Can I just point out here as well:
The jurors said Coch booting Vytas was the ~biggest mistake of the game~ because Coch would've beat him 100%
apparently. Here's the breakdown - since Shawn claims to know Vytas is the biggest goat EVAR as well:
1. Cochran boots Vytas - he makes F3 OR F2 100% of the time. No matter who wins immunity.
2. Cochran boots Ibrehem - he makes F2 66.6% of the time - Vytas would take Coch, Coch would go if he won, BUT Shawn would boot Cochran and take Vytas.
Which sounds like the better strategic move when you have literally never won an individual immunity challenge?
Marissa was a great player but she got a head 10 sizes too big last night. She was not the kingpin she claims to be, and taking credit for everything like she did is just ridiculous. Cochran deserves the credit for the moves he made, and they were just too blinded by hatred of him to give him that recognition. Becky, Rachel + Marissa just being a trio of catty circle-jerkers picking apart everything Cochran said was pretty disappointing as well - especially given a number of things they claimed he was lying about or delusional about were in fact things he was being 100% on point about.
SemGoddess was the shining light of that tribal council.