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Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:03:32 pm
by Jeff Probst
What the fuck gurl, you were gonna win anyway, why did you try to use your prior relationship with Caryn to get ahead?!

Plus it's fucking Caryn, she doesn't have much to offer you XD

Idol souvenir?

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:06:33 pm
by Frank the Tank
Facepalm. That was such a stupid way to end your game lol, you had such promise.

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:11:43 pm
by Ashley Underwood
I wish your meeting hadn't been pushed back/ cancelled :( You were so, so good in this right up to the ~scandal~


Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:17:30 pm
by Brenda Lowe

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:30:48 pm
by Kim P
Did she get disqualified?

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:30:56 pm
by Stephanie Valencia

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:32:21 pm
by Kim P
Oh I see now. Tough luck :/

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:46:11 pm
by Skinny Ryan
I'm so bitter now...

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:33:17 pm
by Sophie P Clarke
You were honestly someone I was rooting for the most to win this, and seeing you go out this way just because of some unfortunate slips is terrible. You were a great player and terrific at the social game as well. Thanks for playing at least!

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:15:36 am
by Laura

You were amazing. icon_cry

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:21:25 am
by Ashley Underwood
Laura wrote:NO!

You were amazing. icon_cry

Preach, gurl. icon_cry

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:53:19 am
by Katie
Yeah, that was dumb, dumb, dumb. I really didn't mean to push it as far as I did and it was a complete brain-fart/blank moment that I am really sorry I even bothered trying to bring it up. I didn't even need Caryn, I'm not sure why I even tried that as I had completely forgotten Cochran had told me that Vytas and Caryn weren't getting along anyway and had a massive blue over the idol puzzle pieces or something so I should have taken the easy cut of another partnership duo in the game and kept my focus on that.

My brain was mash-potato that day, I was juggling the challenge with things in the office and just got over-excited to be in such a good spot at the merge and kinda botched it all in the end... Those of you who know me know I seem to ALWAYS find the most amazing ways to botch things so why wouldn't my best game also involve my best botch?

BUT - I do want to say a massive sorry to Poody and let him know I've never slapped my forehead so hard and so often as I have in the past 24 plus hours. That was, in no way, designed to be an intentional cheat or a way for me to manipulate the game to gain an advantage, I just got excited like a kid of Christmas and forgot for a second that there isn't a difference between DOESN'T KNOW and SHOULDN'T KNOW in terms of ID. My first experience in a half-open ID game on the closed side and I guess I appreciate now that it can be difficult at times keeping your mouth shut but agree on the importance to the game in retaining a closed ID environment.

Also, thanks to all the hosts as well. I started off lukewarm and unsure if I could really play this very well and you guys were a massive, massive part of how much I enjoyed this experience. The bitter end notwithstanding this easily was just a brilliant an ORG experience as any I have played and I wish I could have seen it through properly.

Thanks especially to mah girl Ashley, who pushed me to join Stranded as soon as she wrapped up last season and wouldn't get off my tail about it. Thanks to Mia for bringing me the opportunity and Brenda for holding my hand and kicking my ass at the same time and getting me back here, tail between my legs. Thanks Sophie and Frank too, this has honestly been an amazing hosting crew.

So I will be here to cheer my boys on till the end! Got my fingers crossed for all three of them but not sure if Vytas can put enough of a lid on the vitriol to avoid being an early-merge target. I kinda wish I had transferred my idol across to either Coby or Cochran, since my dumbass move robbed him of a pretty good shot at the talismans but I hope those guys can stick together.

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:11:51 am
by Sophie P Clarke
Aw this was sweet to read! So how would you rank the remaining people left in terms of who you are rooting for? (Just because you're out of the game doesn't mean you escape confessional-esque questions! :P ) Sticking with Limici all the way, or rooting for your partner Cochran?

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 11:41:20 am
by Hayden
such an adorable Goddess! friendly, beautiful, fierce competitor, complete package! luv ya

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:23:51 pm
by Ashley Underwood
That's my Katie icon_wub


Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 6:46:09 pm
by Jeff Probst
Honestly, an all-star and now infamous performance. We'll see you hopefully have a redemption arch some day <3

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 7:28:47 pm
by Katie
Sophie P Clarke wrote:Aw this was sweet to read! So how would you rank the remaining people left in terms of who you are rooting for? (Just because you're out of the game doesn't mean you escape confessional-esque questions! :P ) Sticking with Limici all the way, or rooting for your partner Cochran?

I'm really hoping to see Coby, Cochran and Vytas all do really well but I guess I am spoiled for choice in terms of who I would be really happy to see do well because any of nuLimici in the end would also make me extremely happy. Honestly, Ralph was just cute as a button and even Shawn and I were coming along nicely in terms of developing a friendship so I suppose I would rank them:

1. Coby
2. Cochran
3. Vytas
small gap
4. Becky
5. Ralph
small gap
6. Shawn
big gap

7. Marissa
8. Rachel
9. Caryn
10. Semhar
11. Ibe
(most of these just by virtue of not having really worked with any of them)

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 8:18:05 pm
by Katie
OK - ngl, it's a little frustrating hearing that one of my warnings was due to private conversations I was having with my RL friend about something outside of the game. To me, that's tantamount to saying "when you're on Survivor, speak only about being on Survivor". Coby and I had almost literally just come out of that experience and that experience was what led to us being paired up here. Did I think that even mentioning it would be a warnable offence? Heck no. I see why the Caryn thing was far more severe but I think lumping that in with stuff I was saying in PMs to my RL friend as well as in confessionals (where players are told they are allowed to speak freely about ID and that sort of thing), is painting an inaccurate picture of me.

Re: Welcome, Katie

PostPosted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:57:46 am
by Mia Galeotalanza
Gurl icon_cry