You cried wolf 3 tribals in a row, and when it finally was the truth, nobody was around to save you, and I didn't give a shit because you had it coming and it saved Coby-god icon_wub

I expected you to hate me when you hit the jury after i called you on it, but you seemed to take it in stride and girl tbh ily for that icon_wub even if you did kill me off with boring-Ibe's dick (fuck you, ho!) in the Stranded in Portugal fanfic. Rude! You were mostly amaze on the jury and you served it COLD to Vytas when he showed up <3 but you were wack during FTC. If you're gonna tell them you're basing your vote on how much they make themselves look shit, it is beyond retarded to then say you won't vote for that person because they made themselves look shit. You didn't want to vote Coch which was plainly obvious, but just be upfront about it there's no need to be a devious little cunt to someone who - in my honest opinion - played a much better game than you did icon_whistling

This is a harsh post, but yeah. my feelings toward you now are generally positive in fact but FTC was a mess. Fake bitches being fake is something I hate when you're not even in-game anymore.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:25:27 pm

7th Place

At first I didn't really see you as anything important. You were Katie's friend and I knew you from Crashcourse (heyy <3) but that was it. Your confessionals were always entertaining though. Pre-merge (and tbh post-merge too) I avoided the PMs like the plague (10,000+ of them the whole game, forget THAT) so reading entertaining confessionals was always an enormous highlight for me. You were always on the lower end of the totem pole unfortunately, and Katie getting removed did absolutely NOTHING for you icon_weep

When you won the challenge I set, I was SO. THRILLED. for you and then immediately devastated that it meant Ralph was leaving instead. icon_weep But I was still so happy for you! You really pulled it out when you needed to Cobes, and 7th place was a really fantastic effort given the position you were in at Day 3!

Your audio confessionals were PERFECTION. Every time a new one got posted there'd be an announcement in the Host Chat - ~new coby confessional! [link]~ followed by hosts loving it <3 I always loved how the music was timed in them. Still haven't heard your FTC one :( will do that soon hopefully. Jury loved it but Katie really ~didn't~ and I'm on Katie's side for most of this FTC business so ..... who knows.


Loved you loved you loved you I don't know what more to say. Your boot was beyond devastating icon_weep
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:25:45 pm

6th Place

Okay so you know I love you. Truth is you were pretty much off my radar most of the game because I am a lazy bitch who doesn't like reading PMs. Your confessionals were decent but not riveting so you were always just ~there~ When all of my favourites started leaving one after the other I started noticing the other big players, and boy did you smack me in the fucking face!

You were heavily involved in a lot of the action from the merge and were honestly set to slay everyone in FTC from the second Becky left I'd say. Only contenders would be Coby or Semhar to be honest, possibly only Coby for the underdog story. You had a great presence, were a diva (though I'm not going to lie you aren't Sasha Fierce girl, sorry, and the Beyonce gifs got tired). You got taken out by Ibe and never realised he turned on you? That's kind of awk since you've been sucking some Ibe dick in Ponderosa since then icon_whistling

But Marissa we need to talk about FTC.

That was just embarrassing for you. I know what it's like to feel like you were all that and a bag of chips strategically in a game, but damn you gotta be careful. You were claiming like every single move in the game as your own last night and that was seriously awkward for you because if you honestly believe that, you're a delusional-ass bitch icon_wacko As much as you don't want to admit it, Cochran was heavily involved in a lot of moves too, and he made it to the end, not you. Don't need to steal his thunder just to be a bitch. You guys were cruel to him there - esp with your catty bullshit in Ponderosa - like girls why are you even gleefully trying to poke holes? It's beyond sad and you look jealous and bitter. Pretty much everyone voted for Ibe (which I think unfairly downplays Cochran's game, whether or not Ibe deserves the win) but it was only you 3 that really took special joy in kicking him in the face about it.

You guys let him get to the end. It's your own fault.

Aside from that, I look forward to seeing you play again :) Bring it, baby icon_wub
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26:04 pm

5th Place

Started off shaky, you were a considered boot extremely early and it was beyond upsetting for me that it was even a possibility. What you've proven, as much as I love Cochran and Ralph, is that you are the Namibiownage Rep this season <3 You were probably a lock to win against most people at the merge aside from Becky and Marissa. I just loved you. You definitely had the most amazing merge avatar to boot icon_wub icon_wub The other hosts might call this a redemption story for you, but to me it's just you finally getting your time to shine after you got brutally slayed in Namibia before your time.

I had a great feeling about you during the casting phase and I had a great feeling about you playing and I was really happy when you brought it like you did! You came so close to the 4th place club too (and let's be real, you're more deserving of it than Vytas who was kind of a sack of shit, sorry not sorry) icon_whistling

You are also the shining light of the jury as of now. Calling out bullshit by both Coch and Ibe, not just sucking Ibe dick like the others, even if you did vote for Ibe in the end :P You were just brilliant there, and like Ralph brought a wonderful energy to liven up the place which was starting to reek of inflated egos and stale in-fighting. icon_wub
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26:18 pm

4th Place

How do I feel about you? To be perfectly honest, I hated you in this game. I hate that you are joining the 4th place club with a game like the heap of shit you served up. I felt like you didn't take it seriously a lot of the time, and this is my favourite series so it gave me the shits every time you took the piss. Dropped out of challenges, made a poor effort in communicating with people especially come the merge, turned yourself into a massive goat and then to top it off acted like you'd almost played that way on purpose.

Time for a reality check, buttercup. Stephanie is kissing your ass because she loves you - clearly. We all love you, but you gotta get real. You didn't put in the effort in some aspects that you put into others, and you desperately attempted to maintain this front - even in confessionals - like you didn't care when clearly you did. Just our interactions over the idols are a perfect example of this. You were so convinced they were easy solves you got another player booted because of it, and then you spent HOURS when you did realise it was still out there searching while trying to act as if you weren't - even to us - even to me and Frank, who made the damned things and knew they were purposefully dickishly hard. What. Is. The. Point. ???? You want to be this cool player in every game - just be yourself, at least in confessionals where it doesn't matter!

Every time you got surprised by something, you acted like you saw it coming - everyone does this, but you'd make elaborate stories about how you knew it was happening, just not the exact details of how. Come on, Vytas! If you spent less time trying to maintain this in-control persona and more time trying to get people in this game to like you, you probably could have really made it to the end with a shot to win. Instead, you're hated by everyone, and you've got some slap-shod mess of a game to show for it. icon_no If you'd paid more attention you'd have stopped underestimating Cochran so much and realised what was happening around you. You almost went home! He mis-voted and you were so. fucking. lucky. and you still sit on the jury acting like Coch is a pussy bitch when in reality you fucking got owned by someone you assumed wasn't ever going to betray you.

Don't even get me started on giving up in challenges. You quit the F4 challenge! Fuck. Right. Off! You don't know this but we made that challenge specifically so it was doable by everyone, and you sat out feeling too confident and it bit you right in the ass and you know what? Good. You sure as fuck deserved it!
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26:30 pm

3rd Place

I didn't know much about your game and my opinion of you was very different to most of the other hosts for a long time because unlike them I almost never read PMs, and especially not any involving you. You seemed boring, kind of invisible. Pre-merge I thought you were lucky that Bracari had so many issues with John and Brad that pushed you up the social ladder, but then you fell of my radar and that was that.

Cue the people I liked disappearing and the jury coming up and WTF? Apparently people like you and you're not a worthless goat? How in the world??? By the sounds of it, your social game is phenomenal. Or maybe you're just that guy who never starts shit so nobody has a negative thing to say? I don't know. We always knew the F2 twist would probably take down a huge contender to win but never did I imagine that person would be you.

The others will no doubt disagree but I view you the same way I view Ibe. Didn't do a whole lot, let others get all the hard work down, made some decisions when you needed to, and coasted most of the way. the difference I think is that you had a great social game to speak of, where-as the highlight of Ibe is "not being Cochran". icon_wacko
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:26:41 pm

FTC Commentary

First of all - I was rooting for Cochran. Let's get it out there. that was a thing. I acknowledge it.

This jury is fucking wack. The problem with having big personalities is that chances are those people are seriously deluded and closed minded. The fact is Ibe was a jury panderer extraordinaire and Semhar is the only person who saw it. For the rest of you - I am embarrassed for you. The worst part is that I can't even really fault Ibe for it because it clearly fucking worked given the vote is an insane Cochran lock-out.

Cochran gave really great answers - and speaking as an eye in the sky, he was being on point and honest the entire time. Reading you guys just pick it all apart when you guys were mostly wrong was pretty disappointing. It was like watching a big huge pity party. You guys let him get to the end and refused to accept responsibility for it so decided to take it all out on him.

Rachel - what a fake! Asking troll questions and then making piss-poor excuses why you're doing the exact opposite of what you said you would do is just pathetic.

Coby - saying you're not voting Cochran because he wouldn't "go the distance" to prove he wanted the win??? You asked for erotic fanfiction! You are an utter gronk!

Ibe winning isn't even a big deal - this F2 is pretty average overall to be honest and it could've gone either way, but y'all put on a poor show last night.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:27:09 pm

2nd Place

COCHRAN icon_wub Do you even know how much of a presence you were here? People can badmouth you all they want but when it comes down to, you were involved in the vast majority of the moves in this game in some way or another, both significant and secondary. This game would not be the same without you in it - not nearly the same. You were so great pre-merge, at least to begin with and all of the hosts were talking about how great it was to see you coming into this with a passion to prove yourself. Any of them *cough Frank* try and deny that and they are 100% full. of. shit.

Your amazing game turned into a bit of a mess when everyone collectively realised you were a snake icon_laughing but you maintained great connections with Vytas, Coby, Hayden and Katie. The greatest thing about you was how hard you clearly tried. You had a million ideas a minute and most of them never left your confessional but you tried to make moves, even if some or most didn't pan out as expected :P

You went into the Finale without Vytas but fair enough to you. People acting like you made a huge mistake don't know how to do basic maths. You took a route that guaranteed you a F2 spot 100%. Keeping Vytas over Ibrehem would've cut that to 66% (Shawn would've taken Vytas to F2 over you). Nobody felt like owning up to the little fact and instead pretended you should've just known information they've had the ability to discuss while they sat there festering hate for weeks.

Ignore Frank's haterade. You were GREAT. IN. THIS.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:27:25 pm


You were here. Sorry mate I don't have much to say about you. Go read the other hosts' blogs. People are kissing your ass saying you were amazing but I don't see it. A couple of totally middle of the road people got to the end (to be honest most of the F4 were MOR) and you are just lucky enough to have a jury that hates Cochran more than they hate you.

So congratulations?

I'm not saying you don't deserve your win - you made it to the end and that says a lot. You have your win and I commend you for it :) But I can't comment much on a game I didn't witness.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:16:30 pm

Those last eight seem kinda lacking.
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:01:49 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:Those last eight seem kinda lacking.

excuse me. last 6*
edit: 5*
edit: 3*
edit: 2*
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Re: Ashley presents... "High Glitz: Courtside"

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:44:15 pm

Mia Galeotalanza wrote:just saw that post, bitch. you'll die for this.

icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling icon_whistling

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